The Alchemists

We'll Feign Ignorance

We'll Feign Ignorance

"Oh, right. By the way, where is he now?" asked Aleksis. "He promised to come to New York to teach Ireland and Scotland the latest Quantum theory. I want to confirm the dates. We also plan to go to Berlin to visit London and L."     

Caspar sighed. "He said he was on an expedition to the Amazon with Lauriel. He wanted to research some medicinal plants for his latest invention. It's been a week. I still couldn't contact them. I hope nothing bad will happen."     

"Ahh ... but Father, you don't need to worry, nothing bad will happen to them. You know how Uncle Rory is," said Aleksis, comforting her father. "I'm sure that once they reach civilization, they'll contact us. Is Rosalien coming with them?"     

"As far as I know, Rosalien is on an adventure with Takeshi and Kai. At least that's what I heard from Lauriel," answered Caspar.     

Aleksis and Alaric look at each other. "Uncle Rory and Rosalien are traveling but not together ...? This is very surprising. Is there trouble in paradise?"     

Caspar laughed, "Ahahaha .. no. Absolutely not. On the contrary. They had already decided to get married, but before they become husband and wife, they both wanted to go on separate trips. You know Rosalien is very close to her foster brothers. You could say ... this would be their last adventure together before she got married. Mischa can't come because he already has his own family that he has to take care of. So there was only the three of them. Ssshh .. don't tell anyone you heard this from me, okay? Lauriel forbade me to tell you about his personal life."     

Unknowingly, Alaric and Aleksis gasped in unison.     

Lauriel and Rosalien were going to get married? This was really a surprise for them. After being in a relationship for almost 15 years, finally, the reclusive man and woman decided to get married?     

Until now, Lauriel had never publicly announced his relationship with Rosalien, and now they are going to get married!? Alaric felt his chest was filled with warmth. He was very happy for his father.     

Exactly 120 years since his mother died, his father finally opened his heart to marry another woman. Alaric knew Rosalien was the perfect woman for his father, and he was very happy for them.     

"I won't tell anyone," Alaric said quietly. A thin smile was etched on his lips. "I'm just going to share the good news with Nicolae, but we'll feign ignorance in front of my father."     

"That's good. That's good," Caspar said with a chuckle.     

After they hung up, Alaric and Aleksis looked at each other. They then smiled at the thought that Lauriel and Rosalien would finally get married. Both of them were happy for Lauriel. Aleksis really loved her godfather, and Alaric just wanted to see his father happy.     

"Do you think Uncle Rory will finally announce his relationship with Rosalien?" asked Aleksis. "Or are they going to get married secretly? Want to make a bet?"     

Alaric laughed at his wife's words. "Dad is too much like me. I think I know better what he's going to do. You'll lose the bet."     

"Hmm .. really?" Aleksis nodded. "If I bet with you, I'll definitely lose. Fine. I won't bet with you."     

She kissed her husband's lips and walked out of the room calling her two children to study.     


That afternoon, London Schneider's residence in Grunewald was filled with guests. His family came to visit and they brought lots of gifts for his unborn baby. London Schneider's face was radiant throughout the day, making everyone happy for him.     

"Dad, L and I have decided to rest and leave the world behind. It's time for me to leave the business and take care of my family. Would you mind going back to managing the Schneider Group?" asked London.     

Caspar, who was playing with Lily, looked up. He then exchanged glances with Finland.      

"I'm already 44 years old. It's impossible for me to keep going around looking like this ..." said London with a laugh.     

The young man was right. He did look much younger than his age. Now, his wife, L was 35 years old and they both looked like they were still in their mid-20s. If they walked with Lily, who was now 15, no one would think they were her parents.     

"Hmmm ... then, I need to talk to your mother. I need to know if she would mind if I go back to work at the office," said Caspar. He turned to his wife and smiled broadly. "Honey, what do you think?"     

Finland shrugged. "I think it might be a good thing for you to go back to work at the office. It will give us a new atmosphere. We've had enough fun in twenty years, traveling and living quietly. Give London a chance to be with his family."     

"Ahhh ... you don't mind?" asked Caspar happily. "You can come back to work for me .. hehehehe."     

Finland narrowed her eyes and was seriously thinking about it.     

"Come on ... weren't you so happy to work back then? When I first met you, you were so workaholic," Caspar was coaxing his wife. "You can learn new things. You can meet people too. We can pretend we don't know each other. You will apply to work as my assistant. We can stay professional in the office."     

Finland rolled her eyes at her husband's words. "Professional?"     

She remembered the time when she was working at the Schneider Group office in New York, Caspar managed to find a million reasons and excuses to bring Finland into his office and make love to her.     

"Yes. Professional," said Caspar with a mischievous smile. His hands were mischievously squeezing his wife's butt with a chuckle.     

"Ugh ... we have no choice. Rune is not interested in business, so I am the only one who can replace London. I think we should have more kids, so things like this won't be a problem," Caspar said again. "What say you? Let me take over the business, or you give me another child to do it in the future?"     

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