The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Ready or Not Here I Come

Ready or Not Here I Come

Daniel was totally against Andrea's idea and wanted to decline Alexa's request. 'No older brother would allow his younger sister to use such meaningless tactics to gain forgiveness. What is so bad about her flipping him and beating him up a little, he sure could use it.' He thought while thinking of a way to stop Alexa from carrying out her plans.     

However, he had promised himself that he would give her the world. Except, giving her away to some Prince or any other random person. "Alright! Let me see what I can do. However, you will need to get back out here. Remember you're the host; hence, you must entertain your guests to be a good host. Alright?" Daniel talked Alexa into going back to the party as soon as she was prepared.     

"Hmmm! Let me think about it. I'm not sure I'm ready to face everyone yet. How about making an excuse for now and will be there sometime soon, alright? Please!!!" She hung up the phone before Daniel could decline her request.     

"Andrea, are you ready? I want you and grandma to go out there with me; so I can introduce you to my guests from the Philippines. They are a famous couple who just got married not long ago." Alexa proudly informed Andrea enticing her to go with her.     

Grandmother Santos had no plan on going. She made an excuse that she was still tired from the long trip and would like to take a nap. "Why don't you two go ahead? I'll stay here. I'm a little bit tired from the long trip. Andrea, you should go and enjoy yourself, you're still young, but the grandmother is too old for these types of things." She hoped that she sounded convincing enough.     

Alexa was not buying grandmother Santos' excuse. "But grandma, I want to introduce you to the President and First Lady Dianne. I want people to know who you are. Please come with us!" She pled with the saddest looking face she could put on.     

However, Grandma Santos had already made her decision. She was actually exhausted and not feeling well. "Next time, alright? There will be a lot of time for me to meet all those people. Right now, I need to rest for a little while, alright? Why not just go out enjoy yourselves?!"     

Alexa had no choice but to give up. She understood how grandmother Santos felt. She was the same way when she had first arrived. Alexa decided to let it go and only insisted on Andrea accompanying her.     

Andrea, on the other hand, was contemplating whether she should go or not. She also had just got off a long flight; hence, she was tired as well. However, she was very curious about these famous people from the Philippines.     

She remembered that she had worked on that big wedding of the year and if it were the same couple, she would've liked to meet them in person. If she must accompany Alexa and face those other bitches, then so be it.     

"Alright, I will go with you. But I cannot show up there looking like this!" Andrea said to her cousin, feeling ashamed of the simple dress suit that she had tailor-made from the Philippines. She continued, "Everyone there must be wearing nothing but brand named outfits, and I'm wearing my own brand, made in the Philippines. Hahaha!"     

Alexa understood Andrea's dilemma. With Jane Si and First Lady Dianne present, she cannot let them find fault with her family.     

"Come let me show you something you wouldn't believe." Alexa grabbed Andrea's hand and took her to her dressing room. She slid open the door of her walk-in closest and voila! Rows and rows of brand named clothes, shoes, bags, and accessories to choose from.     

"You should be able to find one that would fit your petite body. And since we wear the same size of shoes, you can pick whatever you like. So, have a go at it." Alexa coaxed her cousin, who still had her mouth wide open and eyes bulging from their sockets.     

Once Andrea found her bearing, she exclaimed so loud that Grandmother Santos was startled and went to check what was going on with her two grandchildren.     

"Grandma!!!! Come over here, please! Oh! My! God!"     

When Grandmother Santos entered the dressing room, she too was overwhelmed by what she was looking at. She just stood at the threshold of the dressing room without uttering a word.     

Andrea walked around the rows of clothes, trying to decide what would look best on her body. However, after a while, Andrea still had not picked an outfit to change into making Alexa impatient. She had to call for back up.     

"Ria, please come and help, or we would remain here forever," Alexa shouted for her assistant/bodyguard.     

Ria who had stepped out to give the two cousins time to bond, heard Alexa calling and came in a flash to do her bidding without saying a word.     

She took a glimpse at Andrea to get an idea of what best suited her. Then Ria went inside the walk-in closet and picked up an elegant summer outfit then handed it over to Andrea to change into. Shoes that one right there!" She pointed to the low heeled sandals she at the extreme left of the third row to the bottom.     

Andrea accepted the outfit and grabbed the shoes Ria picked out then went to the bathroom to change. Once she was done, she fixed herself up with light makeup then walked out looking elegant.     

"I'm ready whenever you are!" Andrea announced with a beautiful smile plastered on her beautiful young face. "So... What do you think? Do I still look like "Promdi?" [From the province]     

Ria and Alexa couldn't believe what they were seeing. Who said that clothes couldn't make a difference in a person? From what Andrea looked like as they stared at her, they could honestly say that clothes, 'especially brand named ones' could make a person look elegant. But it depended on the attitude of the person wearing it.     

"Wow! You sure clean up nicely, just like me! We are truly related to one another, hahaha!" Alexa bantered to Andrea, who was proud of the way she looked at the moment.     

Alexa hooked her arm together with Andrea's. "Ready or not, here we come! Let's go give them more hell!" The two girls walked with linked arms, followed by Ria, Lucas, and Logan toward the garden party where an irritated Prince Alexander was waiting for Alexa to come back and apologize this time...     


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