The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Chapter 207

Chapter 207

After Daniel delivered the news about Prince Alexander's successful surgery and now recuperating. Everyone was relieved to hear the good news, especially Alexa.   Tear's was flowing but a smile was plastered on her face.     

However, after hearing that she still not allowed to see him, she couldn't help herself and began sobbing uncontrollably.  She wanted to be with Prince Alexander and take care of him.       

However, no matter how much she begged Daniel and President Grant to help her, there was nothing they could do.  They have very tight security, and only the family member of Prince Alexander was allowed.      

On top of that, they specifically warned Daniel that if Alexa comes anywhere near where Prince Alexander was... They would do everything in their power to make sure that she was charged for Prince Alexander's accident.  Daniel has no choice but to make sure that his sister never finds out where Prince Alexander was recuperating.     

Alexa was heartbroken for not being able even to get a glimpse of Prince Alexander.  He was so near then yet... so far away.  There was nothing she could do but pray for his speedy recovery.  She stayed in the sanctuary of the small chapel and prayed all day in front of the statue of Mother Mary and Jesus Christ and held vigil for Prince Alexander's safety.     

Everyone left her alone and only brought food for her to eat and making sure that she takes care of her health.   However, Alexa was in so much pain in her heart that she has lost all her appetite.  She would only take a sip of water and would go back, kneeling and praying for Prince Alexander's recovery.     

While she was doing this, Daniel was doing all that he could do for the King and Queen of Stonasia to change their minds and let Alexa get a glimpse of Prince Alexander.  Unfortunately, they truly believed that Alexa had something to do with what happened with Princess Angelica and Prince Alexander.  They were adamant and refused sternly no matter how much Daniel pleaded with them.     

Even with the evidence that Alexa was nowhere near where the incident occurred, they believed that it was being covered up... The same as what they did covering up Prince Alexander's whereabouts and Princess Angelica's death.     

All the people who had witnessed the incident that day were silenced.  Either by imprisonment or exile until death to some godforsaken countryside within the Kingdome of Stonasia.     

The same way from the Kingdom of Spaniard, they made sure that no one knew what had transpired and what had happened with Princess Angelica.  The King of Stonasia had paid a significant sum of money to the Kingdom of Spaniard through Crown Prince Romano, who gladly accepted it.     

The King and Queen of Spaniard have no Idea that Princess Angelica had perished.  As par as what Crown Prince Romano reported to them, Princess Angelica was traveling somewhere in the Bahamas to lick her wound after getting rejected once again by Prince Alexander.     

The King and Quee have a more pressing matter to worry about than the spoilt brat Princess Angelica.  Therefore, they accepted Crown Prince Romano's story and let it go at that.     

Crown Prince Romano and his girl-toy Jane Si, with all the money they had received from the Kingdom of Stonasia, decided to take a tour around Asia after they made arrangements to cremate Princess Angelica's body.      

"Your Highness, are you sure this would work?  I mean, I don't mind doing it, and you know that I'm a good actress.  I could learn everything in no time, and no one would know that I'm not the real Princess Angelica. However, I'm afraid that the King and Queen would know though,"  Jane Si was speaking with Crown Prince Romano.     

"Don't worry, the King and Queen never paid much attention to Prince Angelica while she was growing up.  Therefore, they would never find out the truth unless you tell them.  Which I'm sure you would never do once you get to the taste of life in the palace.  Hahaha!  Princess Angelica..."     

Crown Prince Romano had made and arrangement for Jane Si to undergo an operation on her face from one of the best plastic surgeons in Thailand.  To fool everyone in the Kingdom and no one would ever know that Princess Angelica had been cremated already.  Jane Si would take her place and live as Princess Angelica...        


Back in the White House, everyone was worried about Alexa, but she was so stubborn and would not budge no matter what they do.  Chrissy could only cry for her daughter's pain, but there was nothing she could do... But stayed by her side and pray as well.  However, Chrissy was praying more for Alexa's health more than anything.     

President Grant is ready to declare war with the Kingdom of Stonasia for the sake of his heartbroken daughter.  However, all of his Advisors had warned him that it could ruin Alexa's future, and they might even strip her of her crown if she was accused of harming the future ruler of Stonasia...      

Thus, President Grant stay put and watched over her grieving daughter with pain in his heart.     

The day passes, and the week came and gone.  The Month was up, and Alexa must return to her duty as Miss Universe.  The first thing on her agenda was to meet with people in charge of the beauty pageant.  As much as she didn't want too, she has no choice, for it's a part of her being a Miss Universe.     

"Alexa, dear... If you don't want to do this any longer, and if your heart is not in it anymore... You could always give it up.  That's why there's the second runner up, and it's to take over for you if you can no longer fulfill your duty."      

Chrissy was trying to coax Alexa to give up the crown to give her time to heal her broken heart.  But, she's determined to continue, and the only thing that Chrissy could do was to support her no matter what her decision.       

"I needed this mother.  You know that this has been my dream ever since I was a child, and now that I finally achieved my dream... I would never give it up.  They have to take it away from me If they wanted it back.  Hahaha!"      

She's trying her best to make herself laugh, but it didn't work.  Instead, she ends up crying her heart out into her mother's embrace...  And it's breaking Chrissy's heart as well and end up sobbing with her daughter.      

This was the scene that President Grant saw as he was coming to check on them.  He bows to himself that he would make all those people who had hurt his precious daughter pay dearly...     

Alexa had kept her promise not to visit Prince Alexander.  She never once asked Daniel if he has any news whatsoever.   She acted as if everything was fine, when deep inside, she's slowly dying and in pain...     

Not a day goes by that she didn't cry herself to sleep.  However, in front of everyone... She's cheerful and always full of smiles for everyone to see.       

What is more important for her was knowing that Prince Alexander is alive and someday will recuperate.  She doesn't care if and when he does regain his sense and come out of the coma... If he doesn't remember her, she could live with that and go on with her life as long as he's alive...     

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