The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Shop Until You Drop!

Shop Until You Drop!

The group arrived at the shopping center on time. They were dropped off at the front of the mall. First, the Secret Service came out and stood guard by the car, waiting for the siblings to come out. Then the driver who was also a member of the secret service came out and opened Daniel's door first, he then ran towards Alexa's side, then he opened her door, and waited for them to come out.     

Alexa's eyes were wide in shock from what she's experiencing. Never in her entire life would she dare dream of being treated like a princess. Then Alexa was about to get out of the car when Daniel stopped her by pinching her arms, and she felt pain. "Wait, let the Secret Service be prepared before getting out. "Wait! I have to give you this before we get out".He hands Alexa a brand new iPhone that President Grant gave him to give to her before he left the Oval Office.     

"What is this? N-no-no! I do not need your phone, nor do I need to make a call." Alexa refused to accept it, thinking it was Daniel's phone and that he was letting her use it to make a phone call. She was pushing it back as hard as she could. "By the way, why did you pinch me? That hurt, you know!" Alexa was holding back her tears from the pain.      

" I was not asking you to make a call. I'm giving this to you as a welcoming gift. How's that?" Daniel said while he laughed, and he tried to hand it over to her once more. He made it sound like it was nothing but a welcoming gift.     

"A welcoming gift? How do you know that I would need a phone? Did Mr. President give this to you before we left the White House?" Alexa hesitated , but after some thought she decided to accept the welcoming gift from the President. She took the iPhone and put it inside her purse.     

"Thank you! I will take it for now, but if I am not your sister, I will return it to you when I leave. Is that okay with you? If not, then I cannot accept it." She told Daniel as she looked at him straight with tears of gratitude about to fall on her face.     

Daniel gave her a brotherly hug first before he ushered her out of the car. "Let's go shopping until we drop!" He said with a chuckle thinking she was humorous.      

As the siblings got out of the car, many passersby were curious and could not help themselves but look and ask who they were? Since Daniel did not like being the center of attention, he had a low profile. Therefore, most people would not recognize him, if they saw him in person.     

Alexa, on the other hand, was eye-catching. She was half American and half Filipino. She had the looks of a young beauty queen. It was a good thing that she wore simple blue jeans, long sleeve shirt inside a windbreaker, and a hat that covered her long brownish hair. From afar, she could be mistaken for a young boy with a pretty face.     

Passerby and onlookers thought that Alexa was an Asian idol, and Daniel must be her Manager and the others were her bodyguards. Therefore, they were able to go to the mall without being bothered by people. The people moved out of the way when the bodyguards blocked the roads.     

Once they were inside the mall, the rest of the Secret Service except Lucas, Logan, and Ria followed them twenty feet away. The trio followed close to the siblings as they went from store to store, without purchasing a thing. After what seems to be a million stores, Alexa finally found what she was looking for. She found the souvenir shops.     

The excitement on her face was priceless. Daniel could not help himself but be excited as well. Alexa was like a child in a store full of sweets, and she wants to try it all. She looked at one item then another. She would check the price tag on each item she looked at and then put it back down with a disappointed look on her beautiful face.     

"What is wrong? Did you not find anything you liked? It was alright, and we could go to another store. I am sure you will find one sooner or later." Daniel was trying to coax Alexa and hoping to see her smile and get excited like before.     

"I'm sorry! Am I making a nuisance of myself? It is not that I did not find anything I like. It is just that..." Alexa could not tell her older brother that she could not afford the price of any of the items she likes. She only has so much money with her, and she did not feel right to ask him to buy it for her.     

"Let me guess, it is too expensive, and you do not have enough money to pay for it? Am I right?" Daniel asked Alexa a little irritably.     

Alexa could not look at her brother in the eye, and she just stood there kicking an imaginary ball with her right foot while looking elsewhere embarrassed.     

Daniel pulled his younger sister in an embrace and whispered to her. "Little Sis. If there is anything in this store you like, get it. I invited you to go shopping, and that means I am buying. Whatever the cost, do not worry, alright! If I cannot afford it. I am sure Dad's name is good enough to get a credit. He laughed a nervous laugh.      

Alexa felt a lot better after hearing that, and she breathed a sigh of relief, knowing she could get a souvenir for everyone she wants.     

"Let's do it, then!" She got out of Daniel's embrace and started picking things for all of her friends and family back in the Philippines. "Might as well get something out of this situation. If for some reason, it turned out that I am not the First Daughter, then I would have all these as souvenirs." She joked as she told her older brother who's face suddenly turned sour.     

"Alexa Grant! Don't even joke about that matter. If you ever say that out loud ever again, let us see what happens to you. Eh!" Daniel's a little upset after hearing Alexa's words.     

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