My Evil Genius Wife



After having a delightful morning at the Jade Hotel, Xu Nuan and Han Zihao decided to make the most of the rest of the day by simply chilling in their suite and indulging in a refreshing dip in the balcony swimming pool right outside their room.     

The next day, Han Zihao came up with a brilliant plan for their week-long honeymoon getaway. They hopped on a plane and embarked on an exciting adventure to a picturesque little island, conveniently located just an hour away from the city.     

Since they didn't jet off abroad for their honeymoon, Han Zihao took Xu Nuan to a stunning place where they could have some uninterrupted, lovey-dovey time.     

  To ensure Xu Nuan's comfort during the journey, especially considering her pregnancy and potential travel discomfort, Han Zihao went the extra mile. They opted for a private jet, making sure that the trip wouldn't take a toll on her well-being.     

On the island, they found themselves staying at a magnificent beachfront mansion that was simply breathtaking. The location was a true paradise, enveloped by serene waters and lush greenery. It was a gift meticulously prepared by Han Zihao for Xu Nuan, serving as their ultimate wedding present.     

  He had been keeping an eye on this island for quite some time, and when it became available for sale, he wasted no time in acquiring it for her.     

Since it was a private island, exclusively owned by Han Zihao, they were able to revel in the tranquility and avoid any crowds. They had everything they could possibly desire, ensuring that their time there was filled with enjoyment and bliss.     

Han Zihao was determined to ensure that Xu Nuan had an incredibly enjoyable stay on the island, and he wanted to make sure she didn't feel like they were missing out by not traveling far for their honeymoon vacation.      

He put in extra effort to create a truly memorable experience for her, filled with romantic gestures and activities. His goal was to make her feel cherished and completely immersed in the joy of their honeymoon, regardless of the distance they traveled.     

He went all out and shut off their phones, strictly forbidding Xu Nuan from even glancing at hers. His plan was to have her undivided attention on him, without any pesky work or other distractions. He knew deep down that if given the chance, Xu Nuan would totally be working away during their honeymoon getaway.     


After enjoying a week-long honeymoon vacation, the couple returned to their previous home.      

Grandmother Han had suggested that they consider living in a villa or mansion instead of a condominium after their wedding. Since they were soon going to become parents, she believed it would be better for them to have more spacious and private accommodations.     

However, Xu Nuan and Han Zihao made the decision to continue living in their current house, as it held many cherished memories and played a significant role in their relationship. In fact, it was one of the reasons they became a couple in the first place.      

If Han Zihao hadn't chosen to move into the unit across from Xu Nuan's, their love story may not have blossomed so quickly, especially considering Han Zihao's slothy, slow-paced nature.     


Moonriver Cafe-      

"Hey! Why did we have to meet here? If you had something to say, you could have just come to the office?" Jia Fei questioned as she walked into the café and noticed Xu Nuan sitting at a table, casually enjoying her orange juice and sandwich.     

A little while ago, when Xu Nuan called Jia Fei to meet her at the Moonriver cafe for an important conversation, she mentioned she had already eaten lunch. So Jia Fei couldn't help but wonder why Xu Nuan was now enjoying a sandwich. It hadn't even been an hour since their conversation.     

"You're hungry again?" Jia Fei asked, slightly taken aback.     

Xu Nuan gave her a sharp glare and snapped, "Shut up!"     

Jia Fei quickly sensed Xu Nuan's serious demeanor and raised her hands in a gesture of apology. "Alright, sorry!" she said, realizing it wasn't the right time for jokes or light-hearted banter.     

Xu Nuan's hormones have been wreaking havoc lately. She can snap at Jia Fei at any moment, and the frustrating part is that she can't even argue back. Xu Nuan has a tendency to bring up all past mistakes as ammunition during a disagreement.     

What's even worse is that Xu Nuan might suddenly burst into tears. Pregnancy hormones are scary!     

She wanted to ask Xu Nuan for more details about her exciting honeymoon and if she feels any different after getting married. However, seeing Xu Nuan's gloomy expression, it doesn't look like she will share any good stuff with her.      

As Jia Fei felt a bit anxious being alone with Xu Nuan in the empty café, Luo Dan appeared like a guardian angel, emerging from the kitchen with a tray in hand. "You're here?" Luo Dan exclaimed, expressing her surprise.     

"I made an iced americano just for you. Enjoy it with this cheesecake," Luo Dan said, placing the tray on the table. She then took a seat, joining Xu Nuan and Jia Fei.     

As Xu Nuan had planned to hold a meeting at the café, she made the decision to close it early and granted everyone a day off. Taking into consideration Jia Fei's position as a rookie soloist and her role as the Head of the PR Department at HJ Entertainment, she couldn't afford to take any chances with her reputation.     

"Wow! I'm genuinely surprised that you're offering me cheesecake. Weren't you the one who was pressuring me to cut back on drinking so I wouldn't gain weight?" Jia Fei complained playfully as she took a bite of the cake.     

Luo Dan nodded and replied, "Yes, that was me. It's just that you have a tendency to drink like a fish with no limits. But as for this cake... I think you need it today. Good luck!" she said with a meaningful smile.     

"Hmm? What's all this suspicious behavior about?" Jia Fei chuckled, trying to brush off the strange atmosphere. She took a sip of her iced americano, but her eyes betrayed a slight tremble, hinting at the nervousness she couldn't quite place.     

'Something doesn't feel right. Why are both of them acting so strangely?' Jia Fei wondered, her mind filled with curiosity and uncertainty.     

Xu Nuan, who had remained silent all this time, glanced up at Jia Fei and asked in a nonchalant tone, "You haven't checked your phone since morning, have you? I had to call the office landline to get in touch with you. Where is your phone?"     

"Ah! I accidentally dropped it on the floor last night, and the screen is badly cracked. It's not working properly. I was planning to get it checked after leaving here. Why? Is something wrong? Everyone at the company was looking at me strangely, but no one said anything," Jia Fei explained, a tinge of concern in her voice.     

Xu Nuan shared a meaningful glance with Luo Dan before speaking up. "I had a feeling something like this might have happened. If you had seen the chaos you caused, I'm sure you wouldn't have stayed silent until now," she commented, her words laced with a hint of meaning.     

Jia Fei's eyes widened in surprise and confusion, realizing that there was more to the situation than she initially thought. "Hmm? Mess? What did I do this time?" she asked, genuinely puzzled.     

"I haven't been updating my SNS account these days because you told me not to do anything on social media. I really didn't do anything this time," Jia Fei explained, her confusion evident in her voice.     

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