My Evil Genius Wife

Dating Scandal III

Dating Scandal III

Yuhan's heart raced as he hurriedly made his way to the Glory Building to meet Jia Fei and ensure her well-being. Swiftly entering the password, he pushed open the door to her unit.     

Upon bursting into the house, he frantically searched for Jia Fei, but she was nowhere to be found. Despite Luo Dan's assurance that she had gone home to rest, he couldn't locate her in either the living room or the kitchen area.     

Growing increasingly concerned, he called out to her, but she remained unresponsive to his calls and shouts.     

In a state of panic and uncertainty about her whereabouts, he scanned the surroundings desperately. Suddenly, his eyes caught sight of the closed bedroom door. Driven by heightened anxiety, he rushed towards it.     

Pushing open the bedroom door, shock washed over him as the bathroom door swung open simultaneously. There stood Jia Fei, draped in a generously-sized white towel that clung to her form, protecting her modesty.     

Stunned and momentarily captivated, he found himself unable to utter a word, his gaze fixed on her figure. However, his trance was abruptly shattered by her startled exclamation, "Aahhh! What are you doing here?"     

Reacting quickly, Jia Fei instinctively hugged herself, tightening the towel around her body. Her eyes bore a mix of confusion and suspicion as she questioned Yuhan's unexpected presence in her room, demanding an explanation.     

Snapping back to reality, Yuhan swallowed his words and froze momentarily, his mind clearing from its dazed state. Aware of the awkwardness, he hastily apologized, shaking his head in embarrassment. "Oh? Sorry!" he managed to stammer before swiftly leaving the bedroom, closing the door behind him with a resounding slam.     

Left alone, Jia Fei sighed with relief, releasing a deep breath. Thoughts swirled in her mind as she wondered how Yuhan had managed to enter her room without her knowledge.     


Meanwhile, Yuhan, still trying to calm his racing heart, couldn't shake the vivid image of Jia Fei draped in the white towel and her hair tied up in a messy bun.      

To quench his parched throat, he headed to the kitchen and drank two glasses of cold water, attempting to regain composure.     

As he struggled to process the bewildering turn of events, the door of Jia Fei's room opened once again. Curiosity piqued, he turned his gaze towards it, wondering what would unfold next.     

After quickly changing into a pair of comfy pajama bottoms and a loose shirt, Jia Fei stepped out of the bedroom. She paused in her tracks when she noticed Yuhan standing in the kitchen, holding an empty glass. Feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over her, she nervously gulped and decided to break the ice.     

"Hey, can you bring me a glass of water too?" Jia Fei requested, trying to ease the tension.     

Yuhan blinked awkwardly, realizing he had been caught off guard. "Yeah! Sure, no problem," he replied, grabbing another glass and filling it with water before placing it on a tray. He carefully carried it to the table, trying not to spill a drop.     

As Jia Fei sipped the water, she gestured for Yuhan to take a seat. "Come on, don't just stand there. It's not like I have punished you to stand in a corner like your school teacher," she said with a teasing smile, hoping to make him feel more comfortable.     

After a few awkward minutes, she finally mustered the courage to address the elephant in the room. "So, mind explaining what you were doing in my bedroom? And how on earth did you get in?" Jia Fei asked, her curiosity tinged with a hint of playfulness.     

Caught off guard, Yuhan took a moment to compose himself before responding. "Well, I was just checking on you, actually. Luo Dan gave me the password to your unit, so I didn't break in like a thief or anything," he clarified, trying to sound as casual as possible.     

He couldn't help but ask, "By the way, I shouted so many times before entering the bedroom. Didn't you hear me?"     

Jia Fei sheepishly scratched her neck, a hint of embarrassment in her voice. "I... I was in the shower and didn't hear a thing. You can imagine how shocked I was when I opened the door and saw you standing there."     

"For a moment there, I swear I thought some crazy fan had broken into my house. It scared the living daylights out of me!" Jia Fei admitted, her eyes widening as she recalled the initial shock. Placing a hand on her chest, she emphasized the intensity of the surprise she had felt.     

Hearing her explanation, Yuhan's expression softened with understanding. He remembered the online negativity she faced and couldn't help but feel concerned for her. Even though she tried to appear nonchalant, he sensed the underlying worry she carried within.     

"I'm sure everything will work out in the end. Xu Nuan is really skilled at what she does, and I have faith that she'll find a way to clear your name," Yuhan reassured Jia Fei, his voice filled with confidence and support.     

"And if push comes to shove, we can always go public with our relationship. I mean, it's not like we're doing anything suspicious," he added, his tone light and reassuring.     

Jia Fei glanced at him, a warm smile spreading across her face. "You're absolutely right! We're just two people dating, and there's nothing to be embarrassed about," she affirmed, her eyes twinkling with an appreciation for his understanding.     

Yuhan nodded, relieved to see her smile and feel more at ease. Even though Yuhan understood the potential consequences of going public with their relationship, including the impact it could have on his own company, he believed it was better than allowing the rumors to circulate unchecked and potentially harm Jia Fei's reputation.      

To keep Jia Fei occupied and distracted from the ongoing stress, Yuhan decided to stay by her side. They spent the afternoon together, watching movies and enjoying each other's company.      

On that particular day, Yuhan made it his priority to ensure that Jia Fei didn't feel alone or become overwhelmed by the situation. He didn't want her to dwell on the negative aspects or feel depressed. Instead, he spent time with her, watching movies and keeping her company, providing a sense of comfort and support.      

Together, they created a space where Jia Fei could temporarily escape their troubles and find solace in their shared moments.     

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