The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

What is the Truth?

What is the Truth?

When the Emergency Care Unit came, Grandmother Santos was given the first aid right away. The paramedic quickly checked Grandma Santos airway, breathing, and circulation. Once that was done, they see if she has any spinal injury, before putting her in the recovery position, which is lying face up.     

The paramedic turned Grandma Santos face toward him, to check if she's breathing. He then tilted Grandma's head back to allow the air to move freely in and out of her mouth.     

Once it's verified that she's breathing fine, he signals the other paramedic to bring the stretcher so they could transfer Grandmother Santos to a nearby hospital for further examination.     

Suddenly Grandmother Santos awakens and becomes restless and agitated. However, she can't seem to utter a word. No matter how much she tries, there was no sound whatsoever. The paramedic gently restrains her while the other paramedic prepared to sedate her, afraid that she might end up with heart attack if she continued.     

Andrea was nearby and saw that they were about to give Grandmother a sedative, she quickly came to try to calm Grandmother Santos, to stop the paramedic from giving her sedative. They needed her alert so they could find out what's going on, and why did she suddenly pass out.     

Alexa was getting ready to get up and go with Andrea and Grandmother Santos to the Hospital, but First Lady Dianne stopped her. "Forgive me, child, but you cannot go with them to the Hospital. Let the other young lady go, what's her name... She's her granddaughter, right?"     

"But Mam! First Lady! I need to go with my Grandmother...!" Alexa was trying to break free from the First Lady's grasp. " I beg you! Please!!! Let go of me...!"     

First Lady Dianne was determined to hold on to her, for whatever reasons. "I'm sorry, but it's for your own good not to go with them."     

President Grant intervened and took Alexa away from the First Lady grasp and tried to explain to her the reason why she couldn't go. "Don't worry sweetheart! I'll let you go later, once everything is cleared. Alright! Is for your own security that we cannot just let you go with them. A precaution."     

Alexa couldn't understand it and doesn't want to understand it either. She had lived all her life without having to worry about her safety, and she's not about to start now. Especially if it's in regards to the Grandmother, that raised her.     

" I'm sorry! Sir! Mr. President, but I'm a nobody who would want to hurt me? Aren't you forgetting? I'm just a relative who's visiting, no one special to the First Family. So, please! let me go!" She pushed the President hand away and got up ready to follow Andrea and the Grandmother Santos.     

Unfortunately, Daniel was coming as she was running after Andrea and was stopped at the threshold of the dining room.     

"Got Ya! Where do you think your going little missy?" Daniel calls for Ria, Lucas, and Logan to take Alexa back to her room.     

"Take her to her room and make sure she stays, you understand!" Daniel ordered sternly to the trio.     

"No!!! I want to go to! Please, let me go!!!" Alexa was kicking and fighting, but the twins were trained professional, it's too hard for her to fight off.     

She was screaming, kicking, and trying to bite off the hands that were preventing her from going. Ria had to intervene and did something from the back of her neck, and she went limp after that.     

Logan and Lucas looked at each other asking who would carry Alexa when Ria lifted Alexa like a sack of potato. She put Alexa on her shoulder and walked like it's nothing back to Alexa's room.     

Logan and Lucas followed Ria while scratching their heads, and at the same time giving each other a killer look.     


Meanwhile, back in the dining room, the President, Daniel and First Lady Dianne were having a heated discussion of what had happened.     

" I told you! I don't know what's got into that old lady. I was quietly enjoying my coffee when they arrived, and that child was telling them where to sit down. I was being nice and was going to greet them when they were about to sit, and then she suddenly passed out. That's it! I'm telling you, that is all that happens. She could be having a heart attack for all I know!"     

President Grant does not believe a word she's saying. One of the kitchen help had already reported to him what happened and had asked Daniel to look into the matter. He just wanted to hear it from the First Lady's mouth. Unfortunately, it seems there's something she's hiding for she lied to him with a straight face.     

"Alright! Let's end it here." He then turned his attention to Daniel. "Let talk at the Oval Office. Follow me." He stormed out with a grim face, and anyone could tell that the President was mad and they made sure they were all out of the way.     

Daniel shakes his head as he looked at his mother with sadness showing on his face. "Why? Why, Mother?!" He asked, then left without waiting for the answer...     

The First Lady was dumbfounded with Daniels questions. She was in deep thought as she follows with her eyes the two most important person in her life. ' What did Daniel found out? Why did he ask me why? What does he mean by that? Ahhh!!! I need to find out what he had found out!' She quickly got up and followed the President and Daniel to the Oval Office.     

By the time the First Lady arrives at the Oval Office, President Grant and Daniel were already walking in inside, and she could hear the ordered that President Grant had given to his Secret service that was guarding the door. "No matter who or what, I'm not to be disturbed. Unless we are in DEFCON-1 ( for situations of global severity, like nuclear war) is that clear?!"     

"Yes, Sir! Mr. President!" The secret service replied in unison...     

The First Lady heard it and ran as fast as she could while shouting. "Wait!!!"     

President Grant heard her shouting and turned to look at her with eyes full of sorrow, before slamming the door shut right in front of her face...     

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