The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Bonding Time

Bonding Time

Alexa and Daniel had so much fun bonding that they did not know a hurricane was about to touch down at the White House.     

After purchasing souvenirs for everyone that Alexa could think of, she was famished. Unfortunately, she was too shy to ask her older brother if they could get some snacks before they headed back to the White House. As they were walking, Alexa was trying to think of a way to make Daniel aware that she's hungry. "Wow! Look at that...! "She was looking at people lining up to get coffee from Starbucks and drooling at the pastries at the same time.     

This did not miss Daniels' eyes, and he saw how she's salivating from looking at all the tasty pastries on displays. His lips twitch a little and curved into a half-smile, before asking Alexa. "Are you hungry? Do you want to eat out? I could take you to my favorite restaurant, and it is just around the corner?" Daniel made it sound so exciting that Alexa's eyes lit up like a light bulb and grin from ear to ear.     

"You would? Oh, I would love that! I'm feeling a little hungry myself, so..., 'why not,' sure! Lead the way." Alexa smiled at her brother and was very excited that she just received a gift.      

Daniel had already asked his assistant to make a reservation at his favorite restaurant while Alexa was busy choosing souvenirs for her family and friends back home.     

The restaurant was famous and very popular in the Capital, and bookings had to be made a year in advance. They made an exception only for the First Family, who had a private room reserved for them to use anytime day or night.     

The Maître d' was already waiting for them when they arrived. They were ushered straight to their private dining room. Alexa was astounded to see such surroundings. It was the type of place that she would not have even dreamt of seeing in person.     

Her eyes were bulging in awe as they were brought into the luxurious setting. As they sat down, Alexa thought to herself, 'Hmm...I need to take a picture of a place like this. It would be another one for my scrapbook, and it also would be fun to show Andrea when I go back to the Philippines.' She pulled out her battered cellphone and was about to take a selfie, when Daniel saw what was in her hand, his forehead creased, almost touching each other.     

"Alexa, where is the phone I just gave you? Why aren't you using it?" Daniel asked out of curiosity.      

"Oh, I forgot about that! Let me see..." She opened her purse and looked for the new iPhone he had just given to her before they went in. "Here it is! She said with a chuckle, "I forgot about it, sorry...!" She tapped the palm of her hand on her forehead as if to knock some sense into her head. She gave him a pitiful look and sad-looking eyes. She was asking for forgiveness with a sweet smile.     

What else could a loving brother do, but... "Nothing to forgive; I was just wondering."     

Alexa turned on the iPhone. However, there was a password, and she did not know what it was. She gave Daniel a questioning look, asking what is to do. "It's your birthday, 6102, try it."     

Alexa input the number, and the phone unlocked.! President Grant and her face suddenly showed up. "What is this? How did it get here? "She was stunned for a moment, then realized that it must be President Grant who got the phone for her. "Oh, he was so sweet! Thank him for me, please!"     

Once all that was settled, Alexa became excited and started to take a selfie from every corner of the private dining room to another. Just before the food arrived, she was able to take a picture with Daniel together, and she was on the moon after that. "I'm keeping this as my wallpaper; instead, do not tell him, alright?"     

"Why would you want our picture as wallpaper, rather than the one with father?"     

"I have a reason, and I'm not telling." Alexa joked and giggled, Daniel got the idea, and both started laughing out loud.     

Alexa wanted to use their picture together instead of the one with President Grant only for one reason. Daniel was a handsome looking man, and she wanted all the girls to envy her when she went back to the Philippines. If she used the picture with President Grant, they might think he was a dirty older man, like she did...     

The siblings had their bonding, and the time flew by. By the time they got back at the White House, it was late. Alexa was so exhausted that as soon as she made it to her room, she laid down on her bed and fell asleep right away.     

When it was time for dinner, Alexa was out cold, and Ria did not want to wake her up. Therefore, when they sent someone to fetch Alexa to eat dinner, Ria made up an excuse and told them that Alexa was not feeling good and went to bed early.     


Prince Alexander was having a cocktail with Daniel, Jane Si, and First Lady Dianne. He was invited to stay for dinner by the First Lady, and he could not refuse. Even though he wanted to leave so bad, he had no choice but to accept, or he would get in trouble from his father when he went back to Stonasia.     

Jane si was astounded when she saw how handsome Prince Alexander was. For the last year, she had seen his pictures in the tabloids with various girls. She could not believe that First Lady Dianne promised to introduce her to him and to hope to hook her up in the long run. She did not mind at all, and if they ended up together, she could get used to becoming a princess.     

Unfortunately, Prince Alexander had no interest in meeting her at all. He ignored her the whole time, and Daniel had better luck than her in conversing with Prince Alexander. They talked the entire time and ignored her.     

Jane Si was not happy at all, and she was ready to put an end to it. She got up and about to introduce herself when...     

Someone suddenly came in, and both the men looked at the same time only to…     

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