The Alchemists

Good News And Good News!

Good News And Good News!

STUTTGART, Year 2065     


Finland hung up the phone with a happy face. She turned to her husband, who was engrossed in reading something on the terrace of their castle.     

"We'll have a new grandchild," she said in a shaky voice. Her eyes looked teary.     

Caspar widened his eyes and smiled broadly. Ahh ... he really liked all his grandchildren, and the news that he was going to be a grandpa again made him very happy.     

"L and London will have a baby?" he asked curiously. "How many months in?"     

"It's been four months. They deliberately waited after the first trimester was over before they would tell us all," said Finland. "It's quite a difficult pregnancy. London sounded really frantic on the phone. We'd better go over there and visit them."     

Caspar nodded. "Good idea. I'll tell the others."     

He chuckled and immediately sent word to his daughter, Aleksis, since Rune was going on an expedition and couldn't be reached.      

Aleksis was happy to hear the good news. She knew how much her brother wanted another child, but for a dozen years, he was afraid that that anything would happen to L if she got pregnant and gave birth to a second child, considering she gave birth to a micro-premature baby 15 years ago.     

Lily's birth was a miracle because she survived after months in NICU care. She was now a beautiful and healthy teenager. However, London was traumatized by the ordeal and didn't want to see L go through the same experience.     

Ahhh.. finally, after 15 years, they decided to have a second child.     

Aleksis was only pregnant twice, but each time, she gave birth to twins. So, she already had enough with the four children she shared with Alaric.      

Their oldest son, Altair was now starting to take care of the family business, RMI, after Mischa and his siblings resigned and took on new identities.     

Mischa was exactly 50 years old this year. Although he still looked like a young man in his 30s, he already felt how inconvenient it was to appear in public with his original identity. That's why he resigned from RMI two years ago and handed over control to Altair.     

Altair Linden was currently in charge of RMI Europe and Africa and was making plans to appoint people he trusted to help him manage RMI Asia, America, and Oceania.     

Now, in Alaric and Aleksis' home, there were only Ireland and Scotland, the twin boys. They studied at home with private teachers, just like their mother. It was not an ideal condition, because actually, Aleksis wanted their children to enjoy life like most children who would go to school and make friends with their peers.     

However, after Vega's kidnapping case, Alaric and Aleksis were prioritizing their kids' safety. They couldn't allow the same thing to happen to their other children. Fortunately, Ireland and Scotland understood their parents' feelings and didn't protest much.     

After all, they could be friends with the other children from the Alchemist clan. Every month, they would travel and meet Lily Schneider, their cousin in Germany. Nicolae and Marie's family also lived in New York, so they could meet often with Nic's daughter, Summer, who is about their age.     

"London is going to have another child? He must be delighted," said Aleksis when she heard the news. She chuckled. "Father.. you are the only alchemist with four children and six grandchildren among your fellow clan members."     

"Hmm ... I didn't expect that you all would quickly fall in love, get married and have children ..." commented Caspar. "You're all too young."     

Aleksis laughed while elbowing her husband, who was sitting beside her, listening to Aleksis talk with Caspar. "My father is just like you. He wants his children to stay at home until they are 100 years old, so they don't meet other people and fall in love."     

Alaric cleared his throat. He actually agreed with Caspar. According to him, the Alchemists' lifestyle was the best way. They didn't want to get married and have children quickly. If all humans copied that way of life, he was sure the population would not increase and people could have a better quality of life.     

However, considering that he had four children by Aleksis, Alaric couldn't say a word on procreation. Truth be told, he also didn't want Vega and Altaïr to rush into love and get married. However, he couldn't tell them how to live their lives, since both were now adults.     

Vega was now happily married to her husband, while Altair had stated that he was now in a relationship with JM. It was only a matter of time before they formalize their wedding.     

His hope was now rested on his two sons, Ireland and Scotland, who are now 15 years old. Hopefully, they won't be in a hurry, he thought.     

"Rune was the only one who was still relaxed with his life," commented Caspar. "That kid really takes after Aldebar. Sometimes I wonder if he was really my son.. hehehe. If I didn't see him coming out of my wife, I would have thought he was adopted."     

Aleksis laughed out loud at her father's joke. It was true. Rune, her youngest brother didn't look like their father at all. He looked just like their bachelor uncle, Aldebar, who was was blond and fair. Both men also shared the same passion for science.     



Hello, dear readers! Thank you so much for sticking to this book. As I have promised, I will revive this book with side stories about our favorite characters. At the moment, I am super duper busy with updating my other books for the Win-Win Event. I hope you can be patient.     

You can support me and this book to win features in the Win-Win Event by purchasing the privilege, it's only 1 coin. You can read two advanced chapters if you unlock the privilege access. At the moment, I can only promise one chapter update per day, since I'm still updating my other books. I hope you don't mind.     

Once I'm not uber busy, I might be able to increase the frequency. Crossing fingers :).     

Love ya! And see you tomorrow in the next chapter :).     

PS: If you have finished with Volume 4 and want to read the complete story about Vega and how she was found by her family, go to the other book "THE PRINCE WHO CANNOT FALL IN LOVE & THE MISSING HEIRESS". The book almost ends now. You can read her story in completion.     

Once you finish Vega's story, you can come back here and read Rune's story.     

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