Arranged Marriage: To Hear Your Voice

The Hot Brothers

The Hot Brothers

Jason and Hailey just came back from the store to fit their dress because Hailey suggest having bubble tea before going back to the penthouse. But on their way to the entrance, something caught their eyes.      

Jason frowned as he stare at the car. The car is perfectly identical to Mark's car. He check the plate number and it was Mark's personalized plate number. Jason's heart was beating loudly, and Hailey shook his arm.      

"What's wrong?" Hailey look at the direction that he's staring at and to her surprise, Mark came out wearing his usual outfit. His grown beards look blooming. He open the door and affectionately help a woman out.      

Jason's mouth drops, seeing him with a woman. It's a beautiful woman. He put his hands at her back affectionately as he talk to her sweetly.      

"Asshole!" Jason run to him as jump on him and punch him. Mark falls as he sat on top of him and start punching his hard abdominal. "Go die!"      

"Jason!" Hailey shouts and was about to pull him but a fist landed on Jason's face that makes him stop. He was surprised on that strong punch and look at the woman. Her eyes are blank as she grabbed his shirt.      

"Darling! Stop, stop. It's okay." Mark pulls his woman and hugged her. He giggle and then glance at him.      

Hailey exhales and hold her head. Jason's eyes was a little teary as he look up at his best man. He stand up and Mark block Allison as Jason jump on him and hug him, wrapping on him like a koala and kiss his face.      

"You asshole! You are alive." He almost sobbed. Mark laugh out loud and tap his back a little hard.      

"You are so fcking heavy. Get down." Mark said in a very serious dangerous voice.      

Jason get down and wanted to hug him more, but Mark pushes his face away and then walk to Hailey and hugged her tightly.      

"My baby sister." Mark hugged her and kiss her head. "How have you been?"      

"I am great. Get off now, I want to meet this girlfriend of yours." She said. Mark let her go and Hailey smile at the beautiful woman.      

"Darling this is Hailey, my girl best friend—almost like my baby sister and Jason's best friend."      

"Hi." Hailey extend her hand to her and Allison looked at it but shook it in a very quick way. Mark stopped and ignore Jason.      

"Why don't we go inside, ladies?" Mark throw his arms on their shoulders and lead them inside leaving Jason away. Jason was surprised and he spit some blood because he had bit his cheek accidentally when the woman punched him. She's strong despite being skinny.      

However, Hailey was taller few inches than Allison. But she's beautiful despite being petite around them because they are bulky. He followed them inside and Mark as a gentleman pull a chair for the two gorgeous women.      

Jason pull a chair for himself and sat next to Hailey. Jason notice the ring on the woman's ring finger as she put her hand over the table. Mark was like an octopus as he wrapped himself to Allison.      

"Aren't you going to order?" Jason asked frowning at the affection in front of him. He should be the one to make Mark envy but he's getting annoyed and he's also getting Hailey's attention. What a chick boy.      

"Go order our drinks." Mark said as he winks. "These bruises has to be paid with your service." He look at his darling. "What do you want for a drink?"      

"You order for me." She said.      

"Get me 2 creamy Matcha with bobba pearls." He said. "How about Hail, it's my treat."      

"Usual for me." Hailey told him in a sweet voice. Jason stood lazily and tell them what he wants. Then he sat back and put the buzzer in the middle.      

"So, when did you got engaged? After you met her for few days?" Jason asked. Mark grinned at him.      

"We just got engaged few weeks ago and we arevworking out for babies. We are going to get married soon, so be my best man."      

"When?" Jason asked as he smirk a little and move his chair closer to Hailey and put his arms around her and cross his legs.      

"Soon maybe two months after or three." Mark wasn't sure of the day. Hailey nudge him. Jason then call Tequila.      

"Hey wassap?" Albert answer as soon as he accepted his call.      

"Do you mind swapping roles for my wedding?"     

"Uh, yeah sure. Not a problem at all."      

"Because an asshole came back with a woman that he claims to be his fiancée."      

"Holy! I just saw his car outside V's shop." Then the door chimes with the sound of the bells. Albert was standing there with his phone on his ear. They all look at him and Mark wave at him. Albert almost run to him and Mark thought that he would do the same as what Jason did to him. But he didn't expect that Albert would hug him tightly and kiss his forehead hard.      

"Dude! Ew! Get off!"      

Hailey giggles as she took the whole footage starting from Albert's dramatic entrance and on how he lovingly hugged Mark.      

"And this must be your bride to be." Albert look at her and was about to hug her and kiss her in a friendly way but Mark stopped him.      

"Yes, she's Allison and she don't like to be touched by anyone but me." He said possessively. Albert look at Jason.      

"I agree. Since he's here, I will just be one of your grooms men. He's the original best man after all."      

"What are you all talking about?" Mark asked and look at Jason. "You are getting married?!" He exclaim and Jason bounced his head in very boastful way. "Dipshit! To whom?"      

"No other than," Jason kisses Hailey's cheeks hard. Mark's jaw drops then he gather himself and smiled.      

"Just what I expected. How did things happen so quickly?" He asked again.      

"It's a shotgun marriage. She seduced me to give her baby, then her father caught us in my bedroom and found out that she's pregnant. He had brought shotgun with him—of course it's a toy… and he declared a wedding in two weeks. So our wedding is just in two days."      

"What?!" Mark scowls.      

"Hey, the two of you just ruin my plan on getting married. How can the two of you get married before me?" Albert argue. Mark pull Hailey's hand.      

"Where's the fucking ring?" He scowl at Mark.      

"FYI, I didn't seduce him. He forgot to use protection! He's the one who seduced me." Hailey said and nudge Jason hard, but Jason rubbed himself to her like a cat.      

"Okay! The issue here is this Dipshit didn't give you any ring." Mark said annoyed. "How can you marry a guy like that? As your brother—I am super annoyed."      

"I am annoyed too." Hailey said. Allison just watch them argue. They are so noisy. Albert pats Mark.      

"It's okay. We will torture this guy since we have a bachelor party later."      


Veronica is taking care of the triplets however, she was worried about Catriona. She's now in Eros's hand blind and vulnerable. But she trust her and whatever happens to her, she will do everything to rescue her there. She look at the hired body guards together with her own assassins to protect the triplets. However, she doesn't trust them that much, so she waited until Tony arrived from his work in Lawson Company as thecActing CEO.      

"How adorable." Tony took one. Calvin has been playing with them the whole afternoon and it seemed like the triplets are drained. So, the nannies feed them first but one of them was still hyper.      

"Tony-babe. You take care of the triplets… I'll monitor my sister's status." She kisses his lips and swiftly sprint upstairs.      

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