The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Thanksgiving Dinner At The White House

Thanksgiving Dinner At The White House

Prince Alexander was surprised by Alexa's idea of a secret marriage.  He couldn't believe that she would come up with such a plan.  Who is he to turn her down if she wanted to tie the knot.  He's more than glad to accept her proposal if that's what it is... A proposal.     

They have been through a lot already, and they need to be together one as soon as possible.  If tying the knot secretly is what they need to do, he would be more than happy to comply.  He can't wait until they arrived in America and be able to get married finally.  Secret or otherwise does not matter to Prince Alexander.     


Curious eyes were pointed at Prince Alexander and Alexa while they were in deep conversation.  Everyone was guessing as to what they were talking about.     

" Do you think Alexa's proposing?"  Ann asked no one in particular.     

"Hmm, from the look of them, it seems that they had come into an agreement.  I hope it will be a piece of good news when they tell us."  Eva said excitedly.  Her eyes were beaming with happiness for her cousin Alexa.     

 A moment later, Alexa and Prince Alexander walked hand in hand towards the group with a big grin on their faces.  Just one look, and people would know how in love that two with each other.   It put a smile on Sophia's beautiful face.       

'I'm glad that she was finally smiling again.  I was worried that she would end up bitter just like I am a while back when my heart was broken.  Thank you, Lord, for giving back her man.'  She silently said to herself as she watched the couple come closer to where they at.     

"Everyone!  Listen to me!"  Alexa excitedly said as they neared them.     

Everyone doesn't have to say anything, for their full attention was towards them they begin with.  From the look on everyone's faces, Alexa and Prince Alexander knew they would be thrilled for them.     

"After you!"  Alexa said to Prince Alexander while motioning to begin speaking.     

"Ahem!  Ahem!"  Prince Alexander cleared his throat first and grabbed Alexa's hand.  He pulled her closer to him and embraced her before he began his speech.     

"As you all know that Alexa and I had been to too many trials and hardships.  However, with our love for one another being as strong as ever.  Having said that...  We want to let you know that we could no longer wait for my parents to give us approval.       

"Therefore, since we are both an adult already and could make a decision on our own..."  Prince Alexander paused for a moment and took a breather.  That made everyone more anxious and pissed off.     

"Your Highness, we would appreciate it if you would get to the point before Christmas!"  Jeff anxiously said a little stern.     

"Hahaha!  Hahaha!"  Alexa couldn't help but laugh out loud.  After seeing how intense Jeff's face was, she nudged Prince Alexander a little to push him to hurry up and tell them.     

Prince Alexander scowl and looked at everyone before he continued what he was saying.     

"My God!  You're such an impatient man!  How about giving me a little break here?  As I was about to say...  Alexa and I..."  He looked at Alexas while he was speaking, instead of everyone around them.     

"I had proposed to her once again, and she had agreed.  We have decided to tie the knot secretly...  Well, not so secret.  Only from my family will it be a secret.  When the time comes, we will let them know.  So'..."     

Prince Alexander then turned his attention to Jeff, who has a raised eyebrow and a scowl plastered on his face.  'He didn't like the idea at all.  He still wanted Ramon for Alexa, even now.'       

"CEO Go, would you be kind enough to lend us your plane so we could get married in Las Vegas after the Thanksgiving Dinner?"  He asked with a straight face, more like commanding than asking.     

That did not bode well with Jeff, and he's not one of the subjects of the Kingdom of Stonasia that needed to bow down to Prince Alexander.  He's CEO Jeff Go, the name alone is good enough for people to be afraid.     

However, when he was about to say something, more or less turning him down...  Jeff heard Alexa's voice.  "Cousin Jeff, please!!!  You all could come with us and be our witness.  What do you all say?"  Alexa said excitedly while her eyes were beaming with excitement.     

Jeff no longer needed to reply, for his wife did it for him.  "Of course!  There's no question about it.  We will all go with the two of you and be your witness.  Right, honey!"  Ann asked Jeff for confirmation.  More or less telling him from the way she was giving him a look.     

"Of course!  Whatever my wife says, it is what it is."  Jeff confirmed to everyone that they would all be flying to Las Vegas to be Alexa and Prince Alexander's witness to the quick wedding.     

Once everything was settled, Prince Alexander sits back down with the guys while Alexa went with Ann, where the children were to play with them as soon as little Jeffrey saw his Aunty Alexa. He was quick to get up from where he was sitting. He then went to Alexa and stood right in front of her.       

While he has his two hands on his waist and staring at Alexa, he said. "Pretty aunty, I want to sit in your lap!"  He said sternly while looking at Alexa straight face.     

"Whoa!  Aren't you a little demanding?  What do you suppose to say?"  Alexa said while loving every minute of it.     

Little Jeffrey thought about it for a moment before he responded. He stood straight, looked Alexa straight on her face.  Then... "Look, pretty aunty, I told you I want to sit on your lap!"  Then, with his lips began quivering, he said the magic word...  "Please!!!!"  While he looks like he was about to cry.     

"Hahaha!"  Alexa laughed from the way he was acting.  When his demand wasn't granted, he learned to lower himself down and pleaded.  She thought he was so cute and lifted him gently and put him on her lap.     

She then mushed his hair before kissing him on both of his cheeks.  "Oh' I will miss you guys. It will be another month before we see each other again."  She said while she nozzle on his head and tried to get a shut-eye.     

Ann lifted her daughter Ava and put her on her lap as well, she then followed suit with Alexa and tried to get some sleep.  Eva and Sophia decided to try and get some sleep as well since they have a long way to go before they arrive in America.     


Seventeen hours later, the private plane landed at Washington D.C. International airport.  Cars were already waiting for their arrival, along with more secret service and more of Jeff's bodyguards.  They needed additional protections, for they only have a few bodyguards with them.     

Lucas was the only secret service on board.  Therefore, once they landed, and was clear to make a call.  Lucas contacted the White House and informed them of their arrival.       

Alexa did the same thing and called her mother to inform her that they had arrived.  President Grant and Grandmother Grant were in the parlor chatting when Chrissy went to tell them of the news.     

President Grant's face lit up when he heard that his Princess has arrived.  He quickly contacted Logan to order him to arrange for more secret service to pick Alexa and the others.  In which Logan quickly made the arrangement.     

Half an hour later, the whole gang was at the back gate of the White House on the way to the Private Residence of the First Family for Thanksgiving dinner...     

It's the first Thanksgiving Dinner that Alexa would share with a whole family and of course the love of her life.  Prince Alexander whom soon to be her husband...     

Alexa couldn't ask for anything else, she could only pray and hope that when the time comes...  The Queen and King of Stonasia would accept her as the Crown Princess of Stonasia...     


Meanwhile, back in Stonasia... The Queen was beyond herself for she had just received a report regarding Prince Alexander and Alexa Grant.  They were spotted coming out of the back door of the hotel in the Philippines...       

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