The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Married By The President

Married By The President

When Chrissy fell off her chair onto the ground, everyone was stunned and quickly got up from their chair and rushed towards her.  President Grant was beyond himself and shouted for someone to summoned the First Family Physician.      

They didn't dare move Chrissy in case she had broken any of her bones from the fall.  President Grant slumped on the ground.  He doesn't care about his image as the President of the United States Of America.  The only thing that matters to him wat the woman that is now lying motionless on the ground.     

"Chrissy, my dear... Stay with me, alright!  The doctor will be here in a moment."  He whispered into her ears.  Whether she could hear him or not, he doesn't care.   A moment later, the doctor arrived with his team and began administrating help.     

They put Chrissy in a stretcher and carried her to their bedroom.  No one was allowed to enter besides the President and Alexa in the room.       

Grandmother grant decided to take charge of the guests and asked them to accompany her into the small chapel they have in the private residence.  Everyone follows and prayed for Chrissy's recovery.     


Prince Alexander was beyond himself, for he wanted to be with Alexa at that moment.  Unfortunately, the doctor and his team would not let anyone else besides the immediate family inside the room.  Therefore, Prince Alexander has no choice but to stay outside the room and wait.  He doesn't want to be far away in case Alexa needed him.     

Pierre and Lucas were standing by Prince Alexander's side.  They know that he has not fully recovered as well.  With him being anxiously worried for Alexa, he's own sickness my trigger as well and who knows what could happen then.     

After about an hour or so, Alexa came out of the room looking haggard.  Her eyes were puffy and all swollen from crying.  As soon as she walks out of the room, Prince Alexander was right there with her and gave her a tight embrace.  "Huh, huh, huh...  Alex... My mom!  She has not wakened up yet, and they couldn't find what is wrong with her."  Alexa said in between sobs.     

"Shss, everything's going to be alright!  Let's go to the chapel where everyone else is right now.  Let's pray for her recovery, alright!"  He whispered in her ear softly.  He then guided her towards the mini chapel.  Pierre and Lucas stayed behind in case there's news, and they could quickly inform Alexa and Prince Alexander.     

When Alexa and Prince Alexander arrive at the mini chapel, everyone was already finished. All had left to return to the parlor to wait for the news.   Alexa kneeled, and Prince Alexander followed suit.     

They were still praying when Lucas and Pierre arrived to informed them that Chrissy had awakened.     

Alexa and Prince Alexander quickly got up and rushed back to the President and Chrissy's room.  This time they let Prince Alexander's inside the room with Alexa.       

When Alexa saw her mother awake and smiling, she felt a lot better.  Even though she's still worried about her mother's health, she's at least wide awake now and looks a lot better.     

President Grant had informed the doctor and his team regarding Chrissy's health condition.  When the doctor learned that she's taking the serum to control her migraine, he asked to see the serum so they could check what's in it and how the serum been helping Chrissy in the past.     

To know more, they had checked with Chrissy's relative if they know anything.  And Sophia had told them everything she knew about Dr. Garcia and how he had been helping Chrissy all these years.     

Sophia has Dr. Garcia's information since she had provided him with Grants to help find a cure for Chrissy.  She gave it to President Grant, and in turn, President Grant handed it over to the doctor.     

They quickly contacted Dr. Garcia and informed him of what had happened, and he informed them of what to do to help Chrissy regain her senses and wake up from a semi-coma status.     

The doctor quickly ordered his team to follow the instructions that Dr. Garcia provided him, and after promising that Dr. Garcia would be flying to America and would arrive and a day or so, they hang up.     

Thus, it helps revived Chrissy, and a couple of minutes later, she opened her eyes with a smile on her face when she saw her husband right beside her sitting at the side of the bed.     


Alexa runs to her mother's embrace as soon as she walks in and saws that she's smiling beautifully to her.  "Huh, huh, huh,  mother!  Don't you ever do that to me again!  Why didn't you tell us that you were not feeling good at all?  You scared me half to death. You know that?!"  Alexa complained while tears were flowing on her face.     

"Hahaha!"  Chrissy slightly laughed to ease her daughter's anxiety.  "Honey!  God knows what I have been through this many years being away from you and your dad.  So' don't worry, he would not take me yet.  We have a deal, you know!"  Chrissy bunters trying to make Alexa feel relax.     

Chrissy saw Prince Alexander standing next to President Grant, and they were speaking seriously.  Suddenly it dawned to her that there was no else in the room but them and the team of doctors.     

"Sweetheart, you think I could speak with Prince Alexander for a minute?" Chrissy asked Alexa.     

"Sure, mom, let me get him for you!" She then got up and went to get Prince Alexander.  After informing him of what her mother wanted, Alexa asked President Grant to give them privacy.  Thus, President Grant requested the team of doctors to follow him to the Oval Office so they could discuss Chrissy's condition.     

As soon as everyone left, Chrissy sat up a little and asked Prince Alexander to come and sit down on the side of the bed.  He complied.     

Chrissy took Prince Alexander's hand and patted it for a minute.  She first took a breather before speaking to him seriously.     

"Prince Alexander, please!  Let me express my gratitude for coming back to my daughter's life.  You don't know how devastated she was when she couldn't see you when you were at your worst.  We now know that your parents, the King and Queen of Stonasia, do not approve of my daughter.      

Whatever might be their reason, I'm sure it's for the benefits of your Kingdom.  Therefore, I'm asking you this only once...  Would you defy your parents wished if it comes to that?  Will you insist on being with her even if they dethrone you, and you can no longer be the successor to the Kingdom?"  She asked seriously while looking at Prince Alexander straight in his eyes.     

"Before you answer, I want you to know that the reason I'm asking you this is to tell you that whatever you and Alexa's decisions, we will support.  I heard from my cousin that you two were planning on flying to Las Vegas to secretly get married.  Are you sure you want to do that?"       

Prince Alexander slowly removed Chrissy's hands.  "I'll be right back!"  He then quickly went out to look for Alexa.  Which was standing outside the door, waiting...     

He grabs Alexa's hand and quickly drags her inside the room.  Once they were at the side of Chrissy's bed.  Prince Alexander grabs Alexa's hand while facing her in front of him.  Then he began reciting what he was going to say when they do tie the knot...     

"I Crown Prince Alexander of the Kingdom of Stonasia, wholeheartedly taking Alexa Grant to be my lawful wedded Crown Princess. In sickness and in health, till death do us part."  After he finished, he waited for Alexa to speak.     

Tears started forming in Alexa's eyes, and her throat began tightening.  Her voice began to quiver as she spoke.  "I Alexa Grant take thee Crown Prince Alexander of the Kingdom of Stonasia as my lawful wedded Crown Prince.  In sickness and in health, till death do us part."  She then let out the tears fall into her face as she tipped-toe and kissed Prince Alexander.     

The trio was stunned when they heard President Grant spoke as he witnesses the whole thing when he walked in.   "By the power vested in me by The United States Of America, I now pronounce you husband and wife!  You may now kiss your Prince!"  President Grant said as he came closer to them and he congratulates the couple...     

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