The Alchemists

Rose Of Medion (5)

Rose Of Medion (5)

Rose was very surprised to see Peter Wellington in front of the statue.     

Damn .. just as she was about to create trouble to get her punished and expelled from school, she was immediately caught by the school Prefect.     

Rose swallowed hard. She then turned to Jack for help, but oddly enough, Jack instead stepped forward and handed the brush into Peter's hand.     

"Remember! You have to paint her mustache nicely…" Jack exclaimed in a firm voice.     

Peter smiled mischievously as he held up his brush. "Don't worry, I will definitely make the best mustache for Madame Ferguson."     

He took black paint from the can and then painted a beautiful thin mustache over the lips of Madame Rosaline Ferguson's statue, the founder and principal of the school.     

"Y-you buggers ..." muttered Rose in shock, "And you ... you are a school PREFECT!! Aren't you supposed to be establishing order ??? Why are you joining the dark side?"     

Rose really didn't understand what was going on.     

"I'm sorry. We haven't introduced ourselves properly. How disrespectful…" Peter bowed like royalty. "We are the Night Stirrer Gang. I'm agent number 1."     

Jack and the others hit Peter's shoulders.     

"Hey… We can't tell other people that, you idiot…!" exclaimed Jack in a sharp whisper. He looked at Rose with worried eyes.     

"We have no choice but to tell her who we are, Jack. She already knows us and what we are doing. We have only two options: kill her so she doesn't tell anyone, or make her a member of our gang."     

All fell silent.     

"Well... we couldn't kill her..." muttered Harry quietly.     

"That's why we have to appoint her as a new member. So if she wants to      

snitch on us, she will be punished together with us too," said Peter.     

"That's a good idea… I had intended to wreak havoc from the moment I came here. I would do anything to get me kicked out of school." Rose smiled broadly. "I'll join your gang. I'll be agent number 5."     

The others, of course, couldn't refuse.     

"All right, please to meet you. My name is Harry…" said the boy with messy black hair. He had narrow and freckled face, but his bright green eyes looked very intelligent. "I'm Agent Number 2."     

The quietest and most refined was George. Rose already knew Jack and Peter because they were both in the same class as she.      

"Very well, as the new member, you will have the honor of painting Madame Ferguson's lovely hair red," said Peter, handing Rose a brush.     

The girl shook her head. Her face showed a very mischievous smile. "No. I have a better idea."     

She took some gray paint and began to paint dozens of snakes in the statue's hair. Rose was very talented at painting, and she quickly turned the school founder's statue into the statue of Medusa.     

Medusa is a monster from Greek mythology who was said to have a beautiful face and hair of thousands of snakes. Her eyes could turn people into stone if they stared at them. People called her a monster, and later Perseus defeated her and cut her head.     

"Whooaaa ... you make it into a work of art," said Peter. "If you get caught, you won't be punished. In fact, maybe this statue will be sent to a museum for display ..."     

Rose laughed at Peter's words. "Ahh .. do I need to make it ugly?"     

"No need ... this is fine," said Peter quickly. He frowned and seemed to think for a moment. "But maybe you can paint her nose red like a clown's nose."     

"Great idea!" Rose immediately painted the nose of the school founder's statue red. Once she was satisfied with the results, she asked her new friends for their opinion. "How about now?"     

"Very good!" They all nodded in satisfaction.     

"It's finished," said Peter happily. He then cleared up the paint buckets and looked right and left. "We'd better go now."     

He grabbed Rose's hand and immediately ran towards the stable. Harry, George, and Jack followed suit. When they got there, they all laughed out loud. Once they all calmed down, they decided to go back to their respective dorm rooms.     

That night Rose met the Night Stirrer Gang, and her life changed for the better. She likes her four new friends, and they liked her too. Being allowed to paint Madame Ferguson's nose red was a sign that Rose was accepted into their gang.     

Rose's life at her boarding school became very fun after the first night of her breaking the rule.     


The next morning when the students just woke up from sleep, a siren was blaring throughout the academy. Rose looked out of her bedroom window and saw people running into the courtyard.     

Knock! Knock!     

"Rose, are you awake?" Helene's worried voice rang from behind her bedroom door. "The siren went off!"     

Rose opened the door. "What siren is tht? Is there a fire?"     

"If the siren is blaring, it means that all the students must gather in the courtyard immediately because the principal wants to say something. As I remember, last year, the siren was blaring several times too. Mostly they were caused by..." Helene shrugged in confusion, "... some incidents happened ..."     

Rose could immediately guess what Helene meant. There was no denying it. Those events must be caused by the Night Stirrer Gang.     

All the students gathered in the courtyard with a disgruntled expression. All questioned each other what was the reason for the siren this time. Rose could see Peter in the distance, smiling at her.     

She smiled back. Madame Ferguson and the teachers arrived. Seeing her angry face, the students could guess something terrible had happened.     

"The honor of this school… and personally, my honor as the principal is deeply offended by the actions of some insolent students, who dare to vandalize the school…" Madame Ferguson glanced at each of the children with probing eyes, trying to find expressions of guilt.     

"This matter will be investigated as thoroughly as possible. If I found the vandals, the punishment that awaits them is very severe. Therefore, I am asking your consciousness to confess and surrender now."     

The atmosphere became very quiet. Nobody moved nor spoke.     

"Who did it?" Madame Ferguson repeated her words. "If you confessed your crime now, now I will give you leniency."     

Suddenly, from the front row, Madame Ferguson saw someone raise their hand.     

Oh... it was Rose.     

She raised her hand slowly.     

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