The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Going Crazy Thinking About Her...

Going Crazy Thinking About Her...

Ramon woke up with a throbbing headache. It was so bad that he could not even open his eyes. He looked around at his surroundings only to realize that he was laying down on the cold hard floor of his room.     

'Fudge! How did I end up sleeping here?"     

He saw an empty bottle of liquor next to him, and then everything became clear to him. Once again, Alexa's image started flooding his mind, "Ahhh!!!!" He shouted so loud that his mother heard him all the way down the hall in the parlor where she was having her morning tea.     

He shut his eyes, trying to get rid of Alexa's image, but he could not. When that didn't work, he decided to get up. However, he could barely get up from where he had passed out the night before.     

He was still groggy, and once he opened his eyes, memories of Alexa came flooding back into his mind. He did not know what to do. He shut his eyes and thought of a way to get rid of her memory.     

He needed to get rid of her memory, or he would go crazy thinking about her. He crawled his way towards the bed and planned on continuing to sleep.     

He counted to three, and he made it to his bed. He slumped down onto his bed with his eyes still shut.     

Just when he was about to go back to sleep, someone came knocking on the door. "Ramon, son! It is your mother. Open the door so we can talk please!" Lucy Le Grande was beating on the door in anger.     

Ramon heard his mother's pleading voice. However, he was not in the mood to talk to anyone. He decided to ignore her. Instead of going to the door and letting her in or yelling at her to go away, he got up and went to the bathroom. He locked himself inside. He let the water run so he could drown out the noise of her knocking.     

Lucy Le Grand called one of the maids to get the key, so she could unlock the door and check if Ramon was alright. When she entered the room, there was no Ramon in sight!     

"Son! Son, where are you?" Lucy was shouting as she walked around the room. She heard water running, 'Ah! He must be taking a shower. I will leave him alone for now.' She quietly left the room and went back to have her tea. She planned to wait until he finished taking a shower before she asked him to accompany her to her friend's birthday party.     

Her good friend was Dianne, the First Lady of The United States of America, and there was no way in hell that she was going to miss it for the world. 'First Lady Dianne specifically requested that she bring Ramon, maybe she has someone in mind to introduce. That would be great.' Lucy Le Grande had a big smile on her face as she sipped her tea.     

Meanwhile, inside the bathroom, Ramon was quietly sitting at the commode with his two hands on his aching head, thinking very hard where Alexa could be at the moment. He needed to find closure, or he would have a problem functioning in the future. The sooner he got it, the better.     

At the White House, USA     

Alexa woke up feeling much better after a good night's sleep, and it was a much-needed rest. The long flight and the stressful dinner the night before took a toll on her. She was so exhausted after the ordeal. She needed to devise an entire plan if she was to survive in this jungle where the hyenas wanted to eat her alive.     

Ria was waiting for her to wake up with breakfast. She had a wide grin on her face as she was setting it on the small table.     

"Good morning, Miss Grant! I hope you did not mind that I had left you sleeping on the sofa. You looked so peaceful, and I could not dare to disturb you." Ria cheerfully greeted Alexa, starting her day beautifully.     

"Ria, what is the agenda for today? I just want to be prepared if you know what I mean." Alexa was thinking of what was ahead of her. It was going to be another day in paradise. She needed all the strength for today. It was the day that she would find out the results of her DNA test with her 'maybe' father.     

However, whether she was the first daughter or not, her plan would not change. She was not going to stay under the same roof as the evil queen step-mother. She wanted to continue with her dream, as far away as she could.     

Once she fulfilled her goal to become a beauty queen, then she would return and face her step-mother head-on, but not before…     

Alexa decided to enjoy the breakfast that Ria had brought for her instead of worrying about the results of the DNA test and her future. She would worry about that when the time came.     

Ria finished arranging the breakfast and standing guard waiting for her to sit down and eat. She walked towards the table and stared at the feast that was laid out in front of her to enjoy.     

"What is this?" Her eyes were bulging in surprise. She asked Ria, who was stunned by her question, and unable to reply right away.     

"What do you mean?"     

"This!" Alexa pointed to all the food that was beautifully laid out on top of the table.     

"Miss Grant, could you elaborate a little, please! I do not understand what you are questioning?" Ria asked almost in tears. She had made sure that she brought everything that she thought Alexa would love to eat. But now, she was not so sure any longer.     

Alexa looked at her straight in her face before answering with a blank look on her face. "I am talking about this whole spread here. From the look of it, it is enough to feed a whole battalion of the Army. Did I receive a death sentence without knowing it?"     

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