My Evil Genius Wife

Morning Kiss?

Morning Kiss?

The exquisite wedding night faded away as the morning dawned. Sunlight gently streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow upon the newlyweds who lay nestled in each other's arms, peacefully lost in slumber.     

"Ugh…" Xu Nuan groaned, rousing from her slumber. She blinked drowsily, gradually opening her eyes to find herself gazing up at the pristine white ceiling above her.     

In that instant, she became aware that she wasn't in the comfort of their bedroom, but rather in the opulent master bedroom of their suite at the Jade Hotel.     

"Oh!" she gasped, a mixture of surprise and disappointment washing over her as she realized it was already morning, and she had slept through the entirety of their first night together.     

Exhausted, she let out a weary sigh and longed to stretch her arms. Her entire body throbbed with fatigue, making her realize that she had indeed pushed herself too far the previous night.     

The wedding ceremony and the ensuing festivities had left her body utterly depleted, beyond the point of recovery.     

Feeling the urge to stretch her body and attend to nature's call, she yearned to get up and make her way to the washroom.     

However, her attempt to stretch her hands was thwarted by an unseen weight that restrained her movement. Puzzled, she furrowed her brow and turned to her side, only to discover that Han Zihao was clinging tightly to her, embracing her as they slept.     

A contented smile blossomed on her lips as she beheld her beloved peacefully slumbering by her side. From once being boyfriend and girlfriend, sharing a home together, they had now taken the momentous step of becoming husband and wife.     

The dream she had long yearned for had finally been fulfilled, and the man who lay beside her was none other than the one she cherished the most.     

Sensing her eyes upon him, Han Zihao stirred from his slumber and emitted a groan, pulling her closer into his warm embrace. He placed a gentle kiss on her nose and whispered in a husky, gravelly voice, "You're awake? Rest a little longer."     

Xu Nuan chuckled, finding his playful gestures endearing. "My dear husband, the sun has already risen. We should start preparing for the day. Don't you have to go to work?" She inquired.     

Han Zihao furrowed his brow and opened his eyes to gaze at her. "Seems like Mrs. Han has forgotten that we tied the knot just yesterday," he remarked with a playful tone. "Work? On the contrary, my dear, I can't imagine leaving my newly wedded wife at home. No work for me for at least a week."     

"Perhaps we should extend this vacation for a month," he added, contemplating the idea with a hint of excitement in his voice.     

"Even if we're not going abroad for our honeymoon, I want to take you somewhere special, where it will be just the two of us," he declared, leaning in closer to plant a tender peck on her lips.     

Considering their hasty marriage and Xu Nuan's current condition, making long-distance travel impractical, they made the mutual decision to forgo far-off destinations and instead choose to cherish their precious moments together, creating lasting memories in their own blissful company.     

"Today, let's just rest and enjoy our time in the hotel room. Tomorrow, I'll take you somewhere special," he said with a hint of mystery, keeping his plans undisclosed.     

Xu Nuan widened her eyes in surprise and exclaimed, "For a whole week? What about my work?" she asked, a hint of concern in her voice.     

"I've already asked Luo Dan to handle all the necessary arrangements. No work for you either," he declared firmly, assuring her that he had taken care of everything.     

Xu Nuan gazed at him in disbelief, astonished by his swift and efficient planning that had taken her by surprise. This man certainly knew how to get things done. She let out a sigh, a mix of admiration and amusement washing over her.     

With little choice but to comply, Xu Nuan resolved to take a quick shower and prepare herself for the day. Feeling fatigued, she hoped that a refreshing cold water shower would rejuvenate her and help her feel better.     

As she was about to rise from the bed, the grip around her waist tightened, and she heard Han Zihao's voice, laced with a hint of playfulness, "Where do you think you're going?" he whined, not ready to let her go just yet.     

She gently caressed his face, providing comfort as she explained, "I need to take a shower. Please, let me go," she reassured him, softly urging him to release his hold.      

He shook his head in a cute manner, determined not to let her slip away. "Nope! You fell asleep on me last night, and I won't let you get away with it this time," he reasoned playfully. Leaning in, he planted a gentle kiss on her pouty lips, adding a touch of sweetness to his playful protest.     

Xu Nuan frowned, expressing her helplessness. "But I haven't brushed my teeth yet. It's not pleasant," she complained and covered her mouth in embarrassment.      

"It's not?" Han Zihao countered, undeterred, and continued with his loving mischief, determined to keep her close and entertained.     

Xu Nuan chuckled, unable to resist his persistent efforts. Eventually, she gave in to his playful advances. Han Zihao pulled her closer by the waist, cupping her cheeks with one hand, and engaged in a passionate, lingering kiss that left them both lost in the moment.     

Xu Nuan let out a soft, breathy moan as she surrendered to the intensity of his passionate kiss, feeling as though he was drawing her very essence with every heartfelt connection they shared.     

Feeling a surge of excitement, she eagerly reciprocated his kiss, her arms wrapping tightly around his neck. With a newfound intensity, she deepened the kiss, savoring the passionate exchange while clinging to him as if her life depended on it.      

Her breath grew uneven, panting with a mix of desire and exhilaration.      

This particular kiss held even greater significance as it marked the first passionate exchange they shared as husband and wife. The intensity of their connection deepened, symbolizing the start of their journey as a married couple filled with love, devotion, and an insatiable desire for one another.     

As a wave of anticipation coursed through her, Xu Nuan could feel a delightful tingling sensation in her stomach. Their feet entangled with each other, adding an element of playful ecstasy that seemed to drive them both to the edge of blissful madness.     

The thing they couldn't do last night, it was as if it was the right time to do it in the morning.      

In that moment, it felt as if the unspoken desire that had eluded them the previous night was now perfectly timed to be fulfilled in the morning's intimate embrace.     

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