The Alchemists

Rune Wanted To Look Good

Rune Wanted To Look Good

"I'll tell you who I am after we have dinner with my friends at The Lily," said Rose, smiling. "But after I tell you about myself, you also have to tell me who you are."     

"Oh, what do you want to know about me?" Rune asked in return. "Don't you already know a few things? You have even met my nephews, niece, and brother-in-law's family."     

Rose shook her head. "I just found out a little bit. You once told me that you had two older siblings when we just met. But the other day,      

you suddenly said that you had three older siblings ..."     

Oh, Rune just realized that slipped one time. When Rose first asked how many siblings he had, he answered two because he only had two biological siblings, which means the siblings that shared the same father and mother with him. They were Aleksis and London.     

Later, however, when they talked about the topic again, Rune remembered that he actually had three biological siblings, even though one was not his father's.     

Terry was the biological son of his mother with Uncle Jean. However, Finland did not give birth to Terry, because Terry was born through an IVF procedure by a couple in Singapore. This couple had absolutely no family connection with them.     

Terry was born from an embryo, which was resulted from the fertilization between Finland's egg and Jean's sperm cell. They sold their seeds to a fertility clinic when Finland was in desperate need of money.     

So it was a strange situation for outsiders, how Terry was his half brother but also not really his brother.     

So, Rune made a mistake once when he was telling Rose about his siblings. Should he rectify it first and tell her everything in detail? Hmm ... that would be too weird, no?     

He would better lie because it was easier. He could just say that Terry was his adoptive brother. Explaining his strange family dynamic would be too confusing.     

"Both are actually true, Rose." Rune cleared his throat. "So, the truth is I only have two biological siblings. The third one is the adopted son of my family. That's why sometimes I mention that I have two siblings, and sometimes I would say that I have three."     

"Oh, I see..." Rose nodded in understanding. "Your family is very kind, huh. Your parents are willing to open their home and their heart for another child even though they already had three biological children. Raising children is not easy."     

"Hehehee .." Rune could only scratch his head, which was not itchy and did not respond.      

If only Rose knew that his father was so eager to have more kids. Even though Caspar and Finland already had four children, Caspar still pestered his wife to give birth to more children.     

"By the way, you never told me about your family, other than the fact that your parents are well off. Do you have siblings?" Rune asked in return.     

Rose sipped her tea and acted as if she didn't hear Rune's question. Her attitude astonished Rune. Was her family a sensitive topic for Rose too?     

"Hmm .. okay. If you don't want to answer now. I will wait until we meet your friends, and then you will tell me everything about you," said the young man finally. He smiled reassuringly, not wanting to make Rose feel bad for not answering his question.     

Ahh .. Rune couldn't wait to find out all about Rose! Soon!     

He would meet Rose's friends in a few days, and after that, his probation as her fake boyfriend would end, and Rose will open up to him.     

Rune praised himself for being so patient for so long.     

"Uhmm ... anything else you want to ask about my siblings?" Rune asked then to break the ice again. Rose nodded.     

"Now, I think everything is quite clear. You actually have three older siblings, and one is an adoptive brother. I also know that one of your brothers works for a laptop manufacturer that allows you to get the newest laptop before it hits the market. Your sister is married to a wealthy man who ... ahem, seems to be involved in the underworld, huh? So, what does your other brother do?"     

Rune hiccuped when he heard Rose's words that Aleksis married a man from the underworld.     

Gosh, if Alaric found out ...     

"Oh, the other one is currently studying film in Los Angeles," said Rune quickly. "You can meet him when he comes to New York."     

Indeed, after he retired from the Schneider Group, Terry had taken on a new identity as a student at LA Film Academy. He wanted to get back to the film industry as that was his main passion when he was in college, before helping the Schneider family with their business.     

"Oh ..." Rose nodded in understanding. "Alright, then."     

They finished lunch and returned to the apartment to relax. Since she was still a little dizzy from the hangover, Rose decided to lie back on the sofa and rest. Her mattress was still being dried on the balcony.     

Meanwhile, Rune sat on a dining chair and continued his work on data entry from his last trip to Amazon.     

He actually wanted to go to Aldebar's laboratory and continued working on the laughing machine as he had planned, but when he saw Rose looking weak and sad, he changed his mind.     

It would be better if he worked from home to keep an eye on Rose and help her if anything happened.     

While the man was busy working, Rose repeatedly stole glances at him and observed Rune. She kept thinking about what happened last night when she was drunk and embarrassing herself.     

Ahh ... Rune was really good at handling situations. Rose was very happy to know that Rune was mature, responsible, and basically a decent man who didn't take advantage of a drunk girl. The man could even make the situation sound funny.     

Rose laughed softly when she remembered Rune's answer this morning when she asked him whether she did anything embarrassing when she was drunk. The man joked that he saw Rose was dancing naked on the table while she was drunk.     

Crazy! Rose almost had a heart attack when she heard his words. Haha ... fortunately, Rune immediately explained that he was joking.     

Rose felt lucky to meet Rune, and the man agreed to be her boyfriend. She was happy she didn't misjudge Rune's character.     

Maybe she could just marry him?.      

Ah, Rose hurriedly pushed that thought out of her mind. She and Rune had only known each other intensely for a month. Indeed, their relationship was developing really quickly because they were living together and had an intense interaction. Thus help them to get to know each other very well.     

Rose shook her head. She shouldn't act desperate just to get back at Leon.     


Over the next few days, Rose's mood seemed to improve by far. She spent most of her time painting on the balcony.     

After he saw that Rose was all right, Rune started to go out and worked at Aldebar's laboratory. He wanted to make a machine that would make the girl laugh every time she was sad.     


"Are you ready?" Rose asked Rune, who still locked himself in the bathroom. The girl looked at her watch and sighed.      

Why was Rune taking so long in the bathroom? Was he sick?     

"Are you all right? Is there anything I can help you with?" asked Rose again.     

Rune replied from inside, "I'm fine. I'll be out in a moment."     

Rune was looking at his reflection in the mirror, and he felt astonished at himself. For the first time in his life, he felt insecure about his appearance.     

He was wearing the cheapest shirt he could find on the marketplace to trick Rose into thinking he was a poor man. But now that he knew tonight he would meet Rose's best friends, Rune had the urge to look his best.     

He knew how close was the relationship between Rose and her friends since they were all she kept talking about. Rune also wanted them to like him. That's why he wanted to look good.      

However, how could she look good in this cheap shirt and faux leather shoes? He'd been trying to think of a way to look classier and decent enough to be with Rose but couldn't.     

Ugh.. if they were not meeting Rose's friends, Rune wouldn't have cared. However, they were the people who were important to her, and Rune wanted to leave an impression.     

After thinking about ways to appear more attractive, Rune finally gave up and came out of the bathroom.     

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