The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Crown Prince Romano

Crown Prince Romano

When Prince Alexander hear what the Front-desk Manager said, he's brow raised, and anger was visible on his handsome face. He looked at Pierre with meaning without saying a word.     

Pierre understood exactly what Prince Alexander meant. He quickly excused himself and left in a hurry towards the front desk.  He needed to verify that it's, in fact, the bastard Crown Prince Romano.     

Prince Alexander took it upon himself to inform Arman Gusman that he wanted to walked around the facility and to go ahead and see to his guest.  "I'll be fine. Thank you!  You should go see your guest, or he might create a catastrophe in your hotel."       

"Thank you for understanding your Highness.  I would be going then."  Said Arman, he then turned around left and sauntered towards the front desk.  He has no intention to rush. He has felt that this Crown Prince spells trouble...     


"What's taking so long for your General Manager to come?  Do you know who I am?  What kind of hospitality do you run here?  I can't believe that you all making me wait when I should be relaxing now, for I'm fatigued and exhausted!"  Crown Prince Romano complaints loudly for everyone to hear.     

While he was making all kinds of noise loudly, Pierre arrived a little further away and hid behind a big pot of plants.  From his view, he could verify that it is, in fact, Crown Prince Romano with a girl.       

However, after getting a good look at the girl, he's eyes grew big.  The girl that's with him was none other than his sister Princess Angelica.  The same girl that had fallen off the terrace, that almost killed Prince Alexander. The one that supposedly dead.  "WTF!!!"  He exclaimed, luckily, he was able to cover his mouth, and no one hears him.     

Pierre quickly left and went to look for Prince Alexander.  He needed to let him know right away.  He couldn't believe what he saw, but it's as clear as daylight that it's Princess Angelica.  How could that be?'  He thought while he was walking as fast as his feet would take him.     

He found Prince Alexander by the swimming pool seating at one of the tables with an umbrella drinking coffee.  He rushed towards him, running like the demon was after him.  "Your Highness!  Your Highness!  Oh' my God!  You would not believe what I just saw!"  Prirre was yelling as he was approaching Prince Alexander.     

Prince Alexander heard Pierre shouting his name and turned around to look at him.  He saw how Pierre was running like crazy...       

"Hah! Hah! Hah!  God have mercy!  Your Highness, you wouldn't believe what my eyes just saw..." He said in between trying to catch his breath.     

Prince Alexander was curious as to what he saw.  He asked Pierre with wide eyes anxious to hear what he has to say.  "What is it?  What did you just saw out there?"  He wondered anxiously and anticipating Pierre's response.     

"Princess Angelica!"  Was all Pierre could utter and nothing more.     

"What about Princess Angelica?  Didn't she die from the fall?  What about her?" Prince Alexander asked with a raised voice. He was staring at Pierre anxiously, waiting for his response.     

"That's just it, your Highness!  I know she had died during your fall, and you too almost died.  However, I just saw her with her brother Crown Prince Romano at the front desk.  How did that happen?"  Pierre asked while his eyes as wide as an owl in shocked.     

"What did you just said?  Did I hear that correctly?  It's Princess Angelica!  The same one that plunged herself to death at the balcony of the palace room?  Are you sure?"  Prince Alexander had to make sure he heard Pierre correctly and repeated it word for word...     

Pierre shook his head up and down.  "Yes, your Highness!  I saw it with my two eyes."      

Prince Alexander quickly finished drinking his coffee and thinking of going there to see for himself.  However, he got to thinking, 'what did happen that night?  I need to remember it clearly.  I can't let them know we are here and let them see Alexa.'  He thought as he quickly got up to go back to the penthouse to warn Alexa.     


When Prince Alexander arrives at the penthouse, Alexa, Ann, and Eva were the only people inside and were sitting chatting.  The entourage of stylist were all gone.  Alexa got up as soon as she saw Prince Alexander walks in.  She greeted him with the most beautiful smile he ever saw.       

"God!  He still can't believe that he almost lost her for good.  Thank the good lord that he had regained his memory in due time.'  He thought as she approaches him.     

"Hi!  What's with the grim face?  Something happened while you were out?  What's going on?"  Alexa bombarded him with questions as she came closer.  Once Alexa was right in front of Prince Alexander, he quickly pulled her in a tight embrace...       

"Did I told you how much I love you?  If I had forgotten to say it lately,  let me tell you now, and I promise to tell you every day for the rest of our life... 'I... LOVE... YOU!!!!  WITH ALL OF ME AND MY HEART!"  He said it in a whisper into her ear, but it was loud enough for everyone to hear.     

Eva and Ann were so touched that they suddenly thought about their men.  Ann quickly got up...  "I'm sorry to break your sweetness, but we need to go already.  If not, I have three children that would be crying for mommy.  Hahaha!"  She said as she went toward the couple and gave Alexa a quick peck on her cheek and light embrace before shaking hands with Prince Alexander.     

"Mrs. Go?  Did you have another child while I was in a coma?"  Prince Alexander asked, confused about her wording.     

"Hahaha!  No, I did not have another child.  I always have three children...  There are the twins Jeffrey and Ava and, of course, the biggest child of them all.  CEO Jeff Go.  Hahaha!"  Ann banters as she waited for Eva to bid Alexa goodbye.     

"Will see you at the airport, alright!  Give them hell when you walked down there in the lobby.  Show them who you are... 'The reigning Miss Universe!'  At least until you turn over the crown.  Hahaha!"  Said Eva, her voice filled with laughter.     

Eva then turned to look at Prince Alexander, "your Highness!"  She gave a slight curtsy before turning to follow her cousin Ann whose watching them with a smile on her face.     

"Wait!"  Prince Alexander shouted to Ann and Eva whose about to walk out the door.     

Eva and Ann stopped and turned to see what Prince Alexander wanted.  "Yes, your Highness?"  Ann and Eva said in unison.  Alexa was bewildered as to why Prince Alexander called for them.     

"Please, wait for a moment... Let me have a word with Alexa for a minute, and she must understand."   Prince Alexander pulls Alexa towards the sofa.      

"Sweetheart!  We need to leave asap.  Also, we cannot flaunt to the whole world about us being together.  You will need to walk out of here with your cousins while I will need to go the back way and not let anyone know I was here.  Can you do that?"     

Alexa's brow raised after hearing Prince Alexander's request.  "Why?  Explain to me why we can't walk out of this hotel room together and let the whole world know that we are together?  Why?"  She asked with wide eyes and clearly upset.     

"It's...  It's... The Crown Prince Of Spaniard Kingdom, ' Romano'!  He's here in the hotel." Prince Alexander didn't elaborate.     

However, that was all Alexa needed to hear, and anger rose up to her head, and she got up while she exclaimed. "WTF!!!  Is that person doing in the Philippines? I'm going to kill him, that bastard!"     

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