The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

The Queen!!!

The Queen!!!

Alexa woke up while they were still in the air, flying back to the U.S. he had a splitting headache. She couldn't think straight. She looked around and realized she was lying down in a private cabin of the plane.     

"What is going on? I'm going to go crazy if someone doesn't give me some answers...ahhh!" Her scream of frustration was so loud that everyone but the captain heard her. They all came running into the room at once, thinking something had happened.     

Chrissy was the first through the door and rushed to Alexa's side. She wrapped her arms around her daughter. She stroked Alexa's back and head to soothe her the way only a mother can. "Shh...everything's okay, baby. You're safe now. We'll be back soon. No one can touch you there."     

President Grant cleared his throat. "Let's give them some air. Chrissy's got her," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "They'll come out when Alexa's ready."     

Once she knew they were alone, Alexa opened her eyes and looked up at her mother, her eyes filled with tears. She had so many questions. She didn't know where to begin.     

"Mom, what happened in the palace? We left like someone was after us... I don't understand," she said, tears flowing down her beautiful face.     

Chrissy tried her best to muster a smile. "Sweetheart, why don't we get you something to eat first? Then we can talk." She was trying her best to smile at her daughter, despite the predicament they were in. "You must be famished. You haven't eaten since yesterday."     

Just then, Alexa's stomach growled. "You're right; I'm starving. I'm just going to wash up first, Mom. I'll be out in a few minutes."     

Chrissy got up, stepped aside so Alexa could make her way to the restroom. "I'll be right outside the door if you need me," she reassured her daughter. Alexa walked in and closed the door behind her.     

A few moments later, Chrissy and Alexa walked into the main cabin of the airplane. Everyone's eyes were on Alexa. No one spoke a word, as if they were waiting to see what she would do.     

Alexa sat next to President Grant, her emotions showing in her expression. The President's expression reflected her own as she burst into tears. "Daddy..." was all she could say. Unable to speak himself, he wrapped his arms around his precious daughter and held her tight.     

She had finally calmed down, and her stomach was now full. Alexa sat quietly as Daniel began to explain what had taken place and why they had to leave the palace so quickly.     

"Alexa, something terrible happened last night," he began. "While you were in the garden with Prince Alexander, someone pushed Princess Angelica off of the balcony." He paused for a moment, allowing her to process what he was telling her. "A gardener found her body this morning."     

Daniel hesitated, unsure of how to tell her the rest. "Alexa, when the gardener found her this morning, she wasn't alone." He took a deep breath. "The Prince was with her. He was lying there, holding her. He had nearly bled to death by the time they found them."     

After an agitated moment of silence, Alexa became overwhelmed by the reality of what she was hearing. She shrieked, "What?!!" "What do you mean he had nearly bled to death?" She was in shock. "That can't be! Why was he holding her? He would rather die than be with her!" Hearing her own words, she stopped. She looked at each one of them, like a child looking for answers.     

She continued in a small voice, barely audible for them to hear..."Is he really..." She could force herself to say the words aloud, but she had to know. "Are you telling me Prince Alexander is dead?"     

Finding it hard to stand, President Grant, caught her in a tight embrace and gently patted her back. "No, he isn't dead. But he's in a coma. When we left, he was in critical condition."     

"What the hell? Are you all out of your minds?" Alexa raged on, "He's my fiance! You're telling me we left him in critical condition in a coma! You're taking me out of the country when I should be by his side! I don't believe this..." She was at a loss. "Father, please! I'm begging you!! Turn this plane around! I need to be with him. Please!!"     

She was having a nervous breakdown, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. Inconsolable, the doctor on board gave her something to calm her down. Sleep came quickly.     

Daniel carried his sister back to the room she had slept in earlier. Chrissy stayed by her side, watching helplessly.     

Daniel left the room and went back to their father. "We need to make sure she's safe. We can't let them get to her no matter what. She has to stay at the White House. It's the only place she can be safe." His father listened intently. He was aging by the minute at the very thought of something happening to his precious daughter.     

"I agree. Maybe it will buy us some time. We need to find out exactly what happened," the President said while rubbing the bridge of his nose.     

"Dad, try not to worry. I won't let them hurt a hair on her head. I would give my life to keep her safe. You have my word on that," Daniel said with a stern look on his face. He meant every word he had spoken. He would never let anyone hurt his baby sister, no matter what it took.     

The President's entire security team was working round the clock to find answers. Whoever killed Princess Angelica was trying to frame Alexa and the Prince. That much they knew.     

But who could it be? What motive could they possibly have to kill her and then frame Alexa and Alexander? Who had access to the palace and could move around freely enough to have done this? Who could have slipped through all of the security and gotten away?     

Everyone was looking at each other while in deep thought... Suddenly their eyes lit up like 2000 lumens light bulbs...     

"  THE QUEEN!!!!" Everyone shouted at the same time...     

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