The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Give Us Time

Give Us Time

President Grant gave an order not to let anyone knows what's going on in the operating room.  They added more secret service, and Crown Prince Alexander called for more bodyguards to help with security.       

As far as the whole world knows, Senator Daniel Grant's wife and child had died from a gunshot wound.  They didn't bother retracting the news, they have no time for that, and also, they were unsure of what the result would be.     

What was only less than an hour passed, feels like an eternity for everyone.  They kept looking at the time that seems to be moving so slow.  The whole hallway was quiet eerie, while no one spoke a word while waiting for the result.     

When the door of the operating room opened, and the surgeon came out with a smile on his face... Everyone knew that it was a success.  They only needed to confirm it and hear it from the horse's mouth.     

"Senator Grant, this is unbelievable!  I don't know how it happens, but I'm happy to inform you that your wife and unborn child are safe.  However, they are not out of danger as of yet. We will keep them in ICU so we could monitor closely." Said the surgeon that had operated on Andrea and saved her life.     

When Daniel heard the news, he let out a sigh of relief before collapsing.  Luckily Alexa and Chrissy were still holding on to him, and he didn't pass out on the ground.  Lucas and Prince Alexander quickly helped Daniel to the chair while they wait for a stretcher.     

Alexa, Chrissy, and President Grant were in a tight embrace after hearing the good news.  They all let out a big sigh of relief, including all the secret service and the bodyguards.      

"We will wait until they bring the mother and child to the ICU, and then we will follow to the room where they will take Daniel.  Mom, Dad, why don't the two of you go with Daniel."  Alexa told her parents so they could rest.  She can see from her mother's face that she's getting tired and trying to hold on.     

President Grant took one look at his wife's features and didn't argue with his daughter.   He ushered Chrissy to follow the stretcher where they will be carrying Daniel to a private room for the First Family.     

Not long after they wheeled out Daniel, the operating room opened, and they brought out Andrea full of contraptions connected to her body.  Alexa was in tears, looking at her sister-in-law.   When they passed by, she touched Andrea's hand for a short time before she let them take her to the ICU.     

The President Press team concealed the fact that Andrea actually came back to life after being announced dead.  They let the news of her death go on without letting the whole world know that she's actually alive and breathing.     


The First Family stayed in the hospital until they were sure that Andrea and the baby were out of danger.  Andrea was still out and using a breathing machine...  But, she's at least out of danger.       

Daniel stayed by his wife and child's side the whole time.  Only moving and getting up to use the restroom.  President Grant and Alexa had to force him to eat, for he doesn't want to move an inch away from Andrea's side.     

Crown Prince Alexander stayed by Alexa the whole time, not letting her have a chance to breakdown.  He knows that even though she was showing a strong front... She was fragile and exhausted deep inside.      

He did what he could to keep her occupied and not spend too much time worrying for her brother and sister-In-law.  "Love, what do you think about us going home to Stonasia after this?  I want to marry you in front of all my people officially.  Can we?"  Prince Alexander asked with eyes full of concern and love for the woman in front of him.     

Alexa only nodded nonchalantly.  She heard what he said, but nothing was sinking in inside her brain at the moment.  All she cares about at the moment is making sure that Andrea and the baby will stay alive.  Prince Alexander accepted her answer and didn't push her any longer.     

Once they were sure that Andrea was safe enough to transfer to Washington D.C. They took her back to the White House so they could monitor her carefully and watch the baby inside of her.     

Everyone in the White House was on their toe before the arrival of the First Family.  They had to fix Daniel's room to accommodate all the contraptions needed for Andrea and the baby.  Therefore, everything was all set before Airforce One landed at Washington D.C. Airport.     


Once they were back in the White House, Prince Alexander decides it's time for him to go back home. However, he has no plan on leaving his future wife, and he will make sure that she comes home with him.  Therefore, It was time for him to speak with the President about his plan.       

During dinner, Prince Alexander informs President Grant of his decision and requested approval for him to take Alexa with him.       

At first, President Grant was going to deny his request.  However, when he looks at Alexa and how haggard she looks from worrying for her sister-in-law.  He decided to let her go and hope that it would help her in the long run.     

"I'm fine with that, as long as that's what Alexa wanted to do."  He then looked at Alexa, who was playing with her food and in deep thought.  "What do you think, sweetheart?  Are you ready to meet your mother-in-law?"  President Grant has meaning with his question.     

When Alexa didn't reply, Crown Prince Alexander nudged Alexa a little.  "What?"  She asked curiously, looking around the table lost.     

"President is asking you a question, love."  He whispered softly to her ears.     

"Oh'"  She then gave her attention to her father, waiting to repeat his question.     

"It's alright!  I will discuss this in a better time.  Let's have a wonderful dinner.  Shall we?!"     


After dinner, while everyone was relaxing at the parlor.  Prince Alexander received a call from the Queen, and he accepted it this time.  He figures that after what had happened in New York City, there's no way that she wouldn't know that he could already see and has his memory back.     

The Queen was straight forward with her request.  "I want you to come home now!  If you must marry that girl, so be it.  I'm not stopping you any longer, as long as you come home now."  She sternly told Crown Prince Alexander.     

"I hear your summoned mother.  However, we will come home when we are ready.  There are so many things that had happens here lately.  Give us some time."  Crown Prince Alexander told the Queen straight up before saying goodbye...     

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