The Alchemists

Tatiana Is Scared Of Alaric

Tatiana Is Scared Of Alaric

After she got out of the elevator, Tatiana was greeted by several men in formal attire and sunglasses, and taken to a luxury car with dark tinted windows.      

Tatiana felt as if she were inside a movie or adventure novel. This was really unreal.     

Inwardly, she kept wondering who Vega really was and why the girl lived like an ordinary person so far. She and Altair were quite popular in school because they were very good looking and smart, but other than that, there seemed to be nothing strange or too special about them.     

Tatiana remembered when Vega first introduced herself as Altair's twin sister. She shared how they lived with their father, a single dad. Tatiana never dared to ask where Vega's mother was because she was afraid of making Vega sad or offended.     

Gosh .. all this time she just thought that Altair and Vega's biological mother had died.     

Tatiana felt ashamed. She clutched her bag tightly as she cast her glance through the car window. She recognized the route taken because last week she had followed Altair and Vega to the Nobel Hotel.     

Were these men going to take her there? Ahh .. Tatiana was very curious.     

Tatiana's conjecture was correct. The car entered the Nobel Hotel's courtyard and stopped in front of the lobby. The driver came out and opened the door for the girl respectfully.     

"Good morning, Miss. Your presence is expected at the penthouse. My friend will take you there," said the driver.     

Penthouse? Tatiana could only swallow. In her entire life, she had never been in a penthouse. Let alone this penthouse in a five-star hotel as luxurious as this Nobel Hotel...     

Gosh, if they weren't going through a crisis like now, of course, she would have persuaded Altair or Vega to let her do coverage from inside the penthouse. Her followers would be very impressed.     

Tatiana kept those thoughts to herself when the elevator door opened and she was brought inside by two bodyguards who had accompanied her in the car. One of them pressed the 40th-floor button and the elevator immediately went up.     

The girl was still stunned when they got out of the elevator and one of the guards knocked on the only door on that floor. A female staff opened the door and invited them in.     

Tatiana slowly stepped inside and as soon as she arrived in the living room ... her body instantly froze. She did not dare to enter further. Her eyes fell on an extremely handsome and imposing man who sat on a large sofa, like it was a royal throne, beside Altair.     

The man had a unique appearance. His hair was platinum with a hint of purple, and he had a pair of brilliant purple eyes. Tatiana had never met anyone with purple eyes before.     

For a moment, she stood transfixed in her place.     

Who was this man? Tatiana was astonished. She stared at Altair who was sitting next to the man and then turned to look at the man... over and over again.     

Finally, Tatiana realized that the two people had very similar appearances. They had the same hair color, and even their faces appeared to have the same perfect symmetry lines. In a few years, Altair would surely look like the man's spitting image.     

Gosh ... was this ...?     

Was this the famous Elios Linden?     

Was this really Altair and Vega's real father?     

Suddenly Tatiana's chest felt heavy. The shock she felt was so great that she staggered. Fortunately, the two bodyguards who had escorted her swiftly held the girl's body.     

"Tatia ... Are you all right?" asked Altair, who immediately got up to approach his friend. "I want you to meet my father."     

In that room, there were only Alaric and Altair. They deliberately asked other family members to leave the living room. They didn't want Tatiana to feel shocked if she saw the Schneider-Medici family members, who all looked very young. They knew she would be wondering about why they don't age.     

"G-good morning, Vega and Altair's father ..." Tatiana murmured in an unclear voice.     

Alaric gave Tatiana a sharp look and pointed at the chair opposite him. "Please sit down. You can call me Mr. Linden."     

"Oh ... all right. I'm sitting down..." The girl sat awkwardly in the chair Alaric pointed.     

She looked confused and scared. Alaric appearance and aura were quite intimidating.     

Tatiana managed to hold back herself from crying because Altair was there. She was also very worried about Vega. She wanted to help as much as possible to find her friend.     

"My son said you filmed Vega a lot while in Paris and in Bordeaux. Can we borrow all your video equipment?" Alaric asked without further ado. Tatiana was trembling in fear at his cold voice.     

She did not understand how Vega could have a father like this. Very scary. Besides ... this person looked so young ... How old was when he got married and had his first children? He must be a teenager back then ... thought Tatiana in confusion.     

She preferred Mr. Nicolae Medici, who was friendly and fun. Ahh .. maybe Vega and Altair really preferred Nicolae too. That's why they chose to live with him, not with their biological father.     

Seeing Tatiana remain silent, Alaric became impatient. "You won't let us check all your videos? I'll pay you handsomely."     

"Eh? What? Eh ... Sir... that's not what I meant. I'm sorry, Mr. Linden. I'm just confused. I didn't mean to object..." Tatiana, who was shocked, immediately placed her backpack on the table and hurriedly spilled its contents. She looked very pale. Her voice stammered. "I brought everything ... P-please take them. Don't give me a payment. I don't want anything in return. I just want Vega to be found ..."     

Altair immediately moved to the sofa where Tatiana sat and touched her shoulder.     

"Don't be scared. We don't mean any harm. My father just wants to find Vega. Here, let me help get your camera out."     

Tatiana looked at Altair with a thankful look. She then nodded and wiped away her tears. She was indeed afraid of Alaric. Although the man was very handsome and impressive, there was something about him that scared Tatiana out of her wits.     

Maybe on ordinary days, Alaric could act friendly, but today he was furious because his daughter was kidnapped. A murderous aura was emanating from his body. Even though he wasn't rude to Tatiana, the girl was still horrified and intimidated.     

Altair took the items from Tatiana's bag and moved them to a tray. He wanted to take them to the study to immediately transfer the contents of the recording to the computer. Later, he would help Nicolae study their contents and look for clues about the criminals who kidnapped Vega.     

Before he could move to the study, suddenly there was a knock on the door. The staff who were always ready to wait in the corner of the room immediately opened the door. Nicolae entered with Mischa who was about to faint in his arms, followed by Marion.     

Their faces looked turbid and tired. Alaric knew something horrible had happened in Provins. He immediately got up and took over Mischa from his brother.     

"Let me take care of Mischa. You, please look for information from this child. She is Vega's best friend and took many videos during their trip," he said firmly.     

Nicolae nodded. He turned to Tatiana and immediately recognized the girl. His tired face was immediately decorated with a friendly smile, which made Tatiana's fearful heart calmer.     

"Hello, Tatia ... thank you for coming here," Nicolae said.     

Tatiana was relieved to see the arrival of someone she knew in the room besides Altair. Especially because Nicoale had always been friendly to her. Slowly, the awkwardness and fear that had been stifling her chest disappeared, and the girl began to look calm.     

"Good morning, Mr. Medici," Tatiana greeted Nicolae back.     

She was still amazed at how similar Nicolae and Alaric were. They only differed in face and hair color, but their stature looked very much like siblings.     

Ahh .. wait a minute, were they really brothers? But, if that's the case, why did they have different last names? Ahh .. all of this was really confusing.     

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