The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

The Rest Is History...

The Rest Is History...

The ride back to the resort was eerie quiet inside the vehicle. Alexa had fallen asleep on Prince Alexander's embrace as soon as she felt his warmth, while he too closed his eyes to rest.     

The two were quietly relaxed and embracing the moment of tranquility and closeness. When suddenly, the speed of the car becomes faster as it feels like someone's chasing after them.     

Prince Alexander sat straight up and wakened Alexa from her deep slumber. "Sweetheart! Wake up. Something is going on. I think someone is chasing us." He murmured to her sleepy head.     

"Hmmm, what did you say?" Alexa was still half asleep, half awake. With squinting eyes, she looked behind to see what's Prince Alexander's was talking about. She was shaken to see a car was speeding closing up to the car where their bodyguards were riding.     

"What do they want? Why are they chasing us? What should we do?" Alexa was anxiously asking all kind of questions to Prince Alexander, who has no idea either.     

"It's alright babe, don't worry, we are safe. They could not do anything to us. We only need to reach the dock, and we will be alright." He comfortably told Alexa so she would stop being a nervous wreck.      

They continued with the speed they were in until they reached the dock. Prince Alexander was speaking with Alexa's secret service and his bodyguards while they were traveling. No one thinks that the car that was following them was dangerous.     

"Your Highness, don't worry... We would not let anything happens to you or Miss Grant. Rest assured that we will stake our life on the line." The head of his bodyguard assured him.     

"Yes, your Highness, please! inform Miss Grant that we are here to protect her with our lives, no one would be able to touch a strand of her hair. Not if I could help it." Lucas swear.     

While this was happening, the car that was following them seems to realize that their cover was blown and slowed down. They put a distance between them and the car behind the one that Alexa and Prince Alexander were in. Everyone traveled at a normal pace, but all were on alert for any mishap on the way.     

After a while, it seems the vehicle that was chasing them had given up and turned around just as when they were about less than an hour away from their destination.     


When they arrived at the dock where they will ride a boat to take them to the resort, it was already late. The whole area was dark and scary. Luckily they have enough bodyguards with them, and it made Prince Alexander feel secure and safe to get out the car.     

However, the car that was following them suddenly turned up. No sooner than Prince Alexander had stepped out of the car, Lucas shouted...      

"Go back inside the vehicle, your Highness!!! We have company!" He then went towards the vehicle that had arrived not a moment after them.     

Alexa who's about to reach out Prince Alexander's helping hand grabs it and pulls him inside the bulletproof car. "Close the door!" Alexa exclaimed, who's now wide awake and trembling.     

Prince Alexander quickly entered the vehicle and locked the door behind him. Embraces Alexa's trembling body to help her ease her anxiety.      

 "Hush... It's alright, Lucas is speaking with them right now, I don't think they are here to harm us in any way."      

Prince Alexander was not sure that what he said was the truth, but to calm Alexa, he only said those word to make her feel better. He then kissed her temple while caressing her back at the same time. It seems that it worked, for Alexa started breathing calmly and stopped shaking.     

A couple of Prince Alexander's bodyguard and Alexa's detail stand guard outside the vehicle while the others along with Lucas faced the intruder.     

A moment later, the vehicle left, and Lucas came to inform them of what is it about. He handed a business card to Prince Alexander before telling them who they were.      

It turns out that they were a couple of reporters who knew Alexa back then when she was living in Antipolo. They went to the same Elementary and High School together and was at the wake since they also knew of Andrea.     

They wanted to approach her then back at the wake. But it was hard for them to get close to her, due to all of her bodyguards and secret service. Therefore, they decided to follow them as they left.     

Unbeknown to the reporters that they would be mistaken for bad guys since they were following too close. They didn't want to lose them and continued for a long ride. However, they had to stop and get gas; hence, they arrived soon after them.      

"Hmmm, that's interesting. The reporters reasoning was understandable." Prince Alexander said and accepted the business card for Alexa.     

Alexa doesn't feel like checking out the business card at the moment; all she wanted was to get on board the ferry boat so they could get back to the resort and rest. It's very late, and she's exhausted.     


No sooner than they arrived at the Villa, Prince Alexander received a call from the Palace. It was his mother, the Queen. It was an urgent matter, and he must return to Stonasia as soon as possible. After hearing the reason why he's needed badly. He informs the Queen that he would fly out of the Philippines, first thing in the morning.     

He then ordered Pierre to make all the arrangement while he would spend whatever little time he has left with Alexa.      

After ordering Pierre and all was set, he slowly made his way towards Alexa's room. He knocked lightly. However, when after trying a couple more times, and Alexa has not responded. He tried the doorknob and checked if it's locked.     

He was surprised to find out that the door was unlocked. He smiled... He then turned it quietly and slowly pushed the door open. The room was only illuminated with a nightlight by the bed where Alexa was sleeping soundly.     

The window was partially opened, and a cold breeze was coming in from the outside. As Prince Alexander came closer to Alexa, the smile on his face become as bright as the moonlight shining above the midnight sky.     

He stood still rooted to the ground while he took everything inside his heart. Alexa's angelic face, her long reddish auburn hair, eyes with long lashes which clearly visible with her eyes closed.      

Then, her small pointy nose and lastly... Her kissable heart-shaped lips that were currently pulling him like a magnet to kiss her sensually.     

Prince Alexander slowly sauntered towards the bed and sat down at the edge. He sat there for a while and caressed her smooth cheek while savoring every moment. Slowly but surely, without realizing what he was doing...     

He slowly lowered his head and kissed her lightly at first, but once his lips touch her sweet lips...     

The rest was history...     

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