The Alchemists

George Feels Sorry For Rune

George Feels Sorry For Rune

"Oh ..."     

Rune nodded in understanding. He then met two of Rose's other friends. There's George from Texas, the tycoon's son who owned the apartment building where Rose lived now.     

Then there was Peter Wellington who is the son of a famous movie director and was now pursuing the movie industry in Hollywood to follow in his father's footsteps.     

Two of Rose's other friends were in Asia and couldn't make it to this dinner.      

From Rose, Rune heard that they were the sons of famous businessmen as well. Ahh ... indeed, Rose had a good connection with people from high society.     

"I didn't expect you'd be wearing a men's outfit to this dinner," Helene commented to Rose with a chuckle. "People will think I'm the only woman here."     

Rose just laughed at Helene's words. She then whispered to the girl, what happened when she and Rune ate at The Lily the last time. Helene laughed out loud at Rose's explanation.     

"What is so funny?" asked Peter in amazement.     

Helene shook her head. "Nothing. Rose did something crazy as usual."     

Her friends laughed too. They didn't have to ask for details, they could already imagine the madness Rose Fournier was in. Rune watched their interactions with great interest.     

Ahh ... how nice it was to be Rose. The girl had very close friends, and they seemed to have a very good relationship.     

Food and drinks were served, and they ate while chatting. Rose introduced Rune as her boyfriend, and her friends seemed to accept their relationship well.     

"Where did you guys meet?" asked Helene curiously. "How long have you been in a relationship?"     

"It's been a month," said Rose. "We're living together now."     

"Oh, really? Isn't it too fast?" asked Helene again. She turned to Rune and studied the man. Ahh .. Rune did look really handsome. He and      

Rose looked so good together. Helene decided to probe Rune. "What do you do?"     

Rune cleared his throat. He realized that Helene was now judging his cheap-looking clothes and wondered where on earth Rose had met this man from the lower classes, given that Rose's circle of friends was always around the upper class.     

"We met via an online dating app," Rose hurriedly explained. "When we went out for the first time, we both felt such a strong connection. We feel compatible, and the sparks were amazing. We talked for hours and hours, never had enough of each other. It felt like I had known him for years. He did too. Isn't that right, honey?"     

Instantly Rune's face lit up when he heard Rose call him with the word 'Honey'. He became bolder and took Rose's hand and clasped it tenderly.     

"That's right. Rose is actually my first love. When I saw her for the first time, I felt like I was in a movie, played in slow motion. It felt so surreal."     

Right at that moment, a waiter came to bring the dessert. She was one of the waiters who also served Rune and Rose in this VVIP lounge last week. She frowned as the corner of her eye caught the scene of Rune holding Rose's hand.     

'Eh ... isn't this Young Master Rune Schneider? Today he came with another date?' The woman pretended not to notice and continued to do her job well. After she left the lounge, she looked back at them while scratching her head.     

'I just found out that Young Master also likes men.'     

"Why are you looking dazed, Ruth?" asked her coworker who saw the waiter standing in her place, looking confused. "Is something the matter?"     

Ruth, who saw Rune holding Rose's hand only shook her head.      

"Uhm .. nothing. I think my eyes were playing tricks on me."     

Meanwhile, in the lounge, Rose and her friends were still chatting about Rose and Rune's love life.     

"Well, Rune here is a fixer. He do freelance works to help researchers and journalists with logistics to locations around the world when they have to cover something or conduct research," said Rose, briefly describing Rune's profession as she had heard from the man.     

Seeing her friends frowning, Rose immediately added. "Rune is a free-spirited man. He would rather do freelance jobs like that than working in the office. Well, I personally think, as long as he likes what he does, I'll support him."     

"Oh, is that so?" George nodded in understanding. He glanced at Rune, looking sympathetic, but at the same time, his expression also looked like he was feeling sorry for Rose for having a boyfriend who couldn't hold a good job.     

The word 'freelancers', 'fixers', and the like were synonymous with odd jobs. Mostly, the people who did those were young people who were unable to get a good job.     

As the son of a wealthy family who owned a large company, George wanted to help Rose so that her boyfriend could have a better job. Hence he continued speaking in a casual tone, so as not to offend either Rose or Rune.     

"My family has several big companies. If you are tired of adventures .. and want to settle down somewhere doing boring office work, don't hesitate to call me," he said with a smile.     

Rose and Rune exchanged glances. The young man smiled broadly. He was secretly delighted because Rose's friends looked sympathetic toward him after knowing from Rose that he was just a freelancer.     

One thing he liked about Rose's friends was that, even though they were from the upper classes, they didn't look down on him for not being in the same level as them. In fact, it seemed that they wanted to help him out of their love for Rose.     

Ahhahaha ... Rune wanted to burst out laughing when he heard George's generous offer. If he was really interested in doing a boring office job, he was already in his family business.     

There were hundreds of subsidiaries under the Schneider Group. He only needed to choose a field that suited his interests. He could also work at the main company, that managed all those businesses.     

He believed his father would be very happy if Rune decided to take charge of the Schneider Group because now Caspar had to take care of it alone after Terry and London 'retire'.     

"Ahh .. thank you for your very generous offer," said Rune earnestly. "I never went to college, and I don't have any degrees. I don't think I have the skills or enough capacity to apply to any company. I don't want to ruin Rose's reputation if I screw up at your company should you decide to give me a job."     


Unknowingly, Peter, Helene, and George looked at each other.     

So, this guy never even went to college?     

Rose really had a unique taste for men, they thought in unison. She seemed to have a penchant for poor handsome men. In the past, she loved Leon ... and now Rune.     

"Hey ... stop it already ... you guys make Rune awkward," said Rose with a laugh. She waved her hand at George. "Dear George, I know your intentions are good, but Rune and I are fine. I'm not looking for a wealthy and highly-educated man as my partner in life. You should know me better. I really don't care whether my boyfriend has money or not. As long as he loves me .. . that is enough."     

She then looked at Rune's face lovingly. Rose's acting was so convincing, Even Rune was almost fooled. He felt his chest pounding very hard when Rose stared at him like that.     

Jeez ... why is my chest pounding like this? he thought in confusion. He was worried he was having a heart attack.     

He had never felt anything like this before. Helene, George, and Peter observed his flushed face. The three of them smiled at each other. It looked like this guy really loved Rose, they thought.     

Ah .. as long as Rose was happy, they would be happy for her and support her relationship with anyone.     

"I am very happy to see you two. It seems like you guys are really compatible," said Helene. Her face was decorated with a relieved expression.     

"Rune does make me very happy," said Rose, lying through her teeth. She smiled broadly.     

"Ah .. thank God. I was worried when I read the news last week. But apparently, my concern is groundless. You are fine, and you look so happy," said Helene again. She let out a long sigh. "I am happy for you."     

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