The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

The Crown Prince

The Crown Prince

Prince Alexander and Pierre were stunned to see Ann and Eva with an entourage following them.      

"Good morning, your Highness!"  Ann said before she went and hugged her cousin.  "I'm so happy for you!"  She whispered only for Alexa to hear.     

"Thank you!  Oh,' Ann... I'm so blessed!  What were the odds that he would be at the club on the night that I decided to forget about him..."  Alexa giggles like a teenager as she whispered back to Ann.     

Eva was busy organizing the entourage that they bought with them.  She didn't even greet Prince Alexander and Pierre.  She keeps on telling everyone where and what to do.  Then she realizes that Prince Alexander was bewildered and was staring at them.  She stopped for a moment...     

"Oh,' good morning, you Highness!  I trust that you now could remember us?"  Eva asked a little curtly.  She's still annoyed with him from the night before.  She couldn't believe that he was flirting with her cousin, not knowing it was his fiancee.     

"Good morning!  Miss Wen, Mrs. Go!"  Replies Prince Alexander as he watches the three cousins embraces each other.     

Once everything was in order, Eva ordered Prince Alexander and Pierre to scram.  "We need privacy, do you have any place you could hang around for a while?  We will let you know when she's done.  After that, we need to head out to the airport.  Do you mind?!"  Eva said with a raised brow staring at them without batting an eye.     

Prince Alexander was stunned how curt Eva was to him.  He figures he had done something in which upsets her.  He would make sure to ask for her forgiveness later.  He cannot afford to piss any of Alexa's relatives, especially the clan from the Philippines.     

"Sure!  Pierre and I would go down and check out the facility.  Do give us a call once you all done."  Prince Alexander said with a slight smile on his face.  " Let's get out of here before they kick our ass out of her."  He told Pierre as he grabs his collar to drag him out of the room.     

Pierre was so stunned that he was unable to speak a word.  He just let Prince Alexander drag him out of the room like a sack of potato.     

Once they were out of the room and on the way down to the lobby of the hotel.  Pierre finally found his voice and asked Prince Alexander a question.  " Your Highness, if you don't mind me asking... Are those three ladies cousins?"  He asked, curiously.     

Prince Alexander looked at Pierre first before replying.  "Why do you ask?  The answer is yes!  Can't you tell just from looking at them?"  He responded nonchalantly like it's a given, and the question should not arise at all.     

"True, true!  One look and someone could tell that they all carry the same genes...  First, they are all gorgeously-beautiful.  Second, they are all sexy and hot... Third, they are all very tall women!  Sigh!"  Pierre let out a big sigh before looking at Prince Alexander seriously.     

Prince Alexander had to ask him why did he sigh?  "What's going on?  What with the big sigh that you just let out.  Something in your mind?  Tell me!"       

"I only thought what would have happened if you didn't get your memory back in time, and you were actually with a hooker and not Miss Grant.  What would happen, then?  I can't picture it, for I'm afraid... that you would have been doomed."  Pierre told Prince Alexander what he thought.     

Prince Alexander suddenly got into thinking after hearing what Pierre had said. He's right!  What would have happened if he didn't get his memory back?  But then he thought about the event the night before, he was bored to death and was about to leave.       

However, once he set eyes on Alexa... His heart began beating fast, and he couldn't take his eyes off her.  He was hypnotized towards her without thinking.  He was following his heart, and it leads him back to the love of his life...     

"You know what Pierre If that woman wasn't Alexa.  I don't think I would have been interested at all.  Remember that we were about to leave when I spotted her.  Did you know that my heart was beating like one thousand miles per hour?  Hahaha!  I thought I was going to have a heart attack.  That's the power of love, my friend!"  He then tapped Pierre on his shoulder before they got out of the elevator.     

Pierre thought about it, and he smiled.  "You were right, you Highness!  I knew my hunch was right.  You only need to see her in person and let your heart guide you to her.  Wallah!  You got your memory back.  Hahaha!"  Pierre was thrilled and was grinning from ear to ear as they walked without any destination in particular.     

"Your highness!  Sir, Prince Alexander! Excuse me!"  The General Manager Arman Gusman was coming out of his office when he saw the VVIP guest of his hotel.  He was about to go up to the penthouse to check on them personally. But now, he doesn't need to for they were right there.     

Prince Alexander stopped and turned around and look who's calling him.  He then looked at Pierre with a questioning look that was asking, 'who?'     

Pierre also stopped and turned around and face Arman Gusmas, who was dress immaculately and very distinguished.  He recognized him as the General Manager of the hotel.  Therefore, he smiles at him as he comes closer to them.  "Yes!  Mr. General Manager, what can we do for you?"  Pierre asked politely.     

"Good day, sir, and your Highness!  How was everything?  I heard that you went to our night club last night and wondering how it was?  Arman asked with a polite smile on his face.     

Prince Alexander wasn't going to bother with him, but because he was so kind.  He decided to be polite as well and conversed with him.  "Thank you for asking, and we had enjoyed our night.  Was there something you need?"  He asked, curiously.     

"Oh' no your Highness, I merely wanted to ensure that your stay with us was pleasant and if there's anything I could do.  Please, do not hesitate to ask me."  Arman said confidently.     

Prince Alexander likes the General Manager.  He's genuinely kind-hearted and very professional.  If ever he comes back to the Philippines, he would make sure to stay at this hotel again.  He smiles at the General Manager as he spoke wholeheartedly.     

"I want to thank you for your kindness and generosity.  I truly enjoyed my stay here, and I will surely recommend this hotel in my tourism department."  He promised while extending his hands in which he doesn't normally do.     

Arman doesn't know if he should accept the extended hand or bow to the Prince.  However, Prince Alexander took the initiative and took his hands, and shook it.  "Thank you!"  The Prince said, and Arman was speechless.     

When Arman finally found his voice and was about to say something.  He heard someone calling his name and approaching...     

"General Manager, sir!  Excuse me! There was a guest that's needed your attention."  His front desk manager told him with urgency in his voice.     

"Oh' alright, I will be there?"  He said, but as the front desk manager turned around to go back.  Arman decided to ask something. "By any chance, the person has given his/her name?" He asked curiously, for he has a much more critical guest in front of him at the moment.     

"Yes, General Manage!  He said he's a Crown Prince of some Kingdom."  The front desk manager replied anxiously.     

"Oh!  Did you by any chance catch the name?"  Prince Alexander asked after hearing the word Crown Prince...     

The Front desk manager stopped and thought thoroughly before he replied.  "I think he said, he's Crown Prince Romano or something..."   He replies absentmindedly and unsure.     

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