My Evil Genius Wife

Who will save her now?

Who will save her now?

That same evening at the Gu Villa, everyone gathered in the living room, anxiously awaiting Lin Ran's return. The room exuded a somber and dim ambiance.    

Outside the house, the sky mirrored the gloomy atmosphere indoors, with dark clouds rolling in as dinner time approached. Yet, Lin Ran was still nowhere to be seen.    

Grandfather Gu clenched his teeth, growing increasingly frustrated from the endless wait. He turned to Gu Zhang, his voice dripping with irritation and anger, and coldly inquired, "Where is she? Is she planning on coming home tonight?"    

Gu Zhang pursed his lips, helplessly shaking his head. "I tried calling her, but her phone is switched off," he replied.    

After offering his father a helpless response, Gu Zhang turned to Xingren and asked, "Do you have any idea when your mother will return? Did she mention anything about her plans before she left this morning?"    

Xingren hesitated, biting her lip and shaking her head. "She did mention earlier that Xu Nuan invited her for lunch at the Jade Hotel. However, I haven't heard from her since then."    

Upon hearing this, Gu Zhang's expression darkened, and he clenched his fists tightly. "This woman! She never learns her lesson," he seethed, consumed by anger at the mere thought of what she had done.    


In the afternoon, he was at the office when he received the documents from Xu Nuan, unveiling the truth.    

It had been quite a while since Xu Nuan had called him, but this time it wasn't for a casual conversation. Instead, she reached out to personally expose the dark misdeeds of his wife. Though he appreciated the call, he found himself speechless and utterly astonished upon learning about Lin Ran's actions against Jia Fei and her conspiracies.    

Everything happened so abruptly that he struggled to find the right words to respond. Unable to express himself to Xu Nuan, he quietly hung up the phone, weighed down by the past harm they had already caused her.    

Even though they had wronged Xu Nuan in the past, she came to their rescue and saved their business. She introduced them to a cybersecurity company that not only battled the hackers who nearly destroyed their business but also bolstered their security system at a minimal expense.    

Due to Xu Nuan's timely assistance, the Gu Corporation and the esteemed Gu Family were saved from potential ruin. Without her intervention, bankruptcy and the loss of their hard-earned wealth and reputation might have been inevitable.    

However, instead of being eternally grateful to her, Lin Ran proceeded to cause problems for Xu Nuan. By targeting Jia Fei, an artist under Xu Nuan's company, she was essentially stirring up trouble for Xu Nuan.    

Couldn't she just live a simple, low-key life? Why did she seem to enjoy creating more and more trouble for him?    

Xu Nuan is their flesh and blood, their daughter who has endured significant suffering because of their past actions. If they cannot fully make amends for the hardships she has faced, the least they can do is refrain from further complicating her life and stay out of it as much as possible.    

However, Lin Ran fails to comprehend this and still believes that Xu Nuan owes her everything solely because she is her mother and gave birth to her. Lin Ran also expects Xu Nuan to apologize to Xingren for the pain caused by the scandal and the revelation about her not being the biological daughter of the Gu Family on the college forum, disregarding Xingren's fault in the matter.      

Moreover, Lin Ran conveniently overlooks the numerous occasions where Xingren attempted to harm Xu Nuan out of greed and jealousy.    

Even though Xingren has come to understand that there is no reason to continue fighting against Xu Nuan and has changed significantly, Lin Ran remains unchanged. Her hostility and discriminatory attitude towards Xu Nuan persist.    

Nevertheless, it is difficult for him to believe that this time she went as far as conspiring with Yuhan's mother to create trouble for Xu Nuan and her friend.    


"Master, Madam has returned." As everyone anxiously watched the time, a servant came running in from outside, announcing Lin Ran's arrival.    

Immediately, the expressions of everyone turned dark and tense. Grandfather Gu glanced at his son and sternly remarked, "I hope this time you won't disappoint me by taking your wife's side."    

"Since Xu Nuan has given you some consideration by revealing the truth to you instead of exposing it on the internet, I expect you to treat her fairly and deal firmly with your wife," he advised Gu Zhang, his voice cold and carrying a hidden warning.    

If Gu Zhang failed to handle Lin Ran appropriately this time, the old man would not sit idly by and allow her to continue meddling in Xu Nuan's happily married life, especially during her crucial pregnancy period when she needed ample rest. The old man might be advanced in age, but he was not too old to take matters into his own hands.    

"Yes, Father. I will talk to her," Gu Zhang nodded in agreement.    

As they conversed, Lin Ran's car pulled up in front of the main gate of the Gu Villa, and they could see her stepping out and approaching them.    

Lin Ran's face turned pale as she noticed everyone gathered in the living room, and her heart began to race. After her encounter with Xu Nuan, she had been at the Yu Mansion, shedding tears and worrying about how she would face Gu Zhang's reaction upon learning the truth.      

She felt a deep sense of fear.    

Instead of finding solace at the Yu Mansion, Lin Ran faced a scolding from Yuhan's mother, who blamed her for causing trouble and criticized her for not entrusting the task to someone else, highlighting the significant flaw in their plan.    

Now, upon returning home, she could sense the somber expressions on everyone's faces even before reaching the living room. Letting out a heavy sigh, she realized her mother-in-law was also absent, having left for a vacation with her friends. Feeling helpless, Lin Ran wondered who would come to her rescue now.    

Who will save her now?    

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