My Evil Genius Wife

First Night (I)

First Night (I)

The lengthy wedding night eventually drew to a close. Despite everyone's desire to dance and indulge in drinks until they were completely worn out, Grandmother Han decided to conclude the celebration, taking into account Xu Nuan's health condition.     

Xu Nuan, who is currently six months pregnant, should avoid staying awake all night and engaging in careless dancing as it could negatively impact her health. Despite the joyous occasion, Xu Nuan's health remained her top priority.     

After the guests retired to their individual hotel rooms in the Jade Hotel as arranged by Han Liang, Han Zihao and Xu Nuan made their way back to the specially prepared couple's suite, designated for the newlywed pair.     

The bridesmaids and groomsmen joyfully accompanied the couple to their suite, playfully teasing them along the way. However, upon reaching their suite, Han Zihao abruptly closed the door on their faces, putting an end to their jests.     

Jia Fei and Han Liang wore frowns outside the room, disapproving of Han Zihao's rude behavior. On the other hand, Luo Dan and Yuhan paid no attention to his attitude, as they were too exhausted to be bothered by it.     

"Did he just slam the door in our faces? Is this how he shows gratitude for all our hard work?" Han Liang expressed his discontent with a frown.     

"I know, right? That was incredibly rude," Jia Fei commented, crossing her arms and shaking her head in disappointment.     

Luo Dan clicked her tongue disapprovingly and responded, "Come on now, are you two acting like children? Let's stop being immature and focus on our tasks. I'm too exhausted to be bothered by your complaints."     

To be completely honest, if she were in Han Zihao's position, she would have done the same thing a long time ago. Han Liang is her boyfriend, however, whenever he teams up with Jia Fei, they can act like nothing more than childish and argumentative kids at every opportunity.     

Yuhan, fully empathizing with Luo Dan, concurred with a nod and added, "Honestly, aren't we all just drained and worn out? I have reached the point where I simply don't have the energy to stand here and engage in further debates regarding Han Zihao's demeanor."     

Jia Fei scowled at Yuhan and muttered under her breath, "Hmph! It's because you're old."     

Yuhan, catching wind of her remark, furrowed his brow and asked, "What did you say?"     

Startled, Jia Fei quickly retorted, "What? I didn't say anything. Are you hearing things now?" She playfully stuck out her tongue, teasing him, before returning to her hotel room to rest.     

Luo Dan let out a weary sigh as she observed Jia Fei's teasing of Yuhan, shaking her head in exhaustion. Recognizing that they shared the same room and had no other option, she resigned herself to enduring Jia Fei's antics for the rest of the night.      

With a sense of weariness, she followed Jia Fei to their shared room, prepared to rest despite the anticipated challenges. It's not easy to live with her under the same roof after all.      


Xu Nuan couldn't help but chuckle at the way Han Zihao firmly shut the door on everyone outside. She then proceeded to take off her sandals and put on a pair of comfortable slippers.      

As she walked into the suite's hallway, she began removing the hairpins from her hair. Despite wearing her hair down for the after-party, the front section of her hairstyle required some pins and hairspray, leaving her hair feeling slightly stiff and frizzy.     

"Wow! It seems like they went all out in preparing this suite," Xu Nuan exclaimed in amazement as she entered the living room of the suite.     

The room was illuminated with soft, romantic lighting, creating a cozy ambiance. A plush red carpet covered the floor, and exquisite flower bouquets were meticulously arranged in every corner.      

A transparent vase on the main glass table showcased a stunning arrangement of fresh red roses. The ceiling and floor were adorned with a mix of white and red balloons, lending an enchanting and romantic atmosphere to the space.     

The scented candles placed strategically throughout the room heightened the ambiance of the evening, infusing it with an extra touch of romance.     

As she marveled at the exquisite decor, Xu Nuan suddenly felt a pair of strong hands enveloping her in a warm embrace from behind.     

"Oh!" Xu Nuan gasped in pleasant surprise as Han Zihao approached her, wrapping his arms around her and resting his head against the nape of her neck.     

"Why did you come in alone? I wanted to carry you in my arms to our bedroom," he pouted playfully, his voice muffled as he nestled into the crook of her neck, holding her tightly in his embrace.     

Xu Nuan chuckled affectionately and playfully ruffled his soft, black hair. She comforted him while gently patting his head, saying, "Why so impatient, Mr. Han? I'm all yours now. You can do that anytime you want."     

Upon hearing her reassuring words, a contented smile graced the corners of Han Zihao's lips, pleased with her response. He glanced at Xu Nuan and nodded, "You're absolutely right. Now that we are married, we have all the time in the world to spend together, wrapped in each other's arms."     

"However, before that, don't you think we have an important ceremony to perform so that we can officially become husband and wife? It's our first night together, after all," he said playfully, his lips gently brushing against her neck with butterfly kisses.     

Xu Nuan giggled at Han Zihao's mischievous actions and playfully patted his hand that was holding her waist. She spoke gently, "Not now! First things first, go and take a shower. You're reeking of alcohol," she said with a teasing smile.     

Since she hadn't been drinking, Han Zihao had to take on all the toasts on her behalf, consuming his share and hers as well.     

The pregnancy hormones were making her sensitive and she cannot bear the smell of alcohol near her.      

Until Han Zihao takes a shower and rid himself of the lingering smell of alcohol, he would not be allowed to come near her.      

She couldn't bear the thought of spending their wedding night feeling unwell, squatting near the toilet, and enduring the discomfort of vomiting throughout the night.     

"Shower? Now?" Han Zihao frowned.     

"Yes, my love. Now!" Xu Nuan replied, maintaining her resolve even in the face of Han Zihao's puppy-like pleading eyes. "It's important to freshen up before we continue. Trust me, it will be worth the wait." She added.      

Xu Nuan remained resolute and didn't give in to his efforts. She firmly repeated her stance, saying, "Without taking a shower, you are strictly prohibited from coming near me. Do you understand?" Her tone was firm and unwavering.     

Han Zihao let out a sigh, reluctantly releasing his grasp around her waist, and proceeded to take a shower as requested.      

Meanwhile, Xu Nuan took out his night pajamas from his luggage and placed them on the shelf outside the bathroom, preparing them for him to wear afterward.     

While Han Zihao was taking a shower in the bathroom in the living room area, Xu Nuan decided to indulge herself by soaking her body in the bathtub in the bathroom which is inside the master bedroom. By doing so, they would both freshen up simultaneously and be ready to retire to bed together.     

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