The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Chapter 209

Chapter 209

While Alexa seems to be doing well on the other side of the world, Prince Alexander had finally wakened up.  However, the King and the Queen were devastated to find out that he was unable to see and does not remember anything of what had happened.     

While he was holding his head, Prince Alexander was hysterically screaming when he realizes that he cannot see.  "Ahhh!  What's going on?  What had happened to me?  Ahhh!!!!"  He kept on screaming and asking what happened, for he couldn't remember at all.     

Pierre slumped to the ground when he heard that Prince Alexander's sight is now gone, and he would be living in the dark alone without the love of his life.  Pierre couldn't help but think of Alexa at the moment while he was watching the doctors and nurses trying to calm Prince Alexander.     

After giving him a sedative, he finally calmed down and was knocked out.  The Queen was beyond herself and couldn't believe that Prince Alexander now has a disability.  "What's going to happen now?  What if something happened to King, who would take the throne?"  The Queen keeps on saying and asking no one in particular.     

Pierre only shook his head after hearing what the Queen was saying.  'This bitch, she only cares about the throne, instead of worrying about her son being blind and a high chance of becoming crippled too.  I feel so sorry for you, your highness...'  He said while tears were flowing down on his face.     

Once Prince Alexander was out cold.  The Queen called for a meeting with all the King's advisor.  The King's health was not that well either.  It had turned for the better only a short while when he found out that Ramon is his son as well.      

However, since Ramon had banished and no one knows where he went, his health turn for the worst, and once again, he was bedridden.  With Prince Alexander being in the coma, the Queen had been running the show in the palace.      

All the King's advisors showed up without delay. The Queen sits at the head of the table and calling all the shots.  Unfortunately, she did not inform them of Prince Alexander's situations. Instead, "I called all of you today not to ask for your advice, but to tell you that we are moving Prince Alexander to the countryside to recuperate.      

"Since the King and the Crown Prince were both unavailable, I would be taking over the reign.  However, I don't want anyone from the outside of the Palace to know about this.  Do you all understand what I mean?"   She sternly said it and was adamant in her words.  She seriously looks like the wicked witch of the West...     

The King's advisors could not do anything nor say anything against the Queen's wishes.  They all nodded in agreement, and the meeting adjourned.     

No sooner than she had finished with the meeting with the advisors, she ordered for Prince Alexander to be transferred to the countryside so no one could find out what's going on.  They traveled in the middle of the night when everyone was asleep, so no one could see them leaving the palace gate...     

Meanwhile, Pierre was able to get access to a cellphone without the knowledge of the Queen. He then tried from his memory to contact Alexa.  Unfortunately, Alexa had long changed her number and was on board the Mega Intl Group of Company private plane on the way to the Philippines...     


To ease the boredom of the long flight to the Philippines, everyone decided to play poker with real money as a stake. However, Ashley didn't feel like joining and decided to try and get a shut-eye.     

She excused herself and went to the private cabin and lie down on the bed with her tired body.  Not a moment later, she was in a dreamland dreaming of a happy moment with someone.  However, in her dream, she cannot see the face of the man she was with, and no matter how hard she tries, she cannot see who it is?     

However, the voice of the man was so familiar... But who it is?  In her dream, the man was leaving, and she was begging him to stay.  The man's back was in front of her, and she couldn't see his face.  No matter how hard she tries, he wouldn't turn around.  Just as when the man was about to turn around... He suddenly vanished in the thin air...  Leaving her devastated and broken-hearted.     

"Alexa!  Alexa!  Alexa!!!!"  Someone was shaking her, and she opened her eyes in a drowsy state.     

"What?"  Alexa asked her older brother with sadness in her eyes.  She slowly sat up from the bed, and Daniel sat next to her at the side of the bed.  "Bad dream?"  He asked with a tender voice.     

Alexa, who's still half asleep and still tired from the sudden disturbance of her dream, looked straight in her brother's eyes.  Before, tears began pouring on her face beyond her control.     

The only thing that Daniel could do was embrace his baby sister and let her cry it all out.  "Hush!  That's enough, stop torturing yourself and get on with your life sweetheart.  It's not helping you in any way.  Look at yourself, where did my sweet and happy go lucky sister go?  Cheer up!  ok!"     

Alexan continued crying for a while.  After what it seems to be a long time, but in actuality, it was less than a minute... She wiped her tears and put on a smile.  "I'm fine!  It was but a dream... Alright!  I'm fine like I said, don't worry brother I had long forgotten about him..."  However, the way she said 'him'...  Daniel knew that she's not over him yet.     

"Come on!  I only came to tell you that we had arrived and everyone is getting ready to go down.  Are you ready?  Do you need another minute? "  Daniel asked while stroking her head like a little child.     

"I'm fine now,  let me just wash my face, and I'll be out there in a minute."  Alexa then got up and went to the washroom to clean herself up.  On the way to the restroom, Alexa keeps telling herself.     

"You will be fine, and you need to get on with your life.  You were not meant to be together. Let him be happy without you!  It's time for you to find you a new man."  While she was washing her face, she decided to make a promise to herself.       

"The very first person that tells me he loves me and asked me to be his girlfriend.  Even if I don't love him back...  I will say, yes!  This is the only way I can forget, and it's for me to find me a boyfriend!"  She told her reflection in the mirror, and she then put on a sweet smile on her face before going out of the cabin door to meet everyone's saddens gaze.     

"A new life!  What you all waiting for!  Christmas?  Let's get out of here!"  She happily told everyone who's standing by waiting for her to get out of the cabin...  Everyone gave Alexa a quick smile before they began descending toward the tarmac.     

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