The Alchemists

Rose's Unusual Request

Rose's Unusual Request

Rose looked astonished to see Rune's expression. The man winced like he was having constipation. She waved her hand in front of the young man's face.     

"Are you okay?" she asked in concern.     

Rune hurriedly shook his head. "Ahaha .. I am okay. No, seriously, I have money to treat you, don't worry."     

Rose stared at Rune for a long time, as if trying to make sure the young man wasn't lying to her about his financial capabilities. She then nodded with satisfaction after she was sure that Rune was telling the truth.      

"Very well, then. I won't stand in ceremony with you." Rose smiled and handed the menu to the waiter. "That's our order."     

"Thank you, Miss."     

The waiter received the two menus from Rose and Rune and immediately went to the kitchen to hand in their orders to the chef. After only the two of them were left, Rose and Rune looked at each other again.     

"I'm glad to meet you," said Rune honestly. In his heart, he decided to hug his nephews and niece and give them awesome gifts for arranging his meeting with Rose.     

"I'm glad to meet you too," said Rose, raising her glass. Rune immediately followed and clinked his glass against the girl's.     

"Cheers for our first meeting," said Rune.     


They both drank their cocktails happily.     

"Am I what you imagine me to be?" asked Rose casually as she took a sip of her Singapore Sling. "You look younger than your photo, by the way. Is your age on the app correct?"     

Rune almost spat out his drink at Rose's question. Right. His age.     

Ahh ... of course, his age listed on the dating application was incorrect. Summer wrote that Rune was now 30 years old, when in fact, he was already 40. However, looking at his face, Rune looked not a day older than 25.     

"I do look younger than my real age." Finally, he dodged as diplomatically as possible. "Maybe it's genetic. My whole family looks younger."     

"Ohhh, how lucky," said Rose. "Your children will be lucky to inherit the youthful genes from your family."     

When she heard Rose say the word 'children', Rune's mind subconsciously flew to the future. He imagined having cute kids with Rose... ah, they would be adorable.     

Jeez ... what am I thinking about? Having children with Rose?????     

We've only met for ten minutes! Oh my God ... why am I thinking so far in the future???     

Rune really couldn't help thinking. Would a person in love behave and think as silly as he was now?      

He felt ashamed of himself for thinking so far, marrying Rose and having children with her, even though they had just met. This felt so ridiculous and embarrassing.     

He really hoped he could return to being a logical man.      

But why couldn't he?     

"Thank you," was all he could say.      

Rune took a sip of his drink and smiled to himself at his ridiculous thought.     

He then remembered what information he had about Rose from her profile and their chat log. Rose said that she was a painter, 23 years old, and her hobbies were traveling, horse riding, and camping.     

"I don't understand…" said Rose suddenly while looking at Rune intently. "Why do you have to make a profile on dating apps to get a date? Can't you meet girls in real life? Or are you're a sex predator pretending to be looking for dates, and then you will make them your prey?"     

Rose's blunt questions took Rune by surprise. A sex predator?     

Wait a minute...     

"Why do you think like that?" asked Rune, who was shocked to death by those questions. It was so unbelievable! First, Rose thought he was poor, and now she thought he was a sex predator who was preying on weak women. "Do I look like a sex predator?"     

Rose nodded. "Actually, you do. You're too handsome to be finding love from a dating website. Handsome men, like Ted Bundy and some other serial killers, approach vulnerable women by exploiting their good looks, and then ... you know what happened."     

"Uhm ... not everyone who is good looking and single is a serial killer," said Rune, pursing his lips.     

"Ahahaha .. I'm just kidding." Rose laughed again. She seemed happy to enjoy teasing Rune, who she thought looked a little innocent. "I'm just surprised that someone like you has to use an online dating app to meet women."     

"Then, what do you call yourself?" Rune asked in amazement. "It's like the pot calling the kettle black. You are so beautiful yourself. How come you are trying to find a date on an online dating application?"     

Rose shrugged. "Because I'm desperate. Where else can I quickly find a potential boyfriend? I don't have time to meet guys and then go through a complicated courtship process, and blah blah blah ... then finally get in a relationship."     

Rose's answer made Rune even more confused. "You are desperate for a boyfriend and want to find one quickly? Why?"     

Rose looked a little embarrassed to answer Rune's question, but she was honest. "I just need a fake boyfriend. I can't say why now, but I'm currently looking for a guy who is willing to be my fake boyfriend for the next year."     

The glass in Rune's hand almost slipped from his hand because he was so shocked to hear Rose's answer. Before he had time to ask again, the waiter had come with their starter.     

"I-I don't understand ..." said Rune then after the waiter left. Suddenly the food in front of him looked awful.     

Rose sighed. Her face looked regretful. "I'm sorry for not being frank before we met face to face like this, but I don't want to say everything before I know exactly what kind of person you are. I'm worried that I would be meeting a jerk or serial killer and it will cause me trouble. If, after meeting the person I feel that he is kind and trustworthy, then I will discuss entering a fake relationship together."     

"How many men have you met so far?" asked Rune curiously. Unconsciously he started playing with his food. His heart suddenly became restless.     

Fake boyfriend? No wonder Rose looked perfect!     

She was hiding something. There was something terribly wrong with her.     

Wise men were right when they said when something looks too good to be true, it probably is.     

Rose started scooping out her appetizer, which was mushroom soup. Then, only then did she explain to Rune what happened.     

"I've met seven men from that online dating app. Some of them are bastards who only want one night stands Some immediately wanted to marry me .. hahaha .. A few men were good, but there is no chemistry between us." Rose shrugged. "So far, I've only asked you to be my fake boyfriend."     

"Why me?" asked Rune, who failed to hide the pleasure in his voice.     

Did this mean Rose thought THEY have chemistry?     

This thought secretly made Rune so happy.     

"Because ... I think you are the perfect person for the role," Rose said bluntly. "You are young and very handsome. If I take you to meet my parents and tell them that you are my boyfriend, they will believe it because we look good together. If you are ugly and old, other people will wonder why I could be your girlfriend. They will immediately sense something is amiss."     

"Ohh ..."     

"Besides, you seem like a nice guy who wouldn't take advantage of women," Rose continued.     

"I never took advantage of anyone," said Rune.     

"Good," said Rose. "I need an honest man I can trust."     

Rune fell silent. He didn't know how to respond to the words of this beautiful woman in front of him. He had no idea that this blind date, which was supposed to be so simple, would suddenly become complicated.     

His only purpose in coming here was to fulfill the appointment made by his nephews and niece. But unexpectedly, he fell in love with this woman at first sight. And now ... Rose apparently wanted him to be her fake boyfriend? What for?     

"Do you want a fake boyfriend for a year?" asked Rune. "Is this for something negative? Do you want to commit a crime? Who do you want to lie to?"     

Rose seemed silent for a moment as if wondering whether she could tell all her secrets to Rune, or not. Finally, after thinking for a while, the girl sighed.     

"This absolutely doesn't involve a crime. I just want to protect someone."     

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