The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

What Should I Do?

What Should I Do?

When Alexa, Daniel, and Prince Alexander made it back to the funeral parlor. They already finished preparing, and all were ready to take the first lady to her final resting place. The back of the funeral car was opened and ready for the coffin to be loaded to take her to the cemetery.     

The convoy of cars were all lined up, and the procession was about to begin. President Grant and Grandmother Grant were getting ready to enter their vehicle when they arrived. Therefore, Daniel quickly went towards where Andrea was speaking with Sophia and Chrissy, followed by Alexa and Prince Alexander right behind.     

Chrissy and Sophia were glad to see them coming. They were afraid that they would not make it on time, and President Grant might use it as an excuse to go and speak with them. Which scares Chrissy the most for she is not ready for that at all.     

"Where have you guys been? You suddenly run off without telling us where you were going." Chrissy said anxiously as they were approaching.     

Alexa embraces her mother before she replied. "I'm sorry, Mom, Aunt Sophia...- There was an urgent matter we had to attend to, and I had to leave without telling you so you won't worry." She said with a slight smile on her face trying her best to ease Chrissy's anxiousness.     

"What business could it be so important that it takes the three of you to go? Don't tell me it has something to do with Jane Si's situation?" Sophia interjected with a raised brows.     

Daniel, Alexa, and Prince Alexander looked at each other. All three were thinking if they should talk about it in the open or wait in private. The latter won, "why don't we all get in the car first and will talk about it on the way to the cemetery," Alexa told everyone, avoiding having to answer in front of onlookers. Everyone agrees, and they made their way towards the vehicle.     

Daniel and Andrea went towards their vehicle. "See you at the cemetery," Andrea said while she's waving to them goodbye as they walk away.      

Sophia went inside the car, first followed by Chrissy. Just as when Alexa we're about to get in the car, someone spoke from behind. "Miss Grant! The President is requesting your presence in his vehicle. Will you please! Follow me?" The President Assistant Aid said while standing to wait for her to follow.     

Alexa looked at her mother who's already seated inside the car, then to Prince Alexander standing right next to her... unsure of what to do? "Mom? Alex?" She said their name with a question on her eyes that say, "What should I do?"     

"Go ahead! It must be important if he sent his Assistant Aid to get you. I Will follow and meet you at the cemetery." Chrissy said from inside the vehicle with a slight smile letting Alexa know she's okay.     

Prince Alexander, who was standing next to Alexa, gave her a light kiss on her lips before he whispered. "It's alright! Your father probably missed you and needed some comforting. Go! I'll meet you at the cemetery. I'll join your mother and aunt, don't worry, I'll take care of them." With a reassuring smile as well.     

"Alright! As long as you don't mind. I'll see you then!" She gives him a peck on his cheek, then quickly left with the assistant aid or the President.     

President Grant smiled brightly when she entered the limousine. "You're here! Thank you!" He then extended his two arms wide open to embrace Alexa.     

Alexa was more than happy to comply and went inside her father's two arms to be enveloped in a warm embrace. "Dad... How are you holding up? If you need to cry, I'm here." She jokingly said to make him laugh.     

"Having you here is enough. It's too bad that the only way you would come back was on the day that she's gone. However, that's all in the past now. Let's get on with our lives and be happy." Grandmother Grant interjected but a little unhappy that Alexa didn't even see her.     

Alexa finally realized that her grandmother was in the car with them. She released her father and went to embrace grandmother grant tightly. "Grandma! I'm sorry! You know how much she hated my guts. I would have stayed if only she could accept me. Unfortunately, it never happened, and she's now gone." She then let out a big sigh!     

"That's right! She's gone and you! are coming back home where you belong!" President Grant said sternly. President Grant had made his decision. Soon he would be announcing to the whole world that Alexa Grant is his daughter and the country's only princess.     


The service was quick, and first lady Dianne was finally laid to rest. Once it was over, one by one guest came to give their condolences to the first family. However, Alexa was not among the first family... She's still considered guest paying respect to the first lady nothing more...     

Daniel and Andrea were standing next to grandmother Grant, while the President was next to his mother. On the other side were the first lady's parents and siblings. Meanwhile, Alexa was standing very far away with her mother and everyone else.      

Therefore, once in a while... The President, Daniel, grandma Grant, and Andrea would look at her direction with a pity showing on their faces.     

President Grant couldn't wait for the whole thing to be over. He wanted to speak with Chrissy before they disappear to go back home. He needed to find a way to talk with her... no matter what the consequences, he will speak with her before she leaves...      

"We need to get out of here as quickly as we can before all the guest finishes giving their condolences. I have a feeling that President Grant would dash right on over once the last guest leaves. What do you think?" Sophia whispered to Chrissy.     

Chrissy with anxious eyes looked at the direction where the President we're standing before she answered. "You're right, the sooner, the better."      

Chrissy made her excuse that she's not feeling well and told Alexa and Prince Alexander that they would head out first and meet them at home. Alexa didn't stop her mother. Instead, she was willing to leave with her.      

However, Sophia was quick enough to inform her that she needed to stay to be their ambassador and go on to the line of people and say goodbye to her father while being inconspicuous.      

Prince Alexander agrees with Sophia's suggestion, and bids his goodbye to his future mother-in-law and dragged his future queen into the line of people slowly making their way towards the first family...     

The President saw his daughters' tall figure coming their way, and a half-smile procure on his face. Suddenly his half-smile banished like it never happened when he realized that there were only two of them. He quickly scans the surrounding to see if he could spot Chrissy, but she's nowhere to be found. He began feeling anxious to get everything over and done so he could go and find her.     

President Grant could no longer wait for everyone to finish giving their condolences. He told Daniel and grandmother Grant that he would be right back, then quickly rushed towards Alexa's direction. Once he reaches her, he pulled her aside, leaving the stunned Prince Alexander.     

"Where did your mother go? Did she leave already? Is she going back home or heading somewhere else?" President Grant was anxiously questioning Alexa without taking a breather.     

"Sir, President... Please, there are other people around. You don't want them to start speculating. She's not feeling well and decided to go ahead so she could rest. That's all." She replied professionally acting like it's business they were speaking about.     

However, President Grant had lost all his senses and pretense. He doesn't care anymore if people were looking and would speculate. All he cares was finding Chrissy even if he has to turn the whole world upside down.     

"Fu*k them all! I have enough of this bullshit! I had listened to them long enough. My term would end soon, and I don't care if I get elected again or not. I had lost your mother once before, and I'm not about to let that happen this time around." He said sternly while looking at Alexa with sadness in his eyes.     

"Shhh, I understand how you feel for I feel the same way as you do. However, give her some time alone and when the time is right... She would come to you herself and sort this thing out. Give it some time, alright? Don't give her another headache by running after her and letting the whole world know that she was the other woman. Please, Dad! I beg you!" Alexa whispered with tears forming in her eyes.     

President Grant saw that Alexa was almost in tears and realized that his being a jerk only thinking of himself. He forgot about the consequences of his action could hurt many people around him.      

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. Don't worry, and I promise you that I will not bother your mother this time. If she's willing to speak with me this time... I'm ready. However, if she's not... then I would wait for the time being, alright?!"      

Alexa nodded in agreement and put on a happy face. She then acted cordial towards President Grant and gave him a quick embrace. She then whispered only for him to hear. "Don't worry, Dad, I'm rooting for you... I will do my utmost to make sure that we have a happy ending."     

President Grant likes it and patted Alexa's head like a little child doing a good job. It made Alexa shy and looked at Prince Alexander's direction to see if he saw it. When Prince Alexander smiled at her, she suddenly felt giddy inside.     

President Grant saw how the two lovebirds were eyeing each other. "Go! He's waiting, and you don't want to let you man wait for you forever. Every minute of your time together is precious, cherish them, and live a happy life." He then pushes her towards Prince Alexander's direction.     

On the way back where Daniel and grandmother Grant was standing, he couldn't help but think... 'He needed to think about Chrissy and Alexa's reputation. He would calm down and device a better plan, that's what he's going to do. When the time is right, he would claim what his from the beginning... The love of his life and his daughter... Alexa. '     


Meanwhile, at the ICU in Washington Medical Center. Reporters were standing by waiting for Jane Si to wake up. Unbeknown to them, she had long been awake and was only faking being in a coma.      

It was a plan her mother and father came up with in order to stop the reporters and investigator from questioning her until they could come up with a better scenario.  Jane Si had told her parents who was the person that did that to her. Once they heard that it was Crown Prince Romano, their eyes lit up and have an idea of what they needed to do. 'Snare a Crown Prince as a son-in-law'     

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