The Alchemists

Moving In With Rose

Moving In With Rose

"Hm .. okay, you're right. "Finally, Rune relented. "Please keep the watch until I need it later. "     

The young man then took all price tags off from the clothes he just bought. After Rune was satisfied, he folded all of them neatly on the table. Finally, it really was time to pack. He took them to his room and put them in his backpack.     

In addition to clothes, he also brought some other personal items he needed during his stay with Rose.     

"Do you use your real name with Rose?" Asked Alexis when she saw her brother come out of his room and get ready to leave for Grand Central station.     

Rune nodded. "Yes. We are not the only Schneider in the world. I am not famous like London, and we also don't look alike. I don't think Rose would connect me with someone from the Schneider family."     

"All right then, "said Alexis." So, are you leaving now?"     

Rune nodded again. "She was waiting for me at the Grand Central station.     

"Then, I guess, you are ready," said Aleksis with a smile. She then hugged her brother's shoulder and patted Rune affectionately on the back.     

Ahh ... time flew by so fast, she thought. Even though for the last few years she had wanted to see Rune fall in love and get married, she did not expect that when that time came, she would feel this emotional.     

Her little brother was now a man! He was very sure of his feelings for Rose, even though they just met.     

Aleksis really hoped her brother's efforts would be enough to win Rose's heart. From what she already knew about Rose's identity, Aleksis felt that this girl was indeed the right woman for her younger brother.     

She could only hope for good luck. If luck would have it, Rune and Rose who were now in a fake relationship, next year would end up falling in love with each other and having a real relationship.     

To avoid the risk of Rose seeing him getting out of a luxury car, Rune refused to be driven by the Linden family driver to Grand Central station.      

He chose to take a taxi instead and get off in front of the largest station in New York.     

At 09.50 am, he received an incoming SMS to his cellphone. With a beaming face, he opened his phone and read a text from Rose.     

[I'll be there soon. Wait for me in front of the station, there is a pizza stall there.]     

Rune looked to the right and left to find the pizza stall Rose referred to. After finding it, he immediately headed there and waited. It didn't take long before the girl arrived.     

If last night Rose looked so beautiful when they met at the cafe, today she looked even prettier with outdoor lighting.     

Rune saw the girl walking casually towards him. She looked relaxed and comfortable. Rose tied her beautiful golden wavy hair into a ponytail. Her outfit looked casual with a dark blue shirt and sweater and a gray overcoat.     

Rose was also still wearing a pair of commando boots like last night. Her appearance today looked very casual and practical yet still charming. For a moment, Rune was stunned by her beauty.     

When Rose arrived in front of the young man, she had to wave her hand in front of Rune's face to get his attention.     

"Hey, why are you daydreaming? I'm here," The girl's crisp voice stirred Rune from his reverie.     

The man smiled and nodded. "Oh, good morning, Rose. As usual, you're on time."     

"Thank you," said Rose, smiling sweetly. "You're early too."     

"How do we get to your place?" Rune asked.     

"Let's just take a taxi so we can get there quickly," said Rose.      

Rune nodded in agreement. He then hailed a taxi and then got in. Rose gave the taxi driver an address in East Village, and the vehicle immediately sped toward its destination.     

"I live in a loft," said Rose in her crisp voice. "I got up early today and prepared the place for you. I hope you'll like it."     

Run nodded with a smile.     

"I'm an easy person, really," he said in a reassuring tone. "I can live anywhere."     

Ah, wherever they live, even if they became homeless, as long as he's with Rose, he wouldn't mind, Rune thought to himself.     

They arrived in front of an apartment building in the East Village. When they got there, Rune suddenly wondered if Rose was actually from a wealthy family. He knew that renting an apartment in this area would cost an arm and a leg, even for the smaller unit.     

As if reading the young man's mind, Rose immediately explained that she was living for free in her friend's apartment.     

"My friend comes from a well-off family. He owned this apartment building and told me to live in one of his units while I am in New York," said Rose. "I don't pay rent."     

"Oh .. how lucky," said Rune. "How do you know this friend of yours?"     

"He is my old schoolmate in Scotland," said Rose explained. She pressed the button for the elevator, and the door opened immediately. "I live on the 7th floor. Come on in. I'll tell you how I met George later."     

Rune nodded happily. He became increasingly curious about Rose's identity. One thing for sure, this morning Aleksis had investigated who this girl was, and she gave no sign that there was anything negative about Rose that Rune had to be aware of.     

So... Rose is a good girl, right?     

Ahhh.. Rune was really tempted to find out who Rose really was. However, considering Rose's threat to cut ties immediately if he broke his promise, Rune had to hold back.     

They got out of the elevator when it reached the seventh floor. Rose opened the door to her apartment and ushered Rune in.     

"Come in, please," said Rose to Rune. The young man followed her and when he got inside, he was impressed to see that the loft unit was quite spacious.     

The lower floor looked comfortable with an open-plan design. There was a living room that was attached to the kitchen, small office space, and a small open space that served as a studio for painting.     

Meanwhile, the loft part featured a large bed with a cute nightstand and a dresser.     

"This place is very nice," said Rune, complimenting the place.     

"Thank you. I've been living here for a month, and I really like it." Rose nodded in confirmation. "I think I am very fortunate to have a friend like George. He is so nice to me."     

"Yeah, you're very lucky. A unit like this in New York costs a fortune," Rune commented.     

"I know. George doesn't want my money at all. He insists I don't pay rent," said Rose. "Now, since I don't pay the rent to the owner of this apartment, you don't have to think about the apartment rent and other expenses either."     

Rune began to suspect that Rose really came from a wealthy family. Usually, a very wealthy person like George the owner of this building would only make friends with the very rich, or at least, the rich.     

However, although Rune had his own suspicions, he decided not to make assumptions and let Rose tell her story to him. He would wait patiently. Because ... Rose was worth all the wait.     

"Have a seat. Make yourself at home," said Rose with a smile. She pointed to a comfortable sofa and invited Rune to sit down. "Since we're going to live together, you should really think of this place as your home, okay."     

"Very well," said Rune. He glanced around him and began to explore it with his eyes attentively.     

"I see there is only one bed here." He then pointed to the attic, which served as a bedroom. "Am I sleeping there with you?"     

Rune asked his question with a naughty glint in his eyes. Rose immediately coughed at the man's question.     

"Uhm, sorry. You will be sleeping downstairs. This sofa is a sofa bed that can be turned into a bed, so you will still have a comfortable bed to sleep on. I hope you don't mind," said Rose. "You're my fake boyfriend, okay, not a real one. I hope you don't think we're going to sleep together."     

"Ah .. I was just kidding. You shouldn't take it seriously," said Rune. "Hm ... So I'm sleeping on this sofa bed, right? I really like it."     

Ren then sat on the sofa and seemed to really enjoy the comfortable sofa.     

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