The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Tsunami had Landed

Tsunami had Landed

Alexa wakes up the next day, unsure of what had happened the night before? She remembers Grandmother Santos had passed out and taken to the Hospital, and she wanted to go. Then she was knocked out by someone, 'who?' she wonders for she was out for a whole day and night.     

As soon as she fully opened her eyes and regained her senses, the first thing she wanted to do was to go to the Hospital. She looked around to see if Ria's about, but she's nowhere around.     

'She's probably getting my breakfast, and I should go and take a shower first, that way I will be ready by the time she comes back.' She thought as she got out of the bed; still, a little light headed but, in a good mood.     

Alexa was humming a beautiful song while taking a shower, thinking that she would be seeing her beloved Grandmother very soon. Unbeckoned to her, that she temporarily restrains from going anywhere, mainly to visit Grandmother Santos at the Hospital. She would quickly find out!     

Alexa chooses a simple summer dress, not over the top for a Hospital visit. She then dried her hair and put it in a ponytail as always. The usual, she put baby powder on her palm and dab it on her face, she then put a clear lip gloss and wallah! She was finished and ready to go!     

However, when she tried to open the door, it was locked, and it would not budge no matter how hard she tries to turn and pull the handle. Alexa decided to call out to the twins, and she knew they're on duty at that hour.     

"Hello!!!! Lucas!!!! Logan!!!! Please, open the door! I beg you, please!!! Open the door?!"     

When no ones came to unlock the door, she thought of Ria, 'she must be out there too! Ria!!! If you're out there and could hear me!!! Please!!!! Open the door!"     

Alexa tried her might, she even begged and pleaded to the twins and Ria, but they did not budge from their post standing guard outside the door. The order came directly from the President himself, and that was not to let her out no matter what and they have to obey or face the consequences.     

Alexa was now getting very anxious and hysterical when her door remained lock. Suddenly, a thought came to her and remembered her cellphone. She could call Ria, Andrea, or Daniel. Anyone, as long as she could get out of her captivity.     

She quickly went back out to her bedroom and started rummaging her bed, looking for her cellphone. She pulled the bedspread, then the bed sheet, lastly she pulled the pillow, when y she couldn't find her cellphone, she stripped the cushion from the pillow-cases... But, she still unable to find her phone.     

"Ahhh!!!!" She's getting frustrated and losing patient, but there's no one in the room whom she could vent her anger, she began throwing whatever her hand lands-on.     

The pillows went plying, hitting a vase and fell on the floor. *Crash!* Next was the alarm clock on the top of the table, *swoosh!!!* Hit the and broken into pieces. When she still not satisfied with wreaking havoc, she went towards her vanity and slide her two hands in full force, and everything went flying all over the place.     

Alexa tried once more, "Ria! Ria!!! Where are you? Ria!!!!"     

When Ria still hasn't shown up after screaming and yelling for a while, Alexa had given up and slump down to the ground and began sobbing endlessly. She stayed where she was for what it seems to be an eternity when, in reality, it was not even more than five minutes.     

Alexa was still slumped on the ground sobbing when someone quietly came and tiptoed without making sounds as not to alert her. When that person was almost in front of Alexa, she quickly grabs the person in one movement, and she had the person hands captured behind his back...     

His.. was the right word, for it was the President himself who came checking to make sure she's alright, only to be wrestled by his daughter. And from the look of it, she has no planned on letting him go whatsoever.     

"Ahem! You may let go of my arms now, sweetheart, daddy's here alright!" President Grant doing his best to speak soothingly, but is not working. Alexa was already on the verge of having a nervous breakdown, she had already lost all her senses, and she no longer thinking clearly, blinded by her grief.     

Alexa stood still and slowly released her father's arms, but... Contemplating if she should make a ran for it and rushed to the door knowing Logan and Lucas would stop her, she then decided against it and went to the sofa and sat down looking devastated, defeated and all worn out from the activity she had done.     

President Grant's heart was shattering into many little pieces from the way Alexa looking depressed and lifeless. He sat next to her and held her hands, doing his best to comfort her without uttering a single word. A minute went by, and Alexa finally calmed down, enough to ask President Grant a question.     

"Dad! What's going on? Why am I being locked up?! I need to know, or I would go crazy?" Alexa was looking at her father with tears flowing down her beautiful, youthful face, and she seems like a small child from the way she's looking at her father, begging for an explanation.     

President Grant was feeling sad that he was unable to make light of the situation for Alexa to understand. He wanted to tell her everything's going to be okay, but from the way she had massacre her bedroom, he doubted that she would let it go just like that. He needed to think of a way to tell her without breaking her heart in the process.     

"Why don't we have breakfast first, then we could discuss it while we were eating. How's that?" President Grant got up and stretched his hands out for Alexa to help her up.     

Alexa looks up to her father, and she looked straight into his eyes. There she saw something. His eyes indicate that he's hiding something vital and Alexa needed to find out what it is. If playing along and acting like everything is alright, she could do that!     

She was about to accept President Grant's hand and get up when her eyes diverted to her surrounding and saw what she had done in her room. She was stunned and speechless.     

"I'm sorry! Oh, my God! I'm a monster!!!" She put her two palms on her face and began sobbing from embarrassment. The whole room was a total mess, and it looks like a tsunami passed by and run through everything. Alexa has no face to show to her father after seeing what she had done and decided to remain.     

President Grant was not having any of it; he grabbed Alexa's hands and pulled her up, facing him. He then put his two hands into her face, so she's looking at him directly as he spoke sternly.     

"Alexa, look at me! I'm your father, and I love you! No matter what you do, now, or later in the future... I would accept it and forgive you! No matter what it is, alright!     

So! Let's go and have breakfast for I'm starving, and I have to fly out today. Therefore, I will not see you for a while, please! spend a little time with me, please!"     

Alexa had no choice but to go with President Grant to have breakfast with the witch. As soon as they stepped out of the room, cleaners were quick to go in and began fixing all the mess that Alexa had created.     

Ria, Logan, and Lucas couldn't look at Alexa straight in her eyes, especially when she's glaring at them and giving them a murderous look. Her looks were saying, 'just wait when we get back later, all three of you are dead!' Without President Grant realizing what's happening behind his back.     

When President Grant and Alexa arrived at the dining room, they were in for a shock. First Lady Dianne had already called for reinforcement, and Jane Si was seating like a princess having a wonderful time chatting with her.     

The two stopped chatting only long enough to look at them and greeted them with a smirk on their faces before continuing with their conversation. President Grant just nodded and sat down at the head of the table. When Alexa hasn't sat down yet after a minute passed, President Grant got up and pulled her to sit at his right side then sat back down.     

This act did not bode well to the two whose acting like they don't exist at first, but when they saw that President Grant was treating Alexa with special care and serving her breakfast... Both had one of their eyebrows raised as they gave Alexa look of disdain. Unfortunately, that's all they could do, or they would get the President wrath if they began spouting nonsense.     

The four continued eating in silence, and President Grant continued pampering Alexa while First Lady Dianne's eyes were burning hole on Alexa whose not paying no mind to them whatsoever.     

They were almost finished eating when President Grant received a message that Lady Lucy Le Grand is currently waiting at the parlor as per his request. First Lady Dianne's face turned pale when she heard the word and looked at the President... Then to Alexa... Before she exclaims. "F*ck!"     

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