The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Wicked Step-mother!

Wicked Step-mother!

Prince Alexander received an urgent phone call from Stonasia. He had to excuse himself and went out of the room for privacy, leaving Alexa with her father and grandmother.     

Grandmother Grant took the opportunity to ask Alexa if she would be staying for good now that the first lady Dianne was gone? "I know that it would sound awful of me, but I want to know what is your plan now that your evil step-mother is gone." Grandma Grant said it without batting an eye.     

President Grant: "Mother!"     

"Well, did I say anything wrong? I only spoke the truth...- If she were not an evil step-mother, my granddaughter would not have to live so far away all these years. Am I right, or Am I wrong?" Grandma Grant was upset, and her eyes were bulging from the socket as she speaks to her son.     

President Grant could not refute her speech for she was right. He too was upset that he has to hide the truth to First Lady Dianne, she never knew till the day she died that Alexa is his flesh and blood.     

"Grandmother, Dad! I'm sorry, but at the moment I have many things on my plate. I have a fashion show in two weeks, then after that... I'm planning on competing for Miss Universe. So, it would be sometime before I could come back and stay." Alexa explained with sadness in her eyes.     

"It is fine honey! Grandma and I would be waiting for you when you finish what you need to do. For the meantime, let us all enjoy this moment. I know it is a sad time, but I cannot help myself to be happy that you are here." President Grant said with tears forming in his eyes.     

Suddenly Alexa realizes that she is in a dilemma for she does not know which country she would represent. However, since there were in the topic, she decided to ask for advice from her father and grandmother.     

"Dad, Grandma... I have a question to ask and advice. Do you mind?" Alexa said shyly waiting for them to reply.     

President Grant was the first to reply and gave his full attention to his daughter. "Sure! What is it?"     

"Well, I am in a dilemma at the moment. After the fashion show, I'm joining the competition for Miss Universe. However, I'm not sure which country I should represent? Could you please, give me an advice about this matter." She asked with a comprehensive eye and questioning look on her face.     

"Well, since you are my daughter, there is no doubt that you should represent the USA." President Grant replied without hesitation. However, Grandmother Grant does not think the same.     

"Sean, you seem to forget that you have not announced to the world yet that she is your daughter. If any of your enemies find out about her, they will use it against you in the next elections. I suggest that she represent her mother's country, the Philippines."     

"Hmmm, you have a point there, mother. However, I am worried that they would question her parentage and they would know anyway that she is my daughter. How about you wait after the election, my term is coming up soon.     

"Regardless of the outcome of the election, I would announce to the world that your my daughter and no question about which country you should represent." President Grant advice, but Alexa was not happy to hear that.     

"But, Dad... I wanted to get this out of the way, you know it is my long-time goal to become a beauty queen. Also, Prince Alexander wanted us to get married soon, and I cannot do that until I fulfill my dream. I do not want to have any regret in my life. Please! Dad, let me join this time... I'll represent the Philippines. How is that!" Alexa said, pleading all her might.     

Grandmother Grant patted Alexa's hand "Hush, child... Of course, you should represent your mother's country." She then looked at President Grant sternly. "Right, Sean?" She asked with a prodding eye.     

"Will talk about it when the time comes. For now, let us go out there for I am sure they are now wondering where we are." President Grant said as he stood up and ready to help his mother.     

Alexa has no choice but to follow President Grant and stood up herself, and along with the President, they helped grandmother Grant. Just before they walked out of the door, Prince Alexander returned and in time to walk with them towards the parlor.     

Jane Si's eye widens when she saw Alexa coming out of the room with the President and Grandmother Grant. However, this time, she was smart enough not to show her animosity towards Alexa. Instead, she took the opportunity to engage herself and greeted them as they come in.     

"Uncle Sean, Grandmother Grant! I'm glad your back. I was worried about you two and went to check on you. However, I was turned down by your secret service and would not let me enter the VIP room." Jane Si acted pitifully and even went as far as dropping a few tears to show her remorse.     

President Grant patted Jane Si's shoulder. "Thank you! Mother and I were resting, and Daniel ordered the secret service not to let anyone bothered us."     

Jane Si was about to say something as she was looking at Prince Alexander and Alexa coming together with the President and Grandmother Grant. However, Grandmother Grant beat her to it.     

"Luckily we were on our way out when Miss Grant and Prince Alexander arrived, and we met them on the way." She said while looking at Alexa and Prince Alexander at the same time.     

Prince Alexander was quick to understand. "Well, let us go to our appointed seat, were a none relative should be." He emphasized the none relative seat for Jane Si to understand that they do not have any relationship with the First Family.     

"President, Mrs. Grant, Jane Si. Kindly accept our condolence to your lose." Alexa said without batting an eye and looking at Jane Si straight face. She then let Prince Alexander guide her to towards were Sophia and Chrissy was seating.     

"That girl gets under my skin. Grrr!" Alexa complained to her Mother and Aunt once they reach them.     

Chrissy holds Alexa's hands and patted it like a little child for comfort. "Do not mind her, and she is not worth it. When we go back to the Philippines... Show her what you're made off and kick her butt."     

"Do not worry! After this is over and we are back to our turf, I would show that girl where she belongs. I'm kicking her out of the agency. She had given me nothing but headache anyway." Sophia interjected with the mother and daughter conversation.     

Alexa decided to inform Chrissy of their conversation regarding which country should she represent when she competes for Miss Universe.      

"Mom, I had a conversation with Dad and Grandma regarding the Miss Universe competition. I was in a dilemma trying to figure out which country should I represent. We decided that I would represent the Philippines...- what do you think?" Alexa whispered, afraid that someone might overhear her.     

"Hmmm, I think we need to discuss that further. This is not the place, so I will talk about it when we get back home. For now, how about we get out of here, I'm a little tire and need to rest." Said Chrissy while she's massaging the back of her neck.     

Sophia saw what she was doing and got up. "Come on, let us get out of here, I'm tired and hungry, and the more I see that girl...- the more I want to kick her butt." She was talking about Jane Si, whose acting like the daughter of the first family.     

Alexa turned her attention to Prince Alexader. "Sweetheart, my mom wanted to leave early, do you mind?"     

"Not at all, I'm also tired from the long trip and could use a rest. Why don't we find Daniel and Andrea and let them know? Meanwhile, why don't you say goodbye to your father and grandmother to inform them of our plan?" He then got up and went to look for Daniel and Andrea to say goodbye.     

President Grant was not happy when he learned that Alexa and Chrissy were leaving early. However, there's nothing he could do to stop them from going. He got up and gives Alexa a tight embrace without a care in the world who might be watching.     

Jane Si's eyes were bulging from what she was seeing. She couldn't believe that Alexa has the guts to come to her Aunt's funeral. 'What is she doing here? There's something wrong with this picture. She never showed up her face for many years, now that Aunt Dianne's is gone, she is here. Hmmm?"     

Jane Si was about to make a scene and walked towards their direction. However, before she arrives... Alexa was already gone and was on the way out with Prince Alexander and her entourage.     

"That bitch! She was slick like an eel, Alexa dear, don't think you could sneak back in,- now that Aunt Dianne is gone... There is no way in hell that I would let you. Over my dead body!"     

Jane Si was thinking out loud while she watches Alexa walked out the door. Unknown to here that Andrea and Daniel were right behind her and heard every word she said.     

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