Arranged Marriage: To Hear Your Voice

A Love that Never Dies

A Love that Never Dies

 Anastasia felt like her world has been torn apart. It was a gloomy day and even the weather is with her. She sipped on her mimosa as she recall her encounter with her eldest child. Of course, what should she expect? For him to hug her tightly? Not at all.      

 She called her father since it's going to rain any time soon. He answered after few rings and she smiled.      

"Dad, where are you? It's going to rain any time soon. And it will be slippery on your way here."      

"I am still on my appointment. It's raining hard here. Sorry, darling but I will be back tomorrow. It seemed that there's a typhoon coming."      

"Okay. Take care. Do you have your medicine?"      

"Everything are packed up by you, darling. Don't worry. I'll be home first in the morning."      

"Okay. Love you, bye."      

"Love you too."      

 She hang up and let out a heavy depressing sigh. She was alone. All alone on a cold rainy day. Usually, if it was raining, Sabrina would love it. They would gather in the family room with pop corns, home made pizza and blankets at each other as they watch horror movie.      

 She put down her phone. She carelessly brush off her glass. She stood to pick it up and then she look at the lawn to see a man standing there. She was taken aback as she looked at that handsome face standing few meters away from her. Her heart was pounding. She bit her lip to avoid her traitor tears.      

 Ferdinand look at his wife with eyes full of longing and desire. His heart was beating so loud that its deafening him. Big drops of rain showers above him yet he didn't move and just look at his beautiful wife. His first love. His one and great love. His every first.      

 She cover her mouth as tears falls from her eyes. She didn't move. She couldn't move. It felt so heavy. The desperation she felt was becoming a confusion for her emotions. But she wanted him. To hug him, kiss him. Her one great love. The man whom she gave everything. Her love, her heart, herself and her every firsts.      

"Ana…" He murmured.      

 She walked to him slowly holding back the crazy emotions she felt. She felt nervous. She felt happy. She felt sad… it was crazy. She didn't expect that they would be here. In the same place and face to face.      

 Ferdinand dropped down on his knees and reach her hand. He is crying together with the rain when he felt that it was really her.      

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for failing you, my love."      

"Shh." She stepped closer to him and hugged the back of his head. He cried harder as he shove his face on her stomach. "It's not your fault, my husband."      

 She bit her lips. She finally touched him. They stand there for long with him crying and asking for her forgiveness. Years of being apart was hard for them. For Ferdinand, he felt that his half had died. He became a rebel and he hated the world.      

 Anastasia took his hand for him to get up. He hugged her tightly and then scooped her face looking into her face just to make sure that it was his wife. Anastasia can see the pain in his eyes. She also felt the pain of longing.      

"I'm sorry. I become weak… because of a woman."      

"Shh." She stop his mouth with her fore finger. "Past is past. And it's truly not your fault. I know that you are wrong on somethings like not trusting and giving me your faith. But I love you and I already forgave you."      

 He hugged her and started sobbing on her neck. She was crying as well, but now, it felt so real. Both of their hearts has been filled.      

 She took him inside. She pick her phone and hold his hand as she take him upstairs. Both are soaking wet from the rain. She reach the fresh towel and gave it to him. Then she reach another one and stand in front of him as she wipe off the water. He also did the same, damping it gently on her wet face.      

 He caressed her face. His warm lips pressed on her forehead, down to her nose and to her lips. She automatically wrapped her arms around him and kiss him passionately with full of longing. The coldness faded and the room's temperature intensify. Years of being apart was hard for both.      

 He caress her body while she's unbuttoning his shirt.      

"Is it okay?" He asked her. She smiled at him and kissed his lips.      

"Let's take a shower first, okay?" She said sweetly. He nodded and both stay in the hot bathtub wrapped with each other for long. It's been so long however, it felt like their first time. It felt like just before. He caress her hair, hold her hand and hug her for long until the water gets cold.      

 She stood and take his hand.      

"Are you hungry? I'll cook for you." He stand and stop her. He stepped off from the tub and look down on her chest. A scar was there. He caress it lightly.      

 Ferdinand imagined how she got it. Janine did this to her. He hold himself not to cry but he just did. Anastasia understand that he is full of regrets. She gave him a fresh robe and he put it on. He help her put the robe on and then he dried her hair.      

"Ana, my love. Don't leave me again."      

 She kisses his hand. He still wore their wedding ring. From the recent pictures and posts of Marga from two years ago, he wasn't wearing any wedding ring on his ring finger but wore their wedding ring under his shirt as a necklace.      

 She turn to him and look at the lace and the small ring as a pendant. She lovingly caress his handsome face and tip toe as she kisses his lips.      

"You are mine. No one can ever have you. Do you understand that?" She said softly but with hint of dangerousness. Ferdinand smile and nodded.      

"I am always yours, Ana." He caress her hair. "Do you remember when you said the same exact words? You were so mad at me when I got drunk with my friends and girls lingers around. You were so adorable that I couldn't help but to make love to you all night."      

 Anastasia smiles and their memories come back like it all happened yesterday.      

"What can I do? You are tied to me. And I am not dead yet and that woman—who touched you and seduced you…" She caress his face dangerously. "I will make her pay a thousand folds for taking everything what's mine."      

"My love, you are scaring me." He smiled. He wasn't scared of her at all. He was turned on by her. The dangerousness and her sweetness was all he missed.      

"Remember, my love. I forgive you and I don't care what you and Janine did while I'm gone. But I will make sure that you won't love another woman but me while I am alive."      

"I am forever yours. Okay?" He kiss her lips. "You are way too more possessive… I love it."      

"And I love you."      

 They went downstairs and Eugene, Ezekiel's personal butler prepared a soup and ingredients.      

"Thank you, Eugene." She smile sweetly. "I can handle this." Eugene eyed him.      

"I will bring new clothes to your room." He left and they look at each other and hold their laugh. Eugene probably hate him for what he did to her. But she accepted him again and he will never let anyone manipulate him, ever again. He reached her hand and kissed it.      

"You know that I can cook for you."      

"It's alright. I always want to do this. Just sit there, my love."      

 They eat and talk at each other, holding onto each other and touching each other. They didn't even finished the food because they can't stop the passion and longing and eagerness between them. He carried her upstairs and kiss her passionately.      

 In that romantic rainy night, their passion grows, old memories came back like it happened yesterday. They didn't sleep at all. Ferdinand was wide awake and kept his eyes on her holding her tight making sure that she was there and he won't lose her ever again.      

"My love… can you dance with me?" she asked as she put on the long silk robe of her negligee.      

 He sat up and follow her on the speaker as she play their favorite song. Ferdinand put his arms around her and they sway a little. Anastasia turn to him gracefully and kiss his lips. Just like before—he danced with her all night and he never get tired of it.      

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