The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Unable To Identify The Culprit.

Unable To Identify The Culprit.

Just as when Alexa was about to open the door of the conference room, it suddenly opened. Prince Alexander and the Policemen were done and on the way out.     

"Oh, you're here! That's good. There's something they wanted me to see, and they asked me to come along to the station. It's good that you are here, do you want to come with me or stay?" Prince Alexander informs Alexa who's upset and it's showing on her face.     

Alexa contemplated for a moment. She looked at the direction of the funeral parlor... "I need to tell my mother and aunt, wait for a moment. I'll be right back!" She then quickly left without waiting for Prince Alexander's response.      

No sooner than Alexa left, Prince Alexander jokingly told the policemen. "We better wait, you wouldn't want to piss that woman, by leaving without her. Hahaha!"     

The policemen agreed, and they stood to wait for Alexa's return. A moment later, Alexa walked in with Lucas, Logan, and Ria right behind her. "Were ready, let's go!"     

The policemen were curious as who Alexa was, and why does she have three bodyguards while Prince Alexander has none? 'Is she by chance related to the President of the United States of America?'      

Meanwhile, outside the funeral parlor at the back where all the vehicles were parked. Prince Alexander's bodyguards were waiting for them with an opened bulletproof limousine. Once they were close, they all bowed to Alexa, and Prince Alexander then waited for them to enter the car.     

Prince Alexander turned towards the policemen, "will meet with you at the station, is that all right with you?" He then helped Alexa to enter the vehicle then followed suit.     

The stunned policemen went towards their police car shaking their heads. They couldn't believe that they were having a conversation with Royalty and someone significant...     


Daniel realized that Alexa and Prince Alexander were nowhere in the vicinity. He called his secret service and asked if they knew where they went. When he found out that they were summoned to the police station, he was anxious as to why? He quickly informs his father before asking for permission to follow them, making sure that it was nothing.     

Prince Alexander and Alexa were inside the audio room, looking at some footage. The reason why they asked Prince Alexander to come, it's because someone had reported and accused him of being the person that had brought Jane Si done the deed. He didn't inform Alexa with this...     

When Daniel arrived at the police station, the Chief of Police quickly greeted him with respect.     

"Welcome, Senator Grant! What brings you to my station?" He said while extending his hand for a handshake.     

Daniel accepted his handshake. "I'm here because I was informed that your subordinates came and asked a guest of mine to come here for whatever reason. I wish, I was informed ahead of time and I could have brought them here myself." He said with a frown on his face while pinching the bridge of his nose.     

"What?! When did this happen? Let me assure you that I did not order this, let me find out where they at..." The Chief of police shouted for one of his policemen to come. "Sergeant Blue! Will come here please!"     

Seargent Blue was busy on the phone when he heard his name being called by his superior. He quickly hung up and got up to see what's going on. "Sir! How can I help you?" He then saw Daniel and promptly greeted him.     

"Senator Grant! What brings you to our station? Is it about your cousin Miss Si? But, an investigator was already dispatched to the hospital to speak with your family member... Why are you here?" Seargent Blue asked while looking at the Chief for an answer instead of Daniel.     

The Chief of Police just shook his head and raised his hand above his head. He then mouths off without a sound. "Fuck! if I know?"     

Daniel could care less about the two people in front of him. What he cares was his sister and Prince Alexander, who was nowhere in sight. When he couldn't see them anywhere...      

"I'm here for my guest who was bought in by your policemen not long ago. Where are they?" He anxiously asked, and it clearly shows that he was not a happy camper at all.     

"Ah... Do you mean the Prince and that girl?! They are over there inside the audio room looking at some footage right now. And..." Seargent Blue was interrupted and unable to finish what he was about to say in his defense.      

"Show me the audio room!" Daniel irritably ordered the Chief of Police. "Lead the way!" He said louder than the normal voice. He then began walking with no direction in mind.     

The Chief of Police and Seargent Blue quickly lead the way to the audio room. They don't want to upset the son of the President, and they know what kind of power he holds... He could make them or break them if he wanted too.     

Prince Alexander and Alexa weren't able to identify the culprit. The man in the video was someone they had never met before. However, there's only one thing for sure... It was not Prince Alexander.     

The man on the video was shorter than him, and his build was much bigger than Prince Alexander. Whoever it was that used his name to register at the hotel under false pretense, for sure... it was none of his bodyguards and surely not him either.     

Once that was verified, Prince Alexander finally told Alexa everything. Sure enough, Alexa was fuming and very upset that he was already being accused of raping and beating Jane Si. But, he didn't even inform her until he was cleared of the charges.     

However, Alexa did not show how she was feeling at the moment. She doesn't want everyone to see how bad she is when she gets angry. She only stood there and waited like a dutiful girlfriend that she is, until... Daniel showed up with the Chief of Police and Seargent Blue.      

When Daniel heard that Prince Alexander was brought to the police station without a warrant of arrest, he began ranting and scolded the Chief of Police right in front of all his subordinates.     

"You know what your subordinates had done, right? Speak to them now, for when I'm done with them... Not only suspension, but they would also have pay deduction..."      

After giving his warning to the Chief of Police, Daniel took Alexa's hand and pulled her closer to him. He then turned his attention to Prince Alexander, "Let's get out of here! And next time, you better let me handle this!" He said as they began making their way out of the police station.     

Alexa let her older brother dragged her out of the Police Station. But not before she turned around and gave Prince Alexander a distinct look...      

Prince Alexander knows he was wrong and didn't say anything. He only followed like a little puppy right behind the brother and sister duo.      

However, deep inside in mind... 'I better be careful in the future, this two is like a pea in a pod when they are upset... If I'm not careful, I might get a Filipino hair cut one of this day. Hahaha!'     

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