The Alchemists

Dinner With Nicolae & Marie

Dinner With Nicolae & Marie

Peter shook his head." I don't know why you go to school here and why do you always try to get expelled — This morning I was so sure you seriously wanted to admit to the crime and get yourself expelled but in the end, you didn't have the heart to see us scared to death, since you know Ferguson would find out we are involved— I also don't know who Leon is…"     

Rose suddenly turned cold. "I also don't know anything about you and I don't care."     

She walked away, leaving Peter stunned.     

Peter immediately realized his mistake and ran after Rose.     

"Hey… listen, I don't want to ruin our friendship. I am sorry. I won't ask any more questions."     

His earnest gaze stirred up Rose. She nodded and smiled a little.     

"I will take your word," the girl said finally.     

 They reunited with the rest of the Night Stirrer Gang members after one hour and spent the remaining time together to buy sweets and food, and rest for a while before continuing the adventure. They came back to St. John a little over 1 am. They were all feeling tired, but happy.     

"Wow, thanks, Guys. Tonight I'm very happy." Helene bowed her head slightly. "And thank you, for making me a part of you ..."     

Everyone nodded back.     

"It's okay Helene, no need to thank us. You're okay. "     

" We're happy to have you in the group."     

 They all laughed happily. Peter and Jack immediately escorted Rose and Helene to their dormitory building.     

This time, Helene didn't dare to take the risk of climbing the tree. That's why she and Rose sneaked up from the stairs. Luckily, everyone was sleeping, and no one caught them.      

They tiptoed down the hallway and into their respective bedrooms.     

After they arrived safely, Helene and Rose waved a white cloth on their windows to let Peter and Jack know that they were okay.     

After they both felt satisfied, Peter and Jack went to their own dorm. George and Harry, who lived in the west tower, had also arrived safely at their respective rooms without any issues.     


Their success leaving school that night made the Night Stirrer Gang members addicted to more adventures. They kept looking for info about events held in the surrounding villages to visit.     

Peter, who was charming, had become close friends with Fred, the milkman, and he kept receiving valuable information from him.     

He would send the secret invitations to his friends and hold a midnight meeting in a hidden cave in the hill behind the school to discuss more shenanigans.     

Boys and girls were prohibited from hanging out closely with each other outside of classes, let alone holding secret meetings, so they really kept up appearances during the day by pretending to be indifferent toward each other.     

However, at night, they would all have fun together. They had oh so much fun throughout the years Rose studied in St. John. The Nigh Stirrer Gang was the only thing that kept Rose stay in school until she graduated.     

Ahhh .. remembering her friends from her school days brought sweet memories to Rose's mind. She really missed them.     

"What happened to you?" asked Rune who had seen Rose sigh with an expression filled with nostalgia.     

"Why?" Rose even asked back.     

"You've been sighing all the time. Is there a problem?" asked Rune attentively.     

"Nothing," said Rose with a smile. She patted Rune on the shoulder. "Have your brother-in-law seen my picture yet?"     

Tonight they would attend the dinner that Nicolae and Marie would throw to welcome Rose into the family. Since they were going to eat dinner outside, today Rose and Rune intentionally prepared their empty stomachs. In the afternoon they only ate simple sandwiches.     

"Not yet," said Rune.     

He had deliberately asked Aleksis and Alaric not to tell Nicolae and his wife anything. He didn't want Nicolae or Marie to investigate Rose.     

He didn't mind waiting until Rose told him who she really was. The anticipation had been exciting so far, and he wouldn't want to spoil it.     

"Ahhh .. wouldn't it be funny if later I came to dinner in their home disguised as a man?" Rose asked with a chuckle. She sounded mischievous.     

Rune spouted out his drink and laughed too. Jeez ... This girl is naughty, he thought.     

If he came to dinner and bring Rose dressed as a man, Nicolae and Marie would think he was attracted to the same sex. None of their family members had had a relationship with the same sex before, and this would certainly create a stir.     

Ha ha ha ha.     

"Uhm, it's best not to do it. My brother-in-law won't be fooled," said Rune finally. Although the idea was funny and would cause a stir, he believed it would only encourage Nicolae to investigate who Rose really was.     

That's why he chose to be safe and told her not to disguise herself as a man, even for fun.     

"Hmm .. is that so, huh?" asked Rose. "All right. I'll dress up normally."     

Now that Rose didn't hide the fact that she was a girl from a wealthy family, she no longer wore the cheap clothes she wore on the first day she met Rune at the cafe.     

Tonight she was wearing a simple, cream-colored brocade dress with a cut that showed her curves. When she came down from her room in the loft, Rune who was waiting in the living room looked so fascinated.     

Ahh .. why are you so perfect, Rose? he thought anxiously.     

He felt very lucky because, at the age of 40, he finally understood what his siblings had felt when they were in love for the first time.     

So far, he never cared about the appearance of any girls he met, no matter how beautiful they were. This man was always surrounded by beautiful people. Everyone in the Alchemists clan was handsome and beautiful, far above the regular human's beauty standard. So for Rune, a person's physical appearance never mattered to him.     

But now, he could admire this girl's beauty. Rose was really like a rose. She was beautiful and prickly. Although Rose was beautiful, she was not weak and vulnerable at all. She could protect herself well, and she also had a strong personality.     

In Rune's opinion, if there was a woman who could be said to be perfect, it must be Rose Schneider.     

Ahahaha .. since Rune didn't know Rose's last name yet, he had decided to put his family name to Rose. He was already determined to make Rose his wife. For Rune now, Rose's last name didn't matter anymore.     

What's important was that Rose would be his.     

Rose watched the young man smile to himself and immediately hit his shoulder. "Heh ... what are you grinning about? You're not thinking about anything perverted, right?"     

Rune hurriedly shook his head. Thinking anything perverted? No way. He's not a dirty-minded guy. He was just imagining Rose as Rose Schneider ... that was all.     

"I was just thinking about something. I promise it's nothing perverted," said Rune evasively. He reached out his hand and took Rose's hand to clasp with his. "We're practicing our role as boyfriend and girlfriend, okay?"     

Rose only laughed at Rune's words. Ahh .. this guy always knew how to take advantage of the situation to hold her hand. Rose didn't mind holding hands with Rune, though, because he had always been polite and treated her well.     

Rose remembered that she also always held hands casually with her friends, both male and female. She didn't discriminate.     

They exited the apartment with happy hearts, walked to the station, and then took the subway to Nicolae's home.     

"My brother-in-law and his wife look so young, by the way. You won't believe from their appearances that they both have a teenage daughter," Rune said as he and Rose walked out of the subway station holding hands.     

He chose to warn Rose about this fact so that Rose wouldn't feel that Rune lied to her and hired fake parents for Summer to pretend to invite Rose to dinner together.     

"Really? Must be so nice to be them. Everyone wants to stay young," said Rose, looking very impressed.     

"It runs in the family," Rune commented lightly.      

He wasn't lying. All his family members looked young since they were immortals. And Rose could be one of them too. Once she married him.     



When they arrive at the Medici's house, Rune quickly knocked on the door and wait for the host to open it.     

"Heyy.. welcome!" Marie opened the door and welcome the guest with a broad smile.      

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