The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Let Them Be! Is not the Time...

Let Them Be! Is not the Time...

0Prince Romano and Angelica of Spaniard Kingdom had just arrived, and the first thing they saw was the Alexa and Prince Alexander being lovey-dovey in a secluded corner of the VIP lounge. That did not bode well in the eye of Prince Romano, and the same goes with Princess Angelica.     

The sibling has decades of enmity towards Prince Alexander and Alexa for a different reason. Same as Lady Antella, Prince Romano had been looking for Alexa ever since he found out that she had moved.      

He even tried to bribe Mrs. Garcia, but to no avail, she was a hard person to crack. Her husband was the same thing, each time he comes to the Palace to speak with the King, he always makes sure to corner him and asked if he has any news.      

Unfortunately, he always received the same reply. Dr. Garcia had no Idea and will inform him as soon as he finds out. That was ongoing for the last five years. And now, here she is right before his eyes, only she's once again taken by his rival... Prince Alexander of Stonasia...     

Princess Angelica also saw the two and was about to come forward to say something to them when Prince Romano stopped her. "Let them be! It's not the time... We will talk to them later.      

I know they are here for the same reason and we will meet with them again. Let it go for now!" He told his sister while his eyes were still shooting dagger towards Prince Alexander.     

While Prince Alexander and Alexa were so into each other and not seeing anyone around them, Pierre, on the other hand, saw them as soon at they enter the facility. As much as he doesn't want to interrupt the couple, he has no choice but to inform Prince Alexander.      

He slowly made his way to the couple and cleared his throat to make a sound. "Ahem!"     

When Prince Alexander nor Alexa pain no heed to him, he cleared his throat once more, a little louder this time while calling Prince Alexander's name.      

"Ahem! Ahem! Your Highness, may I have a word with you, please!" Said Pierre, in a low tone of voice, barely audible them to hear.     

Prince Alexander stop what he was doing for a moment and look up with creases on his forehead. One could tell that he's unhappy being interrupted. "Speak!" He snarled at Pierre with a stern-looking face.     

"I apologize, your Highness, I merely wanted to inform you that Prince Romano and Princess Angelica has just entered," Pierre said sheepishly while his head bent down.     

Alexa saw Pierre reaction and pinch Prince Alexander on his thigh where her hand was resting. She then leaned over and whispered, "you're so mean... Do you know that? He was only warning you ahead of time, and you want to bite his head off."     

Prince Alexander realizes his action was, in fact, a little curt. He quickly changed the sound of his voice. "Thank you! He then went back, giving his attention to Alexa like he never heard anything."     

Prince Romano and Angelica went to seat down nearby Chrissy's table, and she was currently engrossed in conversation with Andrea and Sophia about the upcoming fashion show when her eyes caught Prince Romano as they walk by without seeing her.      

"Holly, cow! Trouble has just arrived." She pushed forward towards Sophia and Andrea and whispered.     

Sophia brow raised and turned to look at the direction where Chrissy was looking. Andrea did the same, and her eyes widen when she saw who it was. She then looked at the course where the couple was seating and shake her head. "This is not good, not good at all!" She agreed with Chrissy.     

Sophia was bewildered, unsure of what's going on and why they considered the two good-looking was a trouble maker. She then follows the direction of where Chrissy and Andrea's eyes were diverted. Suddenly, it hit her, and curiosity got the better of her.      

"Alright, you two! Spill the beans. What's going on, you can't leave me hanging here." Sophia's eyes were bulging out of the socket from excitement. She's really curious as to what's the relationship of the two Royal to her niece and Prince Alexander.     

"Cousin, how about I tell you later. This is not the place, I tell you all about it once were alone. Alright?" She's afraid that Prince Romano and Princess Angelica could overhear their conversations.     

"Alright! Understood!" Sophia then turned her head around and looked at Alexa and Prince Alexander, then back to the other couple. Then it hit her... 'They are siblings and not a couple! I got now!' She exclaims in her mind.     

Chrissy was trying her best to be inconspicuous, and she didn't want to attract Prince Romano's attention. Once he sees her, it's over. He would, for sure, come to their table, and she's not in the position to deal with him and his arrogance.     

Moreover, she's unsure how she's going to explain to him that she knew all these years where Alexa was and had lied to him purposely. There will be hell to pay for sure for lying to him.     

Chrissy heard a rumor that Prince Romano was a ruthless son of a bitch and cunning to the bone. He had ruined many young girls innocence by force or using drugs in the past, but due to his status, no one was able to do anything to punish him.      

Just as she was in deep thought of how she's going to deal with the man when the time comes, she saw Daniel and his secret service walks in. 'Save by the bell!' She thought... And she hopes.     

Daniel walked in looking all immaculate in his black mourning suit. Even with his somber eyes and haggard-looking face, he still looks like a stoplight. His magnificent authoritative aura doesn't seem to dissipate no matter how much time passes.     

Once he entered the room, he scanned the area to look for Andrea. When he spotted her from the corner of his eyes, his stride becomes faster, almost running... "Andrea!" He called her name.     

Andrea who just happen to turn her head, heard and saw him. She quickly pushed the chair outward and run towards him with tears in her eyes. " Daniel!!!" Said Andrea as she got closer...     

Alexa and Prince Alexander heard the names being called and looked simultaneously. Alexa's heart was breaking at the sight of her brother for he looked so tired. She was about to get up to greet Daniel when Prince Alexander stopped her. "Let them be, we know how they feel...- Give them some time."     

Alexa understood and sat back down and put her head on Prince Alexander's shoulder to rest while they wait for the couple to finish...     

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