Arranged Marriage: To Hear Your Voice

(Unedited) Suicide

(Unedited) Suicide

50 Days Later     

Sabrina had decided. She turned over Glen and Francisco to Calvin Ivanov. Janine turned over to the mental hospital. They let go of Sylvia, by bringing her back to where they pick her up last time.     

She felt so light now and there is an upcoming event like weddings, birthdays, holidays. She wanted to focus on those things. Her family, her husband, her business. She wanted every special event or even just a simple day to be memorable to them.     

"Where are you going?" Gabriel asked after he put his PJs on, fresh from the bath, and very alluring. She smiled and kissed his lips loudly.     

"I'm going to Elite Bar we got a meeting and—I will let you and Athena bond together. I won't get jealous." She winks and kissed him more.     

Gabriel responded to her immediately, grabbing her ass, squeezing it while kissing her passionately. Sabrina loved the after-shave smell, so she held on his shoulder climbing up to him, and kiss him more. She's getting more and more addicted as they kiss for a long.     

If it weren't from her ringing phone, she wouldn't stop until getting what they wanted. She exhales with frowns. It is Andromeda. The woman is an impatient and high tempered little brat.     

She kissed his cheek.     

"Okay. I will be with you soon." She patted his cheek and jump off from him. "Bye, love you." She took her keys and left the room. She jogged downstairs, walk to the garage, and pull the covers of her motorbike. But her husband was behind her and he took away the motorbike key and gave her the key of four by four land rover. She smiled at him and took the keys then, kisses his cheek.     

"Drive safely." He kissed her forehead and waits until she left the house.     

She is cursing when she got to the bar. She used the main entrance as she strode downstairs to the Presidential room. She entered and glanced at her cousins, Andromeda and Andel, then Veronica who just arrived yesterday from the long vacation and Catriona who is busy on phone to check on her kids.     

"Why is there a guy here?" Veronica asked peeking at Andel.     

"I just love being around the girls," Andel said as he winks at her. Veronica frowned and look at Sabrina.     

"What's with the meeting?" Veronica asked.     

"To get drunk," Andromeda said as she raised the second bottle of champagne.     

"Andy, we aren't here to get drunk. We are here to talk about Marga." Sabrina said as she crossed her arms. Andromeda stopped and put the champagne down.     

"She's in Switzerland, living alone and got pregnant," Andromeda said. "She managed to take half the wealth of the fat guy—don't know the name—the Drug Lord that I capture. I think he's still planning to rise… but—he lost now. I think she got pregnant while they are on run." She shrugged. "Maybe she already gave birth."      

Sabrina sat down in front of Andromeda as she opened a bottle of champagne with pop and pour gracefully on the champagne flute. She sipped on it and lean on the sofa. Then thought that maybe they should let Marga off since she's pregnant or had a child.     

"She's not contacting anyone. Not even her mother." Andel said. "So—since you lifted some burden—can I go to naked Island?"     

"Is there such a place?" Catriona asked as she sipped on her red wine.     

"Uhh, yeah. Where people go to beach naked." Andel answered.     

"Why aren't you drinking?" Sabrina asked Veronica suddenly as she gave her a glass of champagne. Veronica pushed it away.     

"I can't drink. I am pregnant and Tony is too frantic that he didn't want me to attend our meeting. So—I can't drink." Everyone is surprised at her babbled, but Sabrina isn't that too surprised because she expected this.     

"Congrats. Where are Sam and Alli?"     

"Allison didn't want to attend, and Sam is on her way here."     

Sabrina exhales and looked at her cousin, Andromeda.     

"I think I will be with you until breaking dawn." Sabrina mutter and Andromeda smile as she raised her champagne.     

Andel is suddenly quiet and he stood and patted Andromeda.     

"Girls call me if something bad is happening. I'll go outside and have fun." He said and left the room. Andel is already with someone else and Sabrina understood that he is protecting the woman he loves by going into incognito.     

Catriona swig the bottle of champagne to her mouth and Veronica started crazy music as all of them get crazy that night. Mostly, Andromeda is the one who got crazier. Sabrina can only understand her situation at that moment. Then Samantha came and join the celebration.     


Janine is staring at nowhere at midnight. She looked at the camera that has been monitoring her. No one is raping her, but she still felt that someone is entering her and fucking her. And every time that she closed her eyes—she could still see those bulky men in her mind. She could see those gays that have big breasts like a woman and had a dick.     

It's been days since she was transferred to this crazy facility. Everyone around is crazy. And she's also losing her insanity as time pass.     

She didn't have any choices now but to end her pain. It was her fault from the very start.     

It's good that she had her jewelry with her. She put it one by one. Her expensive necklace, her rings, her bracelets. Then she put makeup on. She smiled in the mirror and fixed her hair. While playing beautiful music across the corridor, she danced herself and made a rope with the sheets.     

She reached the table to step on it and reach the small window bars, it was a few feet away from the floor, so it was a great thing for her plan. She test if the cloth is sturdy by pulling it. Then she wrapped it around her neck and tie it back on the bar. She kicked the table until the fabric tightens around her neck and she could no longer breathe.     


Sabrina's head felt like going to break. She rolled on the bed and reached for her husband. She couldn't reach her, so she pulled the pillow and hugged it.     

"Get up now and drink this soup for your hangover." Gabriel is just behind her. She lifted her face and then roll to his direction and lifted her arms for him. Gabriel exhaled as he pulled her up from the bed.     

Her arms and legs wrapped around him automatically like it was made as his accessories. He patted her back and kisses her head.     

"Andel drove you guys here. After he dropped you off, a message came from the Asylum."     

Sabrina mutter something and hugged him tightly.     

"Janine is dead. She killed herself."     

Sabrina opened her eyes wide and jumped off from him. She started pacing back and forth and suddenly get dizzy from her sudden action.     

"No." She shook her head. "She can't die!" She screamed and because of the anger in her chest, she reached the vase and throw it on the wall. Gabriel closed his eyes with exhaled.     

He let her for a while to be in a rage and break a few things but then she gritted her teeth and clenches her fist.     

"That's enough darling," Gabriel said softly.     

"Fuck! Janine can't die. Did they do something about it?"     

"She's gone." He told.     

Sabrina exhales. Gabriel reach her and hugged her.     

"She was supposed to stay there until she grows old." She said. "It's not part of my plan. I never thought that this would be too sudden."     

"Sabrina, you should understand that you can't control everything. Okay?"     

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