My Evil Genius Wife

Dating Scandal

Dating Scandal

"What the….Holy Crap!" Jia Fei blurted out in disbelief when she caught sight of the article that Xu Nuan had asked her to check out.     

The article showcased snapshots of her and Yuhan as they made their way to his place, conveniently captured right outside his building. Interestingly, she happened to be without a face mask that day, opting only for a hat.      

Fortunately, the incident occurred during nighttime, resulting in less clear pictures.      

Although the long-distance shots were slightly blurry, the title of the article left no room for doubt regarding its implications.     

[Bursted: The hottest soloist idol J caught in a sizzling romance with Y, the CEO of an entertainment company.]     

It wasn't just this one article; there were hundreds of others, each revealing more details about these suspicious and scandalous pictures.      

The internet was flooded with speculations and discussions surrounding the matter.     

While the evidence presented in the articles wasn't substantial enough to prove anything, one unsettling factor was that the initials used in the report matched hers.      

Given that there weren't many popular soloist idols with initials starting with 'J,' it added a sense of unease to the situation.     

The frenzy caused by the people on the internet was simply mind-boggling. It hadn't been long since the article was published, yet it had already ignited a storm of discussions and reactions across various online platforms.     

Speculations were running rampant, with everyone busily theorizing that she was the one involved in a relationship with the entertainment company CEO.     

  While Yuhan's name hadn't surfaced yet, she couldn't help but worry that the situation might escalate, and it wouldn't be long before his name and face would be exposed on the internet as well.     

'Possibly, this is what she meant about breaking the contract,' Jia Fei pondered, her guilt weighing heavily on her.      

She pursed her lips and nervously looked at Xu Nuan. While Xu Nuan hadn't explicitly prohibited her from dating, she had emphasized the importance of being careful and steering clear of any potential scandals.      

As long as she avoided getting caught, she had some leeway to make her own choices.     

Due to this very reason, Xu Nuan and Han Zihao took extensive security measures for their wedding.     

  It was an intimate event, and they did an exceptional job of keeping the paparazzi at bay, ensuring there were no scandals following the occasion.     

However, she never anticipated that while Xu Nuan was away on her honeymoon, she would end up being caught by the paparazzi and embroiled in a dating scandal.     

The thought of Xu Nuan's reaction to this revelation sent shivers down her spine.     

Due to the wedding ceremony preparations, Jia Fei and Yuhan didn't have much time to spend together.      

However, after the wedding and Xu Nuan went on the honeymoon vacation, they managed to carve out some private time for themselves.      

They took the opportunity to hang out at Yuhan's place.     

Being a public figure, it's challenging for them to go on dates like an ordinary person. Traditional date spots like cafes or movie theaters are not viable options for them due to the attention it would attract.     

As Jia Fei lives together with Luo Dan, inviting Yuhan to her place is not an option either. Therefore, their last resort for spending time together was to meet up at his place, and that's precisely what they did.     

Well... let's just say their hangouts involved more than just watching a movie or enjoying some chicken. However, at the end of the day, what they choose to do in their private time is their own business and shouldn't concern anyone else.     

"Why are these media outlets making such a big fuss?" she scoffed. "And why did they write misleading headlines insinuating an inappropriate relationship?" she pondered as she scrolled down to read the comments.     

Xu Nuan frowned at Jia Fei, her expression stern. "Didn't I specifically instruct you to keep a low profile when you go on dates?" she questioned.     

  "Instead of choosing a discreet location like a cafe or a movie theater, you went straight to his place."     

Do you realize the complications you've created? You've just made your comeback, why do you insist on making things difficult for me?" Xu Nuan sighed as she reclaimed her laptop.     

Jia Fei frowned and retorted, "How could we possibly go to a cafe or a movie theater? We would have been exposed much sooner if we had taken that route!" She argued passionately, feeling unjustly accused.      

Xu Nuan took a deep breath and responded, "But those scandals can still be explained by saying that the two of you are just friends."     

"However, this situation is different. How do you expect me to explain my artist going to a man's place, where he lives alone, especially at night? Do you think people are as naive as you?" Xu Nuan replied sarcastically.     

Jia Fei cleared her throat and settled back in silence, realizing the seriousness of the situation. It dawned on her that what Xu Nuan had said indeed made sense.     

Luo Dan noticed Xu Nuan's rising temper and handed her a glass of cold water, saying, "Drink this and calm down. I'm confident that we'll find a solution to this problem too."     

Xu Nuan looked at her and released a deep breath to calm down her hyper emotions. She nodded in agreement, accepting the water to quench her parched throat.     

After regaining her composure, Xu Nuan looked directly at Jia Fei and posed a direct question, "What is the nature of your relationship with Yuhan? Is it a casual fling or are you both serious about each other?"     

Jia Fei's face turned beet red, taken aback by the directness of the question. "Um... What kind of question is that?" she stammered in response.     

"It's an important question," Xu Nuan explained calmly. "I need to understand the status of your relationship to handle this situation appropriately. As you know, dating publicly comes with its challenges."     

She continued, "Your every move will be scrutinized, and people will make a big deal out of everything, wanting to know every detail of your relationship."     

"I trust Luo Dan and her mature approach in handling relationships, which is why I allowed her to be open with her fans. Besides, she's no longer working as an idol, making it easier to manage. But for you, it's different. You've just made a comeback as a soloist and are now caught up in a dating scandal. Handling this will be much more complicated. So, please answer my question sincerely."     

Xu Nuan's expression grew serious as she emphasized, "Tell me, are you and Yuhan serious about each other and planning for the future, or is it simply a passing attraction?"     

Jia Fei nervously pursed her lips, taking a moment to think before responding earnestly, "It's not just a passing fling. We have decided to give our relationship a genuine chance and are taking it seriously."     

She continued, her brows furrowing slightly, "Initially, we were unsure about each other, but now we're committed to exploring our connection. You've seen us together, so why do you still need to ask?" Her tone carried a hint of frustration.     

Xu Nuan chuckled softly, appreciating Jia Fei's serious demeanor. "I just wanted to confirm and make sure we're on the same page," she explained. "It's reassuring to hear that you both are serious. It makes handling this situation a bit easier."     

Xu Nuan clapped her hands together, displaying a determined expression. "I'll handle everything, so don't worry. You just need to focus on your upcoming photo shoot with the luxury brand and ensure your weight stays in control, okay?" she advised.     

Jia Fei nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and curiosity about how Xu Nuan planned to resolve the situation. However, knowing Xu Nuan's ability to handle issues adeptly, she didn't dwell on it too much. "Alright," she agreed, placing her trust in Xu Nuan's capabilities.     

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