The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Childhood Friend

Childhood Friend

Meanwhile, back in the Philippines, Alexa was getting bored being by herself. She misses Ria and Andrea very much, but both of them were busy with their personal matters. She kept on looking at the time while calculating when Prince Alex will arrive in Stonasia.      

From her calculation, he should have arrived about two hours ago. She started getting irritated as to why Prince Alex had not made a call yet. She was so irritated and anxious that she forgot to check the missed call. If Alexa had done that, she would have known that she had missed a call.     

The night that Prince Alex left for Stonasia, she spent her time speaking with Daniel and President Grant via Facetime to kill time and dampen her thoughts of him. They had talked for well over two hours non-stop, and by the time they finished, she was already dead tired and passed out.     

Unfortunately, Prince Alex had no sense of time. He finally finished his conference with the King's advisors and was about to have lunch when he remembered he had not called Alexa yet. He quickly facetime Alexa... [Bzzzz, bzzzz, bzzzz] However, there was no answer.     

After trying for several more times with no luck, he went ahead and had lunch. He figured that he would be able to get a hold of her afterward.      

While he was eating... He realized the time difference and what time it was in the Philippines. "Oh shit!!! It's midnight there. She must be already asleep. Stupid me for not thinking." He muttered out loud, as there was no one around. He decided he would wait in the evening and he would try again.     


The next day, the resort was busy with a lot of people arriving for the fashion show, and she barely had time to think. Finally, it was night time, and she thought it would be a good time for Prince Alex to call, but she had been waiting since after dinner and no call.      

She contemplated if she should call him instead but decided against it. She was afraid that he might not pick-up, and she would just get frustrated.     

It was already getting late, and Prince Alexander had not called yet, Alexa decided to call her mother to see what she was up to. Chrissy was resting when she called and was feeling under the weather, so Sophia had spoken with her instead.      

They chatted over everything and nothing... by the time they finished it was almost midnight and the same as usual, she was tired and passed out afterward.     

Another day passed, and Prince Alex and Alexa still had not had a conversation. Each time one would call, the other would be unavailable...- It seemed fate was playing with them, they kept on missing each other, and in the long run, both got too busy with their own business and had no chance to speak anymore.     


Meanwhile, the Tan and the Go families arrived along with their help. Everyone agreed to take a break and enjoy a family gets together. They wanted to celebrate their newfound family and to enjoy it to the fullest.     

The first to arrive was Grandfather Go and Grandmother Tan with Don-don and Bentong who came home from their overseas studies for the summer vacation. The two teenagers were elated to be back after being sent away right after the big wedding of the century.     

"Mom... Dad, can't we just study here in the Philippines? Why do we have to study abroad?" Bentong was asking Grandfather Go and Grandmother Tan.      

"It's because I said so. Do you have a problem with that?" Grandfather Go replied grumpily.      

"But... We wanted to spend more time with the two of you. You guys are not getting any younger, you know!" Bentong replied sternly.     

"Who is not getting any younger? Come here! You-rascal." Grandfather Go was trying to catch Bentong was very quick to run away after that comment.     


Next to arrive was Chrissy, Sophia, and Albert Tan. Chrissy was looking haggard from not being able to rest and always worried about Dr. Garcia. That day, she went to the airport trying to catch Dr. Garcia, but the plane had taken off already by the time she arrived.      

She tried contacting him, but he must have shut off his phone for Chrissy did not get any response.     

Sophia and Albert had their own villa, and so did Chrissy. However, she wanted to stay with Alexa, so she went to Alexa's villa and found out that Prince Alex had been long gone and returned to Stonasia. Therefore, she decided to stay with her daughter to do some mother and daughter bonding.     

Soon after, Ann, Eva, little Jeffrey, and little Ava had arrived as well. Jeff and Ethan had to stay in the city to finish some important business matters. Therefore, they let them go ahead and made the women and children go first.     

Once everyone was settled to their own villas, they all met up at the main resort for cocktails. The children went for a swim at the beach, while the ladies spent their time at the spa relaxing.     

Grandmother Tan decided to spend her time with Grandfather Go and walked down the beach.     

Half of the island was sealed off for the use of the clan, while the other half was opened to the guests. Therefore, when Ramon arrived, he had no idea that Alexa was on the same island with him. He was situated on one of the villas on the guest side, not too far away from where Alexa and Chrissy were staying.     

After settling in, Ramon decided to go for a walk down the beach. While he was walking and in deep thought of the future... He heard children's laughter, and it caught his attention. He turned towards the direction of the laughter and saw the twins playing at the beach with their nannies.     

He was fascinated by how lively the children were and continued watching from afar. When suddenly from the corner of his eyes, it caught a glimpse of what looked like... "Alexa!!!" He exclaimed.     

The wind must be blowing toward Alexa's direction for she heard someone call her name. When she turned her attention and looked with a squinting eye due to the scorching hot sun... She saw the silhouette of a man that looked like her childhood friend... 'That can't be, what would he be doing here?' She thought.      

However, to ensure that she was not making a mistake, she rubbed her eyes and looked once more and sure enough... "Ramon!!!" Alexa shouted while walking towards his direction with the biggest smile on her face...     

Ramon was stunned and unable to move from where he was standing. He couldn't believe what he saw at the moment. Once Alexa was almost where he was, Lucas suddenly appeared and stopped Alexa from continuing.     

"I'm sorry, miss Grant, but I have an order that you cannot associate yourself with that man. Please go back and let me deal with him."      

Alexa wasn't sure of what to do. She couldn't understand why she would be prevented from being in contact with her childhood friend? Who? She needed to find out, and she was hoping that Lucas would at least let her know.      

"Lucas, I have no problem complying, but I need to know who gave you that order? Could you at least tell me that?" She asked with disbelief in her eyes.     

Lucas was unsure if he should divulge or lie, the latter won and he told her the truth while scratching his head at the same time. "It's like this miss... First, it was the President's order, then-Senator Grant, and lastly... Your boyfriend, Prince Alexander."     

"What?! Why would they do that? I really don't understand!" Alexa's face was now turning red from anger. She couldn't fathom the reason her father, brother, and boyfriend would prevent her from interacting with her childhood friend. That's all Ramon was and is... A friend, nothing more.     

At least for Alexa, that was how she felt. But what about Ramon?      

We know how he feels about Alexa. Do you all think they should have a chance to interact with each other while Prince Alexander is not around?     

' Hmmm?' The author is thinking...     


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