My Evil Genius Wife

Yes, it's you! Always, you.

Yes, it's you! Always, you.

Xu Nuan smiled at Han Zihao who was standing among the crowd, and although there were so many people who came to witness their magical union, her eyes were on him only. She started to sing, a sweet melody filling the air as she poured her heart out in the song, dedicated to her beloved husband.     

~Yes, it's you! Always, you.     

In your eyes, my love shines through.     

Even if the world crumbles and falls,     

I'll hold you close, never let go, through it all.~     

~You're my beacon of hope in the darkest night,     

Together we'll conquer any fears, take flight.     

In your arms, I find solace and truth,     

Yes, it's you! Always, you.~     

Everyone gasped as Xu Nuan's sweet, melodious voice, accompanied by the soft strums of an acoustic guitar and the gentle keys of a piano, added an extra layer of enchantment to the already romantic night.     

Not only did her breathtakingly beautiful voice capture everyone's attention, but the heartfelt lyrics of the song touched the depths of their hearts. She openly expressed her love for Han Zihao, leaving no doubt in anyone's mind.     

Everyone stood in awe, their mouths agape, witnessing this beautiful scene with eyes filled with wonder and emotion. The wave of emotions heightened as the song reached its climax and reached its conclusion.     

"Yes, it's you! Always, You.     

Even if the world ends tomorrow, I will die with you. You!~     

Like a graceful swan gliding across a tranquil lake, Xu Nuan ceased her strumming, leaving the air lingering with the resonance of a single, enchanting note. The final sound hung in the atmosphere, delicate and beautiful, a perfect ending to her heartfelt song.     

Time stood still for a brief moment, the guests caught in a blissful trance, their minds adrift in the lingering echoes of the performance. However, as Xu Nuan gently set aside her guitar, the spell was broken, and realization dawned upon them that the song had reached its conclusion.      

A thunderous eruption of applause erupted, resounding with heartfelt admiration and gratitude, as they celebrated the magic she had woven through her enchanting performance.     

"Beautiful!" exclaimed Grandmother Han, her voice filled with a mix of astonishment and joy. Tears of happiness welled up in her eyes as she continued, "I never realized that my granddaughter-in-law possessed such incredible talent. She should pursue a career as a singer instead of being an artist manager."     

Xu Nuan's voice flowed with such melodious beauty that she found herself unable to contain her tears, sobbing as if she had just experienced the profound emotions of a heartfelt movie.      

The power of her performance struck a deep chord within her, evoking a response akin to being moved by a deeply touching story on the silver screen.     

Grandfather Han nodded in wholehearted agreement with his wife's sentiment and enveloped her in a comforting embrace. "You're right," he murmured softly. "Han Zihao has discovered an extraordinary treasure for himself."     

Grandmother Han sniffled, her voice tinged with sadness and regret. "I can't help but feel sorry for Xu Nuan," she expressed. "She deserves so much more. It seems she has been dealt an unfair hand in this."     

Grandfather Han was taken aback by his wife's remark, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise. He couldn't help but chuckle at the unexpected comedic twist. "Right, right," he exclaimed, agreeing to her comments. "Xu Nuan indeed deserves the best."     

He had never imagined that there would be a day when his wife would be ridiculing her dearest grandson to express her love and support towards his new granddaughter-in-law.      

As everyone around marveled at Xu Nuan's performance, Lin Ran stood there in utter astonishment. She was waiting for Xu Nuan to make a joke of herself in front of everyone, however, she found herself witnessing something entirely different.     

Xu Nuan's song and voice had a profound impact, evoking tears from every listener as if she had unleashed a floodgate of emotions that washed over them all.      

Rather than making everyone cover her ears in pain, she watched everyone covering their mouths in astonishment and pleasant surprise. How can this girl, who grew up in the orphanage, learn how to play the guitar and sing so gracefully?     

This girl…Since when did she learn to play guitar? Lin Ran wondered.      

  When they brought Xu Nuan back to the Gu Mansion from the orphanage, she heard from her teachers that she is not only poor in her studies but also bad at other curriculum activities as well.      

From sports to drawing and music, she was zero in everything and was last in her standard. Then what happened that she suddenly knew how to play guitar and could sing in such a melodious voice?      

Not only that but since last year, Xu Nuan has changed drastically and even she cannot recognize her. She not only started to talk back at her but it was as if she had changed whole as a person. What has happened to her after all?      

As Lin Ran sought to comprehend the factors that led to Xu Nuan's remarkable transformation, Han Zihao, wearing a smile and teary eyes, approached Xu Nuan and embraced his wife on the stage.     

"Oh! Why are you-" Xu Nuan exclaimed in surprise as Han Zihao unexpectedly stepped onto the stage, pulling her into an embrace and planting a tender kiss on her lips.     

He didn't need to utter a word. His kiss spoke volumes, conveying the depth of his love and desire for her. It was the song that she wrote for him, conveying her feelings to him.      

After experiencing such a heartfelt gesture, it's difficult to imagine him not loving her even more. The sincerity and emotion poured into the song surely deepened their bond and affection for each other.     

The unexpected kiss left everyone in the audience gasping, but they soon erupted into cheers, celebrating the joyous and affectionate reunion of the new couple.     

"Woohoo! Mr. Han, exercise some self-restraint. This isn't the appropriate setting," Jia Fei exclaimed, shamelessly cheering on the couple amidst the excitement.     

Han Liang also joined in support, shouting, "Brother, you mustn't do that here. This is a private family event. Let's not get carried away."     

Grandmother Han was taken aback by her grandson's audacious remark and swiftly slapped him on the back, exclaiming, "You! Is this how you talk to your brother? Shameful!"     

"What? Don't play innocent now! You have the most twisted mind among all of us," he retorted in retaliation. "Moreover, why aren't you saying anything to him? Why did you choose to hit me instead?" he pouted, expressing his discontent.     

Grandmother looked at him in utter bafflement, her eyes wide with surprise. "Why would I say anything to him?" she retorted, her tone incredulous. "He is kissing his wife, not some stranger. It is you who deserves the beating!" With a firm resolve, she raised her hand again and delivered another playful but gentle slap on his back, emphasizing her point.     

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