The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Where Are You?

Where Are You?

The show was over, but according to Jane Si, it wasn't. She refused to accept the fact that she was almost beaten to a pulp by Lea while Logan and Lucas didn't do anything to prevent it from happening.     

The group was ready to take their leave when Jane Si started again. She turned her attention to Lucas, Logan, and Ria then shouted at them, "Hey you, three!" She was pointing at Logan, Lucas, and Ria.     

 "This is not over yet, wait until I tell Aunty Dianne about this. You didn't even try to protect me when someone was trying to harm me in front of all of you." She was shouting at them as she was threatening them.     

Alexa, who was trying to be inconspicuous and not get involved, had enough of Jane Si's attitude. 'Who that hell does she think she is? Why would my bodyguards need to protect her? When did my detail become hers, huh?' She thought while she went towards Jane Si.     

"Miss Si, may I speak with you privately, please?" She asked kindly but a little sternly to ensure Jane knew she was dead serious.     

Jane Si looked at Alexa up and down and was about to say something when Alexa grabbed her arm and pulled her aside to a corner.     

She glared at Jane Si with anger in her eyes and poked her finger into her chest. Alexa started to reprimand Jane Si, "Look here, missy! We need to get something straight here. Just in case you have forgotten, they are my bodyguards and not yours. Therefore, they are not obligated to protect you even if someone tried to murder you. Do you understand that?     

"If you think they did wrong by not stopping my friend,... Alexa emphasized the word "friend" very clearly for Jane Si to understand....then complain to me not to my dear step-mother because it will solve your problems. Do you understand this?" Alexa gave her a look to kill and turned back to join her friends. They were curious as to what she just said for Jane Si. She was standing still looking like a dejected child.     

"Let us get out of here! " Lea said in a commanding voice.     

"The air has become polluted, and now I have an issue breathing. Alexa joked with a laugh as she left with her friends out of Louis Vuitton's showroom...     


Alexa's phone started ringing as they walked out of the showroom. She looked at the number to see who it was. It was her big brother, Daniel. 'Oh, shit! He was probably looking for me at the dockside.' She thought to herself. She was unable to answer the phone because she was dumbfounded…     

Ria saw the worried look on Alexa's face when she looked at her phone. She figured that it must be Mr. Grant. Either the older one or the younger one but for sure it was one of the male Grants.     

Ria moved closer to Alexa to be able to see which Grant was on the phone to make her hesitate to answer. She saw it was the younger one, so she felt much more at ease, "You want me to take that call? If you don't know what to say, I could tell him you're not available. What do you say?" Ria was trying to give her a way out.     

"Nah! I should take it. He might be at the docks right now waiting for us and wondering where we are. Let me take this call first. Alright?" Alexa went to a discreet area to make the call. She did not want Lea and Eva to hear her conversation with her brother.     

Daniel Grant was frustrated when Alexa didn't answer her phone. His phone rang a few minutes later. He noticed that it was Alexa calling back. He answered the call. "Where the hell are you?" He said in an exasperated voice.      

Prince Alex, who sat on the other side of the back seat of the car, looked at Daniel with his brow, almost touching each other. 'Wow! Possessive, this girl must be someone important for him to act this way.' He thought to himself as he watched the way Daniel acted towards the girl on the phone.     

Alexa told Daniel everything that happened including the catfight between Jane Si and Lea. She also told him about what Jane Si planned to do, and how she had stopped her from complaining to First Lady Dianne and making Alexa and her security team look bad.     

Daniel laughed and said, "Good for you! I'm proud of you! Never let that bitch walk all over you. You know I love you and would do anything for you! Just let me know if she bothers you again, and I will straighten that girl's attitude. Now, be good and get your behind over here. I want to meet these so-called new friends of yours." Daniel Grant hung up the phone with a big grin on his face.     

"That must have been your girl on the phone just now! The smile on your face says it all." Prince Alex told Daniel.     

"Yes, she is! The love of my life!" Daniel said while laughing. "The only girl in my life... You would know why when you meet her later. She is on her way here. I am in anticipation to introduce her to you." Daniel said while grinning from ear to ear.     

"Hmmm! Prince Alexander hummed, "Now, you make me curious about this girl. Are you sure you want to introduce her to me? Are you afraid that I might take her away from you?" Alexander laughed and joked with Daniel.      

Daniel gave Prince Alex a look and thought about what he had just mentioned. 'Why not? I will not mind having a prince as a brother in law.' But he did not say that. Instead, he said. "We shall see! Let us see what happens when she meets you, alright?" That was all Daniel Grant said to Prince Alexander while they sat and waited for Alexa to arrive.     

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