The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

The Devil and His Bodyguard

The Devil and His Bodyguard

Daniel arrived at the Spaniard Kingdom without delay. He wanted to get the job done and over with as soon as possible. If not for the President asking him to take care of the matter personally, he will not even bother. As for him, he thinks they could all rot in hell for all he cares.     

Ever since he could remember, the Si family had been influencing his mother. They had been manipulating first lady Dianne until the end. If not for Jane Si and her mother, Alexa would have been accepted by his mother, and they did not have to hide her identity.      

Daniel's secret service had made sure that it was safe for him before he got out of the vehicle.       

The Commissioner of the Spaniard Kingdom Customs and Border Protection personally greeted Daniel when he arrived. He received an order from the Crown Prince himself to personally handle the business with the Si family.     

"Welcome! Senator Grant... I am Commissioner Peralta, and I apologize for having to make you come all into our small kingdom." He said as professional and courteous as he could while he extended his hands for handshakes in which Daniel only ignored. He is not there to be cordial. He is there to kick some butts for wasting his precious time.     

Daniel began looking around as soon as he was inside, he was looking for the Si family, and the Commissioner saw that and quickly informs him. "If you are looking for your relative, they are currently in a holding room, and we had them separated for precaution." His face was showing concern, and one could tell his intimidated by Daniel's authoritative aura.     

"That is fine. I planned on speaking with you without letting them know I am here. Therefore, please! Lead the way... I do not have much time to spare. Let us get down to business."     

Daniel gestured to lead him wherever it may be where they could speak in private. His faces were showing his irritated and could not wait for the whole thing to be over with.     

Commissioner Peralta took Daniel to what it seems like an office for the customs employee. "Please, sitdown Senator Grant." He offered as a courtesy with a slight smile on his face.     

Daniel received his offer and sat down in one of the wooden chairs in front of an office desk. The Commissioner then called for someone to bring them some refreshments before seating down himself on the other side of the desk.     

No sooner than Commissioner Peralta sits down... - "Let us begin!" Daniel said, looking at him straight face and void of any emotion.     

The customs officer could not think of a word to say from the way Daniel was looking at him. Sweat began appearing on his forehead, and it is clearly showing how scared he is at the moment.  'This person is not one to be offended, or my head would be on a platter.'  His thinking.     

"Once again, please... accept my apology, Senator Grant, that you had to fly all the way here for this matter. It is just that the charges are serious. Moreover, the complainant was Crown Prince Romano himself; here, you can check what is stated." Commissioner Peralta quickly handed the document to Daniel, and he reached out for him to read.     

Daniel accepted what the Commissioner was handing to him, which is the actual file indicating the charges against the Si family. He began reading it throughout, as he read, his eyebrows began to rise to what was written.     

[Miss Jane Si and her family arrived in the Spaniard Kingdom looking all suspicious. Based on the investigation, they arrived no long right after Crown Prince Romano and Princess Angelica. It was then concluded that she came in the country with the intent to harm the Crown Prince of the Spaniard Kingdom. Therefore, she must be detained and now allowed to enter or leave the country.]     

Daniel looked up to the Commissioner, with a smirk on his face, " damn, explain to me how you all came with the conclusion that they plan on harming your Crown Prince? They could have come here on vacation, or to visit a friend.      

"Anything is possible, who will believe your accusation? If I were you, have someone contact the palace and request for the Crown Prince Romano to come here. If not…" He was not able to complete his sentences when…     

"Ahem! Ahem!" Crown Prince Roman has come, and he had been standing at the door for a while already listening to their conversation.  If you were not the son of the President, you do not know what I would have done to you.  His thought while listening intensely for what Daniel was saying.     

"Senator Grant, I do apologize that you had to come all the way here when you just had a death in the family. Unfortunately, your cousin is a very persistent young woman, and I am afraid she is going to create a problem with me in my kingdom. If you know what I mean?"       

Daniel does not know what he means by that, but if he is guessing, it has something to do with Jane Si, ending up in the hospital.  God, this whole bunch of lunatic... Why don't they all go to hell and stay there... They are nothing but a nuisance, and it made my life a living hell.     

"Yes! I do know what you mean, and that is why I am here. Sign a release form and let them leave. I will make sure they do not bother you or your kingdom." Daniel said sternly while pinching the bridge of his nose. He was starting to get a headache just from looking at the jerk in front of him.     

Crown Prince Romano contemplated before he replied. He needs to make sure that the Si family would not have a chance to live and tell... He needed time for his bodyguard to arrange before he would let them go.     

However, the matter has changed for the son of the President of the United States of America is now involved if anything happens to him while in his kingdom, they would not be able to cover the whole thing.     

Good thing that he found out that Senator Grant had arrived. Therefore, he was able to make a personal appearance for the good of the kingdom. 'That is it!' I will invite him to stick around, let him stay at the palace while sending the Si family to hell and never come back to tell the story.'     

"Senator Grant... - Daniel! Why are you in a rush? I know you wanted to get back to your beautiful fiancee, but since you are here now. Why not stay for a day and have dinner with us at the palace?" Crown Prince Romano sincerely invited him, and he looks serious enough for Daniel to believe him.     

Daniel only looked at the Crown Prince without batting an eye. 'What does this jerk take me for? Does he think I am stupid enough to believe any words that come out of that garbage mouth of his? Unbelievable!'     

However, Daniel is not a Senator for nothing... He put on a slight smile on his face before he graciously declined the offer. "Please, give me regards to the King and Quee. Unfortunately, I only have very little time this time and have a lot on my plate at the moment. Maybe, next time... After I tie the knot, my wife and I will come and visit. How is that?"     

Crown Prince Romano accepted his excuse knowing his only making it up, 'I tried my best to save you... My conscious is clear if anything happens to you...'     

"All right then! I look forward to the day to come." With a smirk on his face as he went and sat down on the top of the desk.       

"Let us not waste time. You know why I am here. Let us get it over with alright?" Said Daniel, who sound irritated.     

Crown Prince Romano calls for his Assistant, who is waiting right outside the Commissioner's office. "Bring me the document!" He yelled at his Assistant.     

The Assistant quickly came and with him a document which he handed to Crown Prince Romano, then left without even greeting Daniel.     

"Here! Read it, I had signed it already, and you will find that I am dropping all the charges against your cousin and her parents. Does this satisfy you?"       

Daniel quickly scans the document to see what was written. When he found it satisfactory, he then nodded his head and got up. "This is all I need to see and know. I am taking this with me to show it to my father who had sent me here. I would appreciate it if you also take care of them and making sure they are on the next flight out of here. Goodbye!"     

Daniel and Crown Prince Romano shook a hand and went on their separate ways...  Daniel went out of the building as fast as he came, and Crown Prince Romano went towards the direction of the room where Jane Si being detained.     


Meanwhile, Jane Si and her parents have no idea they were free to go. She is still trying to use her talent as an actress and hoping that it would work.       

"Hello! Is anyone out there? I am in pain here... Please, call a doctor for me! Please. Arrrg." She keeps on moaning making it sound that she is in terrible pain, she knows sooner or later someone would come.      

Once she is out of the holding cell, she would try to escape, even if it means leaving her parents behind... She needed to get out of there and get to the palace... One way or the other.     

Jane si continued with her act when suddenly the door opened... It was Crown Prince Romano and his bodyguard... Crown Prince Romano signal to his bodyguard to lock the door...     

"Hello, dear! Did you missed us so badly, is that why you came all the way and followed us home?"       

Jane Si was speechless and shocked. She could not believe that the devil and his bodyguard are right in front of her, and it seems he is planning on doing something again...     

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