The Alchemists

Rose And Rune

Rose And Rune

When they arrived at the edge of the lake, Rose could feel the coolness as she took a deep breath. Before long, Rune pointed into the distance at the swans swimming over the lake with their cubs. The girl chuckled at the cute animal's behavior, causing Rune to smile.     

The two of them continued their journey to the right side of the castle and arrived at a very large flower garden. Because it was spring now, all the flowers were in full bloom and gave a beautiful impression to the green land.      

The girl was interested in walking toward the row of flowers with the same name as her, Rose, and brought her face closer to one of the red roses. However, there was a red beetle suddenly flying out of the flower which surprised Rose because she didn't notice its existence. She and Rune both laughed a little at that.     

Sensing that Rose's mood had improved, Rune finally started to talk to her as they continued to walk through the gardens around the castle. "This castle has been around for a very long time. My family has owned it since 1470."     

Rose was surprised to find that the castle was much older than she thought. "It's amazing that this ancient building still stands strong and majestic to this day."     

"Well . . . my father was born here. London and I were also born here. This is a place we think of as home," said Rune.     

"Home... out of many houses?" Rose asked with a twinkle in her eyes.     

"Well, yeah," Rune chuckled. Rose was smart and adept at reading his words. "Our houses are scattered all over the world. We have regular mansions, villas, and castles."     

For a family their caliber, Rose actually expected this. She nodded in understanding. Their long journey stopped when they came to the courtyard behind the castle which had its own gazebo and garden. There were many lush trees around them.     

Rune led Rose to sit on one of the garden benches on the side of the walking path. From there, the two of them could clearly see the garden behind the castle.     

"Our family always celebrates important events here. Including birthdays and weddings," said Rune.     

Seeing the vastness of the garden, Rose nodded and imagined how lively the garden behind the castle would be when the Schneider family celebrated their private events.      

The girl then said, "It must be nice to have an event here. With such a green environment, it makes an important event even more festive. My lungs feel like they've been washed clean with how fresh the air in here is."     

The expression on Rune's face turned serious when he talked about his family's castle. Rose suddenly paused and looked in surprise at the man who continued to give a sharp look. Knowing that Rune had suddenly become serious, Rose blinked many times, thinking she was seeing things.     

"About the wedding..." Rune said as he tilted his face and turned to see Rose so that he could get a better look at the girl. "Is there anything you wish to do for the future? Like do you want to do something? Do you have a bucketlist of things you want to do before you want to settle down?"     

Rose wondered why the man suddenly talked about this. She chose to remain silent and took a closer look at Rune. The silence that filled the space between them, made the man's voice feel so firm and so different to her ears.     

"Rose, I'm very serious about our relationship and want to one day marry you," said Rune as he slowly grabbed Rose's hand who was sitting beside him, and clasped their hands together. "I want to celebrate our wedding here, as the rest of my family celebrates the big event here."     

Rune then raised the girl's hand and gave her a light kiss. However, his determined gaze was fixed on Rose.     

"I know you're still very young, and of course, you want to do things like pursuing your dreams." He then lowered the girl's hand to gently grasp it with both hands. "That's why I'm willing to wait to marry you forever, for as long as you need, until you're ready, Rose."     

In his heart, Rune knew that Rose wanted to start a new life after the incident in her home country, Medion. Rose also still wanted to fulfill her dream of becoming a painter.     

Rune remembered that he once asked Rose if she would be okay to travel the world with him and take her passion for art with her.. Rose admitted that she was willing to do it, but Rune didn't want to force her to get married and restraint her life.     

Meanwhile, Rose felt a little surprised to see Rune's countenance suddenly looked so serious. However, she chose to remain silent. She tried to think carefully about the meaning of Rune's words. Usually, Rune spoke very lightly and he was always relaxed. She was not used to this serious man.     

Seeing Rose's confused face, Rune added, "I just wanted you to know my end game in having a relationship with you. Rose, I seriously want to marry you and have a family with you."     

Hearing Rune's entire explanation, Rose remained silent as she was staring deeply into the man's blue eyes, trying to guess what he wanted to say.      

"Aren't you taking it easy by saying you're willing to wait for me?" Rose chuckled and said. The girl, who thought he was joking, finally said, "What if you have to wait 50 years? Will you still wait?"     

Rune shrugged and smiled lightly. "If that's your wish, I can wait for you for fifty years."     

Rose chuckled lightly at the man's answer. She found Rune to be very cute. According to her, it was rare for a man who was willing to wait a long time to marry the girl he loved.     

Usually, when the man was mature and emotionally ready, they would want to settle down. From her observation, a man like Rune was already at that level of maturity. He also said he wanted to marry her. So, this man already knew what he wanted.     

The question now was... was Rose ready to settle down? She was committed to him, but settling down in a marriage and raising a family was another animal.     





From Missrealitybites:     

You are all such amazing readers for being so patient with this story. I really hope I can give Rune and Rose their ending this month (May), and end Harlow's story in June, so I could write a new book. If you like Alaric Rhionen, I think you'd like the male lead in my new book.     

I intentionally name him Aleric Pendragon (as a nod to Alaric Rhionen, just like Loriel Ashborn from "The Cursed King" is named after Lauriel Medici.)     

I really think more readers should read Lauriel's and Alaric's stories, so hopefully, if the new story takes off, they would want to read this book.     

What's the new book about, you might be wondering. Well, it will be a bit angsty because we have a  female lead who loves a man who doesn't love her back at the beginning of the story. She is smart, resilient, and a tough cookie. Her name is Ines and I think you will love her.     

The male lead is Aleric Pendragon, a dragon beastman (his family is from a dragon clan and the heir could transform into a dragon), he is lustful, arrogant, ruthless, and later possessive of the female lead.     

Aleric didn't immediately love Ines. His love for her grew out of admiration for her character and because they faced so many challenges together.     

This is a refreshing take on the isekai trope (transmigrated to another world), beast world, arranged marriage, and royal romance.     

I haven't written a single chapter for this book, but I already have the short synopsis and you get the privilege to be the first to read it.  This is it!!     


TITLE : To Be Decided     


A centuries-old curse bound the ruler of Westerland, The Pendragons, to the House of Delorean, a small noble family in the East. The Pendragon heir could only have children with women from Delorean.     

That's why, every few decades they would ask for a princess to be sent to Westerland to marry a Pendragon heir. Sometimes, the marriage would turn into love. However, most often, it would not.     

The women were only seen as tributes to the Pendragons and machines to produce the next heirs. In exchange, the Delorean would get protection from their enemy.     

However, one day, the princess who was supposed to be sent to Westerland decided to run away with a knight she loved. She didn't want to marry the new Pendragon heir who was rumored to be a scary and ruthless beast.     

The Delorean had to find a replacement bride within one day. Fortunately for them, and unfortunately for Ines, they found the young woman thrown in front of their castle all of a sudden. She was milking cows in her grandparents' farm in Minnesota when she was suddenly transported to this strange new world.     

Still confused about what was happening, Ines was forced by the Delorean to lie to the Pendragons that she was their daughter, otherwise, she would be killed.     

She was sent to Westerland to meet her husband whom she married by proxy and consummate their marriage. She tried to stall and find ways to escape but all her efforts failed until she met Aleric Pendragon.     

It was love at first sight on her part.     

Sadly, on their first night together, Aleric firmly said he would never mark Ines as his mate. He only needed her to bear him an heir because of the curse that bound his family to the Delorean. He already loved another woman.     

How would Ines survive life in the enemy's den, at the same time love a man who didn't love her back, while saving herself before the Pendragons realize she would never give them children because she was NOT a Delorean?     

Can she return to the modern world? Would Aleric finally love her back?     


PS: Let me know what you think!!! ^^     

By the way, my artist already gave me the sketch for the book cover. It's so beautiful!     

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.