The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

The Competition Begins

The Competition Begins

Five years have passed many things had happened. Alexa was accepted at Mega World Intl. Agency and now an international runway model. She also had graduated from the University and currently holds a degree in Political Science with international study and was awarded a fellowship. Her original plan of competing for the beauty pageant had been put on hold until she finished her education, as per President Grant request.     

Alexa agreed as long as she was allowed to continue with her modeling career and President Grant had approved. Therefore, Alexa was able to continue modeling while studying at the same time. Alexa had excel in everything she does, from studying to modeling. That's because of her inspiration, Prince Alex who's had gone back to Stonasia due to an Emergency.     

Prince Alex was summoned back to Stonasia six months later and had to be separated with Alexa when their relationship was finally progressing. The King of Stonasia had contracted a decease and was bedridden. Therefore, Prince Alex has to go back to shoulder the burden of being the next in line. It was the hardest decision he had ever done in his entire life, and he had to say goodbye to the love of his life, not knowing when would they ever meet again.     

Alexa and Prince Alex had a long conversation about their future before they said their goodbyes. They both agreed to continue their long-distance relationship and go from there. Alexa was still young and have so much dream to fulfill, and Prince Alex has a considerable responsibility awaiting back home.     

Everything was fine for the two love birds in the first year. Prince Alex would call her day and night whenever he has free time. Alexa was so in love, and it becomes her inspiration to be the best of everything she does. She wanted to become a match for Prince Alex when the time comes.     

Unknown to her that there are so many obstacles that would do everything in their power to break them apart.     

One was Lady Antella, the second was Prince Romano who also had fallen hard for Alexa, Then there's the Prime Minister son, and Ramon to top it off. Their love would be tested to the max.     

Lady Antella did her best to befriended Alexa. However, Prince Alex had already divulged to Alexa her true nature. Therefore, Alexa had stayed away at all cost.     

Prince Romano tried his best to court Alexa, but with no luck. She had ignored all his attempt and made sure that he could never come close to her no matter what. Which it did not bode well, and Prince Romano had the device to ruin their relationship no matter what it cost.     

A year had passed, and their long-distance relationship was even stronger than ever. Both were totally in love with each other, and Alexa's future as the Queen was on the horizon.     

Until one day, Alexa saw a piece of news about Prince Alex being engaged to be married to Princess Angelica of Spaniard Kingdom. It was said that the King of Stonasia was in bad shape that he could pass away anytime soon and Prince Alex would be crowned King sooner than expected. If that happened, he must be married before the crowning, and the best candidate for a Queen was someone from the Spaniard Kingdom.     

Lady Antella was out of the question since Prince Alex had informed the Queen that she's a Lesbian. He was about to tell the Queen about Alexa when the King of Spaniard Kingdom had personally come in person with Princess Angelica who just turned the marriageable ages. He offered her in exchange for the broken arrangement with Lady Antella, and the Queen agreed.     

Alexa was devastated, and heartbroken, she was inconsolable. For days she was out of her mind and had lost interest in everything. Daniel was ready to fly out to Stonasia and beat the shit out of Prince Alex. If not for Andrea stopping him, he probably would have killed him or order one of his agents to do it.     

Daniel was so mad that he ordered to block all communication coming from Prince Alex. Everyone didn't hesitate and agreed after seeing how heartbroken Alexa was after finding out. Even the twins Logan and Lucas offered their service to get rid of the bastard that hurt their Princess personally.     

Daniel was grateful for Alexa's detail. They would go beyond the call of duty to make sure that Alexa was safe and happy. Therefore, Daniel never had to worry about Prince Alex getting through.     


Prince Alex had called a million time wanting to explain, but with no luck. Alexa's bodyguards and everyone in the household was already given an order. No communication no matter what!     

When Prince Alex was not able to get through, he sneaked out and flew to the Spaniard Kingdom to speak to Alexa personally. Unfortunately, he was also blocked and was not successful. He has no choice but to go back home and drown in his sorrow.     

Alexa never knew that Prince Alex had tried all the means he knows to explain and to inform her that no matter what happens, he would never marry Princess Angelica. He wanted to tell her to wait, and he would find a way for them to be together. Unfortunately, he was not given a chance.     

When Alexa did not hear a word from Prince Alex, she decided to ask Daniel if they could move to another Country, and Daniel agreed in a heartbeat. He quickly contacted his father and informed him of Alexa's request. He gave President Grant the reason that Alexa wanted to explore other Country and President Grant agreed and transferred them in a flash.     

That was the last time Alexa and Prince Alex had communication. Now five years later, Alexa living a carefree and love free life. Everything was perfect, Daniel and Andrea would be tying the knot soon. Logan and Ria would be following too and her...She had erased Prince Alex from her life and memory.     

She would finish getting the highest education and then begin the competition... 'To become the beauty queen.'     

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