The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance



On the next day, a group of people was on their way to the White House for a tour. Lea received a call from a representative of the White House telling her that they were invited and wanted to get an exclusive tour of the White House. After getting the invite, she asked Ann and Jeff to stick around and join the party.     

Ann thought that it would be fun. She also wanted to see Alexa once more before continuing with her honeymoon with Jeff. She convinced Jeff to stay for an extra day or two or until Lea resolved her issue. She also made an excuse that they did not get the chance to speak with the twins. Alexa had to leave. Wherever she went, the twins had to accompany her. Jeff had no choice but to agree, or he might get the 'Outside the Kulambo once again [be in the dog house].     


The day before at the Oval Office inside the White House:     

Alexa had asked the President for quite a few favors, and as the President had promised, if it were within his capabilities, he would grant it to Alexa.     

Her first request was for her cousin Andrea and Grandmother Santos, who was still back in the Philippines, to be brought to America to live with her. She told the President of her story with Andrea, and how they had always been inseparable since childhood. Andrea had always been there for her through thick and thin. As for Grandmother Santos, even though she had hidden the fact about her father looking for her, she had raised and guided her pretty well. If she did not do that, who knew what would have happened to her by now.     

President Grant only smiled at her request. He had already arranged for them to come to visit. Now all he needed to do was to change the Visa to a Resident Alien instead of Tourist. He was planning on surprising her with that arrangement, but since she had asked for it as a favor, he just made it look like he was spoiling her by giving it to her.     

The last thing she requested was that she asked not to divulge to the First Lady and Jane Si her true identity. She wanted them to think that they are not related. That way, they would leave her alone and not bother her when she goes away and moves with Ms. Garcia.     

Alexa wasn't sure that President Grant would quickly take care of her requests. Unknown to her, as soon as she left, the President contacted Daniel and gave him the orders. He told Daniel to make the arrangement and invite Alexa's newfound friend and give them a private tour of the White House. Daniel Grant happily informed Logan to invite his family over.     

Once that had been taken care of, he called for his assistant to check on the status of Grandmother Santos and Andrea Santos coming to America. "Make sure they are as comfortable as they can be. If you have to fly to the Philippines yourself to pick them up, do so!"     

The President's assistant quickly made inquiries and was back in a flash with good news.     

Grandmother Santos and Andrea would be arriving at Washington DC airport the next day. Everything was pre-arranged. Once they arrive, a car would be waiting to pick them up, and they would be brought back to the White House to surprise Alexa.     

In the meantime, First Lady Dianne and Jane Si arrived at the door of the Oval Office only to be stopped by the secret service from entering. First Lady Dianne was ready to fire them on the spot; unfortunately, she did not have the power to do so, and the only thing she could do was bitch, complain, and question the secret service that was guarding the door.     

"What do you mean we cannot enter? Is the President in a meeting? If so, I understand, but if he is only avoiding us, then it would not do. You understand?" She warned the secret service detail of the President.     

"I apologize Madam, but you know we cannot divulge what the President is doing right now. Please, come back another time or wait until his office day is over." The head of the secret service apologized on behalf of the President.     

First Lady Dianne understood. However, Jane Si was another matter. She had been so spoiled that she thought if she threw a tantrum, she would be able to get her way. [Not!!!] If only Jane Si knew that there would be more surprise coming into the White House. She would have gotten a heart attack when she came across the group of "tourists" from "I accidentally Married a CEO."     

The whole group was coming to the White House for a 'Party' and an exclusive tour with Alexa and Daniel Grant. Only two people were missing to complete the gang, and that happened to be Prince Alexander and Lady Antella of Stonasia...     


Washington DC International Airport:     

Andrea and Grandma Santos arrived without delay. As soon as Andrea stepped foot at the tarmac of the airport, she knelt and kissed the ground. People were looking at her awkwardly because of what she was doing to the extent that some were laughing at her. They thought she was crazy. She did not care one bit if they could feel she was mad. What they had no clue about was that she had made a promise to herself, and she had planned on keeping it no matter what.     

'I made a promise to myself a long time ago that the day I stepped foot on the American soil, I would kiss the ground. There was no way in hell that I would jinx my arrival by not keeping a promise I made. They all can call me crazy all they want.' Andrea was thinking to herself as she and Grandmother Santos looked for the person that was supposed to pick them up and to take them to "somewhere unknown." Neither Grandmother Santos nor Andrea knew where they were going, but they were extremely excited to be on American soil.     

Andrea was in deep thought while walking and was not paying attention to where she was heading when she suddenly bumped into a beautiful young lady. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I was not paying any attention." She reasoned while apologizing.     

Lady Antella smiled before replying. "It is alright! It is partly my fault. I was not paying attention to anything while standing in the way either. I can't seem to find my assistant who is looking for my mode of transportation out of here." She told Andrea nonchalantly.     

Andrea was shocked by how beautiful the lady in front of her was. This lady had the most beautiful smile she had ever seen in her entire life. She couldn't help herself but gawk. "Thank you for understanding. I guess we are both at fault. Have a nice day then." She nodded to Lady Antella before she started looking for the person that was supposed to pick them up and take them to God knows where...     

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