The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

I Missed My Family

I Missed My Family

The day before, right after Alexa found out the DNA test result, she had been so excited that she could not contain herself from leaping and skipping; she wanted to announce it to her three confidants and bodyguards. Unfortunately, she couldn't say anything as they were walking the hallway of the White House towards her room, afraid that someone would overhear them and report it to "the witches." They had no choice but to wait until they arrived at her place.     

However, once Alexa arrived at the door of her room, she grabbed the twin's arms and dragged them into following her inside the room. Alexa was grinning from ear to ear that she started to look like she had gone mad.     

However, no matter how she acted like a crazy person, the trio would never voice it out loud, even if they thought so. It was part of their job description, and they would never hurt her intentionally.     

Once they were inside the room, Alexa quickly locked the door herself to make sure that no one would barge in on them as she spilled the good news to them. She was too excited and was speaking way louder than usual without realizing she was doing so.     

"Hahaha! I'm over the moon, hahaha!" Alexa was jumping up and down, holding Ria's hand while the twins Lucas and Logan looked at them with blank expressions on their faces.     

"Miss Alexa... Miss Alexa... " Ria was trying her best to stop Alexa from twirling around and jumping up and down. "Miss Alexa!!!! Stop! I'm getting dizzy already!" Ria had to shout before Alexa stopped.     

"Oh, I'm sorry! I was so excited and... and...Oh! I am so happy!" She was about to start jumping once again, but Ria was pretty quick to put a stop to it.     

"Alright! I understand that you are happy, but can we sit down instead and tell us why you dragged us here? They would be in absolute trouble if the President heard that they left their posts." Ria was doing her best to rationalize the situation.     

"Alright, I'll make it quick so they can go back to their post. If anyone should ask, I'd take care of it, alright?"     

All four went towards the small living room in Alexa's suit as it was quite a large compartment. She quickly sat down, motioned to the three to do the same thing. "Sit down - sit down, it's no fun telling you guys if I have to break my neck while I'm looking up."     

Ria sat down first so that Lucas and Logan would follow suit. Once all three were seated, she got ready and pulled out the DNA test copy that the President gave her to have for herself.     

"Do you guys know what this is? Look! " She handed it to Ria first, then made herself comfortable and waited with a smirk on her face.     

Once Ria had finished reading the sheet of paper, she handed it to Logan, seated right next to her. After giving Ria the sheet of paper, Ria looked at Alexa, almost in tears.     

"Oh...Miss, I'm so happy for you! See...! Now you don't have to worry about getting used to me spoiling you! Hahaha! I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!" Ria happily congratulated Alexa with tears in her eyes from happiness.     

"Gosh! For a person who is happy for me, you are rather crying instead of jumping for joy? Stop that! Hahaha!" Next, Alexa looked at the twins for their reactions. However, she did not see anything at all. Logan read the sheet of paper, handed it to Lucas, and just sat there quietly without a word.     

"What? Nothing! You guys are not even happy for me?" Alexa asked with disappointment, clearly showing on her youthful and innocent face.     

Logan was the one who replied to both of them. Miss Alexa, with all due respect, we never once doubted that you are the President's daughter. From the day you arrived and hand-picked by the President to protect you, we did not care what your real identity was. What matters to us is protecting you with our lives as the President ordered us to do.     

Alexa was disappointed to hear their reason for protecting her, but that was undoubtedly the truth, and she had to accept it no matter what, even if she was not happy about it. "Well, if you put it that way, I guess! Why don't you go ahead, go back out there and protect me from the outside? Don't let me keep you from your job."     

The trio could tell that Alexa was not happy with the way Logan had said it, but it was a fact. No matter who she was, they needed to protect her as it was ordered by the President of the United States of America himself.     

Alexa took the sheet of paper and got up, looking gloomy and disheartened. She did not even say a word. She went to the adjoining room, which was her dressing room, and closed the door.     

Lucas smacked his twin brother on his shoulder. "Why do you have to be so direct? You're such an ass, and you know that?" He then walked toward the door to go back to his post.     

Ria also got up and was ready to follow Alexa and comfort her. However, she made sure to give Logan a murderous look before going towards the dressing room to check on Alexa.     

'What? I was only telling the truth; why do I have a feeling that I'm now an outcast?' Logan thought as he walked out to go back to his post, standing outside Alexa's door to protect her as per the President's order.     

Ria knocked first before turning the knob to see if it was locked. She found it unlocked and walked inside the dressing room to see what her charge was doing.     

"Miss Alexa, Miss Alexa, it's Ria. I'm coming in, alright?" She announced as she walked in, but there was no Alexa. She then went towards the adjoining bathroom and did the same thing. However, this time, the bathroom door was locked.     

Alexa was busy calling her cousin Andrea back in the Philippines; hence, she did not hear Ria knock on the door.     

Unfortunately, Alexa was not getting through to Andrea's phone either. She was getting the "the phone is no longer in service" reply, and it devastated her more to the point of her shedding tears. "Oh, Andrea! Where are you? I need to talk to you right now! I miss you so much. I wish you were here with me, right. I miss you as well, grandma... *sniff sniff sniff*!" Alexa mumbled while in tears.     

Ria heard every word she said and also her cries. It was tearing Ria's heart to pieces for not being able to do something for her charge. 'If only I could leave right now and fly to the Philippines, I would go and drag that cousin and grandmother of hers, If it would make her happy.' She thought while standing by and waiting for Alexa to come out of the bathroom.     

Ria did not have to wait much longer; Alexa came out feeling sad and tired. She went out of the bathroom only to go straight to her bed and lay down; then she closed her eyes with tears still flowing down her cheeks.     

Alexa had fallen asleep with tears still falling on her beautiful face, and she had no idea that on the very next day, she would be with her friends and family...     

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