The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Dethroned or Perished

Dethroned or Perished

All the King's advisors were lost for words. It was a piece of news to them about the King having another woman ever since he took a Queen. Hence, they don't know what to say about the messy situation. The King's chamber was in disorder as every one of them was having conversations all at once, and none of them agreed on anything.     

The Queen was determined to intercede, or she would be a laughing stock. She got up from where she was seated by the King's bedside. First, she caressed Prince Alexander's shoulder as she passed by, before proceeding towards the direction of the trespasser. 'Lady Lucy Le Grand.'     

She went straight to Lady Lucy Le Grand, and then... *Pak! Pak!* Two hard slaps right on her face.     

"How dare you barge in and trespass, and may I ask who you are? Barging in here spouting nonsense feeling all high and mighty. I didn't know I was dethroned or had perished, what gave you the right to act like one?" The Queen furiously asked, her eyes were blasting a glare towards Lady Lucy.     

Lady Lucy was astonished and unable to speak a word. She was still feeling the pain from the slap she had just received. Her were ears still ringing. She looked at her son for help, but none was provided. Ramon decided to stay out of the whole mess.      

The truth of the matter was that he didn't want to get involved with his mother's shenanigans, but he wanted to meet the King before he departed. He wanted to see the man that sired him but did not accept him after the fact. That was his only reason for coming when his mother had asked him. Now that he had accomplished his task, there was nothing else for him to do but retreat.     

Ramon walked towards the King's bed, stood right in front of him, bent then turned and left without looking back. Lady Lucy couldn't understand what he was doing. She started squealing on the top of her lungs.      

"Where are you going? Come back here and take your rightful place. Ramon Le Grand, I'm calling you!!!! Come back here!"     

Unfortunately, no matter how loud she screamed, there was no Ramon. He had been long gone...      

Prince Alexander had motioned for the guards to take her away from the room. Which they complied, and grabbed hold of Lady Lucy Le Grand and transported her holding both of her arms together.     

Once Lady Lucy Le Grand was out of the room, the whole place suddenly became quite eerie. The Queen went back towards the King's bedside and started shrieking... "No!!! No!!! You can't leave yet?" She was shaking the King, who looked like he was no longer breathing.     

Prince Alexander went to console his mother, "Queen mother, please! Let the doctor take a look at the King. Come on, let them do their job." He then ushered the Queen to seat in a chair nearby. He acted really calm and collected in front of everyone, but deep inside of him, he was shaking to the core of his being.      

'Please! Father, don't go yet. My Queen is not ready to join me, please! Stay awhile and watch me get married.' He was thinking to himself as he watched the doctors work their magic on the King.     

After what seemed to be an eternity, one of the King's doctors put his hands up, showing a thumb's up. Prince Alexander, who had been holding his breath, finally let out the air he was holding in his lungs. "Phew! That was close, thank you, God!" He embraced his mother the Queen and then helped her up and ushered her towards the King's bed.     

"Take care of the King, and I will take care of the matter regarding that bastard brother of mine. Don't worry, and I won't kill him... Yet!" He then walked out of the room, taking with him all the King's advisors to discuss Lady Lucy Le Grand's claim.     


Meanwhile, Ramon had left the palace and was on his way to the Airport. He had had enough and decided to leave the country. Now that he finally knew of his biological father and finally met him on his deathbed, he now knew everything he needed to know and did not want to have anything to do with all the Royal family.      

He wanted to go as far away as he could from everyone. He was going back to the Philippines, where he had nothing but good memories. He had started various businesses in the Philippines, and it has grown all over Asia in the last five years while he was in college. It was now time to take over and run his company. Once he becomes unbeatable, he would come for Alexa with his head held high, and that was coming up pretty soon.     

While he was waiting for the boarding time, he made a call to the President of his company. He needed to make sure that everything was set for his arrival.      

"This is a piece of good news; indeed, everything is ready for your arrival. What time would you be arriving?" President Lim asked Ramon.     

"I should be there in the evening, but as I told you earlier, I plan on taking a break for a while before I start. I needed a real vacation on some island. Were you able to book me a place?" Ramon asked while massaging the back of his neck. He was worn out and could use a real vacation, away from all the madness.     

"Yes! We are taking you there straight instead of your new home. This island is the best resort in the whole country. Not anyone can stay no matter how much money the person has. I don't know if you have heard of it, it's called Mega World Resort and is owned by Mega World Intl. Group of companies.     

Ramon had heard of it but didn't care, all that mattered to him was to be as far away as he could from his mother's grasp and everyone else's. He bid his goodbyes and closed his eyes while waiting for the boarding time and daydreaming about the love of his life...      

Unknown to Ramon, the same resort he would be staying was where the person that had been running in and out of his mind was hiding as well.      

What would he do when he bumps into the love of his life... Would he go for it or would he wait when the time is right? What about Alexa... How is she to handle meeting Ramon after five long years...      

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