The Alchemists

Romantic Dinner With Rose (1)

Romantic Dinner With Rose (1)

Rune remembered SpaceLab was the space exploration company initiated by Rhionen Industries, owned by his brother-in-law, Alaric, decades ago.     

After SpaceLab appointed a new leader in the year 2063, the company had become much more progressive. Every few months, Rune would read some wonderful news coming from there.     

Rune truly believed that in a short time, humankind would be able to start exploring outer space and leaving our solar system.     

Hmm .. he continued to read news after news with great interest and found one news that was quite interesting. The crown princess of the Moravian kingdom was rumored to be engaged to the Medion kingdom's crown prince.     

He remembered that Moravia was a small kingdom in Central Europe. Several years ago, it became a headline in the news because the crown prince, who was supposed to ascend the throne to replace King Gustave, suddenly declared his resignation.     

The whole world was shocked by the news. For everyone, the position of the future king was very desirable. However, Prince Renald Hanenberg did not seem to care about it.     

He called a press conference and stated that he hated the royal family and did not want to be associated with them any longer.     

In his remarks at the press conference, journalists and the general public were all shocked by Prince Renald's allegations that the royal family had forced his mother to marry a rapist.     

However, because his mother, Princess Hannah, refused the betrothal, her marriage to the prince's biological father was not acknowledged by the court.     

This news shocked both Moravia and its neighboring countries in Europe. King Gustave was in shock at this news and subsequently had a heart attack.     

Before he passed away, the old king had signed a constitutional change. In the past, only the male  heirs had the right to the throne, but with this change, now, female descendants also had the same claim.      

The old king had to sign the constitutional change because the Hanenberg family no longer had direct male descendants other than Prince Renald, who had resigned from his position as the crown prince and chose to give up his aristocratic status to become a commoner.     

After King Gustave died, his eldest granddaughter, Princess Caroline, was crowned the queen of Moravia.      

The new queen had a daughter who automatically became the crown princess after the coronation.      

Hmm .. Rune found out that the princess from Moravia was younger than Rose. She was only 20 years old.     

"She is very young, huh .." Rune commented while examining the photo of the young couple. The Medion crown prince looked very handsome and impressive, while Moravia's princess was beautiful and graceful.     

He wondered if this couple was arranged to be married or if they actually loved each other. They looked good together, but still too young to marry, Rune thought.      

He then coughed to himself when he remembered that Rose and Princess Anne of Moravia were not all that different in age and that he had imagined marrying Rose.     

"You must not have double standards, Rune," scolded Rune to himself. He then turned to the stairs and wondered whether Rose had finished showering or not.     

Ahh ... he could only ask himself why Rose was crying earlier today.      


Half an hour later, Rose walked down the stairs from the loft to meet Rune, who was sitting leisurely in their living room.     

"I'm hungry," said the girl.     

Rune looked at his watch. It's 7 pm. It is time for dinner. He guessed that Rose hadn't had time to eat lunch earlier because when Rune left, the girl was just starting to paint.      

When he returned, Rose was still on the balcony with her painting kit. This means that she hadn't had time to go out to get food.     

She must be very hungry.     

"Let's eat out," said Rune. "My treat. I just got money."     

Rose stared at Rune for a long time. She still didn't know that Rune was the son of one of the wealthiest families in the world. She didn't have the heart to let Rune spend money to treat her. She was able to pay for the food herself.     

"I don't want you to waste money," said the girl. "Hey .. if you want to treat me because you think I'm sad and you want to console me .. I really appreciate it. But .. really, that's not necessary."     

"I'm not going to treat you because I want to console you, really ... "said Rune quickly. "I'm in the mood to eat good food today. That's all. "     

" ... "     

"Think of it as going on a date with me. What do you think? As a good boyfriend, I want to take you to a nice date spot, the one worthy of a girl as beautiful and as attractive as you ..." Rune walked over, grabbed Rose's hand, and then closed the distance between them. His face and the girl's face were very close from each other.     

Rose batted her lashes in shock when she saw Rune's actions.     

"You ..." She could not continue her words.      

This man is too confident, Rose thought to herself.      

She didn't mind it, though. She was actually happy because Rune did not exaggerate the incident where she was crying earlier.     

"So?" Rune looked closely at Rose. "Will you go out on  a date with me?"     

Rose smiled broadly. "I'd love that."     

"Good. I've booked a place for us, "said Rune happily." I'll shower quickly and change clothes. "     

He pecked Rose's cheek and immediately ran to the bathroom before she could protest.      

After he arrived in the bathroom, Rune immediately called St. Laurent Hotel's general manager and booked the most exclusive table in their fancy restaurant.     

Once he made the reservation. Rune immediately showered and got dressed neatly. As a man, he did not take long to get ready. In ten minutes or so, he already walked cheerfully into the living room and met Rose.     

"Come on, let's go," he said, smiling broadly.     

"Where do you want to take me?" asked Rose, as she rose from her chair.     

"Somewhere nice. My lovely sister has a connection with the manager of one of the best restaurants in the city," said Rune while holding Rose with his right hand.     

Rose did not reject Rune's sweet treatment because she was used to getting along with male and female friends who would treat her nicely too.     

"We'll go there by car, "said Rune as he opened up the lobby door for Rose while his left hand was still holding the girl. When they arrived at the front of the building, they saw a luxury car in black was waiting for them. Rune quickly explained, "My sister sent the driver to pick us up."     

The luxury vehicle and the driver was indeed sent by Aleksis when Rune told her that he wanted to invite Rose to eat in a fancy place to comfort the sad girl.     

At first, Rose was stunned when she saw such a luxurious vehicle. She turned to Rune, frowning.     

"Is your sister rich?"     

Rune nodded. "She married a very wealthy man. They stay in a mansion in Manhattan. "     

Manhattan was the most expensive location in New York and they had a mansion??? Rose couldn't believe her own hearing.     

"Ahh ... " Rose stared at Rune's appearance, who still looked simple. She nodded to herself. Rune must be a simple man who didn't rely on nepotism and made his older sister pay for his lifestyle.     

Rose saw so many people from the upper class who marry a girl from the lower class and experience many problems. Usually, the girl's family would try to take advantage of the husband's family's wealth and got something out of it.     

But, from what she could see, Rune had always lived a simple life. He was also busy working here and there, for example, accompanying researchers to the Amazon and making many trips for research assignments.     

His clothes were also always simple, and there was nothing expensive in his closet.  This was the first time Rune used his older sister's family car, and that's because his sister offered her.     

"My sister is very supportive of our relationship. She said I should treat you well and take you to eat at a good restaurant," said Rune with a laugh. "So, if you've decided to raise my status from a fake boyfriend to a real boyfriend, I will definitely be the best lover you ever had. "     




From the author:     

Thank you so, so much for your patience. The story is moving slowly, but I hope you like it. ^^     

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