The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

All you can eat Adobo

All you can eat Adobo

0Everyone's eye was on Alexa waiting to see what she's going to do. When she hasn't made a move after a minute or so, Jane Si had to instigate to get Alexa to do something that would embarrass her. "What is not enough? Her let me help Aunty." Jane Si took another serving spoon and scooped a significant portion of the pork adobo and also waited to see what Alexa's going to do. "Is this enough?" With a sly smile on her face.     

President Grant and Daniel know what's going on and both were ready to intervene when... Alexa decided to play along with First Lady Dianne and Jane Si.     

Alexa picked up her plate and let both the First Lady and Jane Si served her a hefty portion of pork adobo. Once it was all on her plate overflowing, "thank you! May I have some more rice too. I can't eat all this without rice, it's greasy and salty." she asked nicely as sweet as she could be.     

First Lady Dianne and Jane Si were dumbfounded to hear Alexa asking for more rice so she could eat all the pork adobo that's currently overflowing in her plate. They looked at each other trying to figure out what to do next.     

Jane Si thought she's smarter than Alexa, so she grabs the container that holding the rice and a plate before she scooped a hefty portion put it in on the plate then hand it over to Alexa. "Here, enjoy! She said it with a smirk on her face. 'Let see if you could eat all that.'     

"Why, thank you so much! You are so sweet and thoughtful." Alexa banter while deep inside she had thought of a way to make them lose face. "Mr. Pre...-Father...-Big Brother, you both don't mind helping me out of this, do you? I know it's all you can eat, but I just had a lite snack, and I hate wasting food. Please!!!" Alexa did her best to look pathetic, which she doesn't need to do at all.     

President Grant reached out to the plate that Alexa was handing him, transferred at least quarters of the food onto his plate before handing it over to his son.     

Daniel, in turn, accepted the plate with three-quarters full and transferred a little portion in his dish. Jane Si and First Lady Dianne were watching the whole time, and when they saw that Daniel only took a tiny part, both procured a half-smile while secretly continued to watch the show.     

Once Daniel finished the transfer, he put down the plate that was handed to him, picked up his plate where he put just a small portion then gave it to Alexa. " I know you loved pork adobo, but is just so happens I love it too. Therefore, I cannot let you eat it all, so... here is your portion." Daniel said it seriously before giving Alexa a wink.     

Alexa shyly accepted the plate handed by her older brother, "thank you!" she whispered shyly before turning her attention to her father and did the same thing.     

President Grant just nodded before he started eating with gusto. "Hmmm, this sure is tasty, no wonder you love it. From now on, we will have this at least two times a week, or maybe every day. Hahaha!" He also winked at Alexa to let her know that she's not alone.     

Alexa decided to test the water to see how everyone would react. Instead of using utensils, she got up and excused herself. She then went to the restroom to wash her hand. When she came back and sat down, she started eating with her bare hand without looking to see what everyone thought.     

"Oh, my God! That's gross. How could you eat with your bare hand!" Jane Si exclaims with a high pitch voice.     

"Aish! I can't eat anymore, and I lost my appetite!" First Lady Dianne put down her utensils and napkin and stopped eating while glaring at Alexa.     

Alexa stopped shoving food in her mouth, licked the leftover from her fingers one by one before she spoke back. "Oh, I'm sorry! Did I offend you for using my hand to eat? Unfortunately, the best way to eat pork adobo is with your hand to be able to taste it properly. Why don't you try it, and you would know what I'm talking about." She told them straight face.     

President Grant and Daniel both got up without saying a word and left the dining room.     

"See... what did you do, look...Uncle and Brother Daniel left. It's because of you!" Jane Si gave Alexa an accusing look while First Lady Dianne was ready to give Alexa a tongue lashing. However, just as she was about to say something, President Grant and Daniel returned.     

Both sat back down and started eating with bare hands. "Hmmm, this is good! You were not kidding when you said it tastes better eating with bare hands." President Grant mumbles while he was shoving pork adobo in his mouth.     

"Wow! Little sister, you're not kidding when you said it would taste better. Hmmm, I love it!" Daniel second the motion what his fathers' said while licking his finger after each bite.     

First Lady Dianne and Jane Si were distraught after what happened. They couldn't stand it that the two men in the family were protecting Alexa.     

The First Lady sat quietly watching Alexa enamors the two men of her life. 'She needed to make a plan, and she cannot let her husband 'bastard daughter' take everything from her. If she needs too, she will get rid of her just like how she got rid of her mother.' She was thinking to herself as she continued glaring at Alexa...     


Meanwhile, Ria, Lucas, and Logan were having a meeting in regards to Alexa. All three were appointed by the President to take care of her with their lives, even if it means going against the First Lady and the spoiled brat Jane Si.     

The trio doesn't know the whole story about Alexa's parentage. The only thing they do know for sure is that... -The First Lady Dianne and Jane Si will do everything in their power to make her life as miserable as possible. The trio was making all kinds of plans on how to prevent that from happening, not knowing Alexa doesn't need them...She would fight her own battle when the time comes...     

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