The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Chapter 203

Chapter 203

So many things happened leading up to this...     

It was six months before the Miss Universe pageant when Prince Alexander asked President Grant and Daniel for their blessing to propose to Alexa. They gave him their approval. He called the King and Queen to tell them he would be bringing Alexa back with him to introduce her as his future wife properly.      

He had never considered that the Queen would refuse. But refuse is exactly what she did. She was adamant that this was not the right time. The King was not up to it, considering the current state of his health. Prince Alexander had no choice but to accept her decision.     


Alexa still had the Miss Universe pageant to focus on. Once it was over, they would be able to announce their upcoming marriage. It was a moment they were looking forward to.     

Thinking about that moment, it occurred to the Prince that if things work out as he hopes, he could announce their engagement to the whole world right after the coronation. It was all he could think about.      

That night he was traveling back to Stonasia. They wanted to spend as much time together as they could before he had to leave. The chef prepared for them a special dinner. Afterward, they went out to the garden to get some fresh air. The moon was shining so brightly that night.      

Alexa laid her head on Prince Alexander's shoulder. He leaned down and kissed her under the moonlight.      

"Sweetheart," he whispered to her, "I want you to remember this moment always. With God as my witness, you are the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. No one could ever compare to you. Don't ever doubt my love for you. Do you understand?"      

Alexa could see the love in his eyes. She was so touched by his words that for a moment, she was speechless. She took his face in hands and pulled him closer to her. When they were face to face, she looked into his eyes and said, "My heart will belong to you and only you, until the day I die. No one else. I promise you that." She kissed him with all of the love she had inside her.     

Prince Alexander couldn't make himself leave that night. He stayed with her for two more days. But that was all the time he could steal away with her. With a heavy heart, he parted with her. In six months, they would be together again.       


A week later, Alexa left for the Philippines to compete for the title of "Binibining Pilipinas." She had to win Miss Philippines first to be eligible to compete for the title of Miss Universe.      

With the full support of the Wen and Go family, and the Mega World International Group backing her, who could beat her? All the support along with the success of her last fashion show, she won by a landslide. It was official. She would represent the Philippines in the 2020 Miss Universe pageant.      

When you're getting this kind of attention, people will always try to find dirt to use against you. With her father being who he is, and her mother's reputation as one of the best in her field, those who are digging always come up empty-handed. The Queen of Stonasia has had many try to find anything that would tarnish her reputation, but they have all failed. If the Queen wanted another shot, she would have to meet Alexa in the Philippines and do it herself.      


Prince Alexander had been determined for Stonasia to be the Host Country for the 2020 Miss Universe pageant. He knew what it would mean to Alexa, and also understood the economic boost it could provide his country. His determination paid off. The pageant was to be hosted in his kingdom.      

There was a more personal reason for wanting to host the pageant as well. He hoped to use the event to announce his engagement to Alexa. But he was advised against this. The Queen said she feared it would reflect badly on Alexa and spark suspicion that the pageant had been rigged if she won. He had no choice but to honor the Queen's wishes. He would be patient.     

The Queen didn't care about Alexa's reputation. It was all part of her plan. She and Princess Angelica had been conspiring against Alexa for some time. The night of the pageant would be their last chance to find a way to force the Prince to marry Angelica.  They were aware of the announcement he was planning. They planned to stop at nothing until they got what they wanted.     

Things didn't go as the two had planned. They weren't as secretive as they believed themselves to be. Someone discovered what they were planning and intervened before they had a chance to carry out their scheme.     

That very night, Alexa was crowned Miss Universe.  There was a party immediately after the coronation, but the celebration would be cut short. The night would not go as anyone had hoped. Someone was about to do something terrible.      


The night of the pageant, Prince Alexander was busy making sure everything was in order. The party was being held in the ballroom immediately after the pageant. He kept telling himself that he would announce his engagement regardless of who won. He prepared for the announcement with that mindset.      

When Alexa was crowned Miss Universe, reality set in, he had no choice. The only title he would have tonight would be that of the host, not the official title of fiance. The Queen seized the opportunity to shove Angelica at Prince Alexander. She tried to pair the two up all night, which did not bode well for Alexa or the Prince.     

The Prince's duties as host kept him by Alexa's side for much of the night. The sight of them together had Angelica furious. In the act of desperation, she sent a message to Alexa pretending to be the Prince. She asked her to come to the back of the palace. Alexa desperately wanted a moment with just him. She told security that Prince Alexander had requested a moment alone with her, and was grateful knowing the guards would ensure they weren't disturbed.      

Alexa walked outside only to find Princess Angelica. She was stunned. "What's the meaning of this? Where's Prince Alexander?" Angelica glared at Alexa with nothing but malice and contempt. "He isn't coming. The message was from me," Angelica snarled.      

Alexa couldn't help thinking; one would expect someone named Angelica to look somewhat angelic. But not this Angelica. Demonic is a more accurate description of her.  Almost as if she could read Alexa's mind, Angelica charged at her. She raised her hand to slap Alexa in the face.      

The snap of a camera taking photos stopped them both dead in their tracks. They both looked up to see where it came from but didn't see anyone.  Angelica was still looking for the phantom cameraman. Alexa took advantage of the distraction. She quickly turned around and walked away without looking back. She could hear Angelica's angry shouts, so she quickened her pace to get back inside.      

Alexa was thinking about the snap she heard. The camera...someone had recorded the whole thing. They had a picture of the two of them. (This phantom cameraman would anonymously turn in the well-orchestrated evidence against Alexa later.)       


She was overwhelmed when she got safely back inside. She was angry, confused, and thirsty. A waitress offered her a drink, and she quickly emptied the glass in a few loud gulps. Those few loud gulps changed everything. Unbeknownst to her, the drink was spiked. The drugs would kick in soon.      

This sequence of events led us to this point. Prince Alexander is in a coma, and Princess Angelica is dead. Now everyone is pointing their finger at Alexa Grant, the new Miss Universe, as the culprit.     

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