The Alchemists

Slow Motion

Slow Motion

It was a very cold night in late-autumn. Luckily, Rune was wearing a jacket, an overcoat, and a scarf so he didn't feel too cold as he walked from the next block in the cold night air.     

When he entered the cafe, Rune was immediately greeted by a waiter asking for his reservation.     

"Oh, a table for two, under my name, Rune Schneider," said the man.     

Rune did use his real name because he was not worried that Rose would recognize him as a member of the Schneider family. His father never publicly announced his children's names, and Rune was not involved in the family business, so he was not well known to the public.     

After all, the name Schneider was not only owned by their family. Many other Germans also had this surname. That's why he felt relaxed using his real name.     

"Oh, welcome, Mr. Schneider. Your friend is already here," said the waiter with a face filled with smiles.     

Rune was impressed. He deliberately came early to this blind date, but apparently, Rose had arrived before him.      

Not bad, he thought. He liked punctual people.     

"Thank you. Where's our table?" asked Rune.     

"Please come with me." The waiter motioned for Rune to follow him. They walked together and arrived at one of the best tables in the cafe.     

The location was on the corner and had enough privacy. Rune quickly saw his date had indeed arrived. The girl sat with her back facing Rune, so the young man could not see her face.     

Rune could only see that Rose had long, golden curls that hung down her back. Ah, one plus point for Rose, Rune thought. He liked girls who had long hair and could maintain it well.     

He let his hair grow a little long, slightly past his neck. Rune's appearance that night was very cool, even though he was only wearing a simple outfit.     

As the man walked across the cafe to his table, the female guests sitting inside instantly raised their faces and watched him walk in awe.     

"Good evening," said Rune, after arriving right behind Rose. "Rose?"     

The girl turned towards Rune with a movement that felt like slow motion before Rune's eyes. Yeah ... he literally felt like he was in a movie being played in slow-motion, because Rune can't believe his own eyes.     

"Hello." The girl stood up from her chair and reached out her hand to Rune, who was still standing rooted in place. Since Rune didn't return her greeting, the girl tilted her face closer to Rune's with narrowed eyes. "What happened to you?"     

Only then was Rune moved from his reverie. He coughed a little to hide his embarrassment and reached out his hand to shake Rose's.     

"Good evening... Rose. Nice to meet you," he almost stuttered.     

"Nice to meet you too," said Rose in a confident voice. Apparently, she was used to dealing with men who suddenly became tongue-tied when they met her for the first time.     

The waiter who saw Rune's reaction only smiled. Ahh ... this handsome man who just arrived was the same as himself and all the men in this cafe who were fascinated by the presence of this beautiful lady.     

They really had never seen a woman this beautiful, even in magazines. Although she was wearing simple clothes that could be bought in any department store, her beauty was still clearly visible.     

Was this their first encounter? Ahhh ... what a lucky man, thought the waiter enviously.     

"Please sit down, Sir." He handed Rune a menu. "Would you like to order a drink first while deciding what food you want to enjoy tonight?"     

Rune turned to Rose and realized that the girl had not ordered anything either, indicating that she had just arrived. As a gentleman, he asked first if Rose wanted to order anything.     

"What would you like to drink?" he asked.     

Rose opened the beverage menu on the side and quickly chose a cocktail. "I'll have Singapore Sling, thank you."     

"Two Singapore Sling, please," said Rune, turning his head toward the maid. "We'll study the menu to select the dishes."     

"Yes, Sir."     

After the waiter left, Rune and Rose stared at each other. Both of them looked very beautiful, and they immediately attracted the attention of those around them.     

Rune felt very ashamed of himself for thinking that Rose was one of those girls who would edit their photos extensively that they no longer looked like the real life version, as is the case with many young women who use online dating services.     

Rose, who sat in front of him, was arguably the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She had a cute little face with a beautifully sculpted nose and full-sized, glossy pink lips.     

Her eyes were large and round, gleaming like emeralds. Her curls of golden hair hung down her shoulders. Her body was slim, wrapped with simple clothes that looked elegant on her.     

Rose only wore a thin white cotton shirt with jeans and commando boots. On the back of her chair was draped a cream sweater and a brown overcoat. Her appearance was very simple, which somehow made her beauty stand out even more.     

Rune became reminded of the girls he often saw going all out in the latest fashions, the most expensive accessories, and the full-blown makeup, trying so hard to look beautiful. While this girl... ah, everything seemed so effortless.     

Wait.. why was he now comparing all the girls he had met with Rose, huh?     

"Where do you live?" asked Rose with an expression of concern. "You're early."     

Rune shook his head. "I thought I came early. It turns out YOU are even earlier ..."     

Rose already gained an extra point in Rune's eyes because the girl was not late and instead arrived earlier than the appointment.     

"Ahh .. this has become a habit," said Rose with a smile. "My dad taught us to respect other people's time."     

Rune was stunned again. Rose's smile looked very bright and multiplied her beauty by at least ten times.     


How is this possible?     

What sorcery is this?     

Rune was confused because suddenly he felt that he was not like himself. Suddenly, he was like a fool who looked at Rose like a country bumpkin who had just seen a skyscraper in a metropolis.     

Is this ...     

He swallowed hard.      

Looks like this is what they call ...     

Love at first sight?     

"That's ... very good principle," said Rune. "We are like that too."     

"Ahahaha .. you Germans are famous for being on time," said Rose. She then flipped through the menu and examined the list of foods that were there. "I'm hungry. Let's order food first."     

"Of course," Rune joined in, opening the menu and studying the food he wanted to eat that evening. Ahh .. for some reason, he suddenly no longer felt hungry. Something in his stomach tingled, and he felt his chest filled with warmth to the brim.     

Gosh ... what's this?     

Is this what people call falling in love to the point of having butterflies in your stomach? He looked up and stared at Rose without blinking.     

Ahh ... maybe it's true. This is what love-at-first-sight feels like. Rune had never felt this way to any woman. Just this one time and it was enough to make him baffled.     

When the waiter came to bring two Singapore Sling, Rose was ready with her order. She casually ordered all the dishes from starter, appetizer, main course, to dessert.     

Meanwhile, Rune just completely lost his appetite. However, to avoid an awkward atmosphere, he decided to order a variety of foods that had tiny portions so that he could still eat something and wouldn't waste it.     

"Are you sick?" Rose asked Rune when she heard his choice of food. "They are too little. I'm not sharing my food later if you are suddenly hungry. I eat a lot."     

She said her last sentences with a laugh, indicating she was joking. Ahhh.. if her smile multiplied her beauty by at least ten times, then her laughter multiplied it by a hundred times. Swear to God! That's how Rune felt about that rich melodious laughter.     

"It's OK. I suddenly feel not hungry," Rune replied honestly.     

"Are you sure? We can go Dutch if you don't have enough money to pay for two. That way you can enjoy good food for yourself. You don't have to think about me and my food. I'll pay for myself," Rose added.     

Rune's eyes went so round. He didn't expect that Rose would have the idea that he only ordered little food for himself because he couldn't afford to pay for the dinner. The thought horrified him.     

Gosh! He is the youngest son of the Schneider Group owner. They own buildings, islands, companies, and hotel and restaurant chains. Paying for their dinner means nothing to him!     

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